"Leader Lin! You... what are you doing?"

Ao Cai hastily drew his sword and retreated, the hand holding the sword trembled in fright.

"Patriarch Ao Cai, let me ask you, are these two swords enough for your Cai Mai clan to explain? If not, you can continue!"

Lin Yang said hoarsely.

Ao Cai's face was complicated, he frowned, and threw the sword on the ground.

"Leader Lin, you don't have to do this. What if I give you hundreds of swords and thousands of swords? My dead son can't be resurrected."

"I know, it's me, Lin Yang, who's sorry for you, it's me who made you shed all your blood."

Lin Yang looked solemn, and said hoarsely: "But I assure you, your blood will not be shed in vain!"

Speaking of this, Lin Yang turned around and stood in front of all the patriarchs of the Aoxue branch, looked at the group of patriarchs, looked at the Aoxue clansman standing at the gate of the city and looked over here, and shouted loudly.

"I'm here this time to give you justice, give you an explanation, and give you the rewards you deserve!"

"You paid the price in blood, and you should be rewarded!"

"Listen! I will make those who killed the Aoxue tribe pay for their blood, and demand their lives!"

"I will take back all the things that don't belong to them as your reward!"

"I will not leave any of those beings stained with the blood of the Aoxue family!"

"I will make the Aoxue family's reputation resound throughout the Nirvana Realm!"

"I will lead you to different heights!"

"I want the world to fear you and respect you! I want to bow down to you!"

"This is my promise to you, Lin Yang!"

"Just because you fought and sacrificed for me with blood!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yang pulled out the natural knife and swung it towards the huge city wall.

whoosh whoosh...

The power of ascension turned into a knife light, and crashed heavily into the city wall.

A huge word 'oath' appeared.

"With this as evidence, if I violate my oath, I, Lin Yang, would like to fall into the Nine Netherworlds!"

Lin Yang yelled loudly, each word sonorous, like thunder, resounding through Aoxue City.

The patriarchs of the branch of the Aoxue clan were all stunned.

The Aoxue clansmen all knelt down with red eyes and full of fighting spirit.

"Leader Lin! We are willing to follow you!"

"Please take us to revenge!"

"We want to avenge the dead clansmen!"

"We want them to pay in blood!"

"eye for eye!"

"eye for eye!"

"eye for eye!"

The Aoxue clansmen roared angrily, wishing they could kill the ice demon ape right now and take revenge.

Lin Yang watched all this silently, then got on his horse and walked towards the city.

Everyone moved out of the way one after another, cupped their fists and bowed their heads, as if welcoming a king.

Ao Cai also watched silently.

"Ao Cai! What's the matter with you? Have you forgotten the plan we discussed earlier?"

At this time, a voice of blame suddenly came from the side.

Ao Cai looked sideways, and there was a middle-aged man with a bald head and long beard standing beside him, he said hoarsely: "Ao Jin, this is not my fault! What do you ask me to do in such a situation? Could it be possible to stab Lin Lin? The leader of the alliance has thousands of swords? In that case, how will the people of other branches treat us?"

The person named Aojin frowned and snorted coldly: "Since that's the case, then think of a way. Let me tell you, if you don't get rid of the Qingxuan Alliance, how will you and I regain the position of Patriarch? Is it possible that you really want to Seeing our Aoxue family being led by a bratty girl? Does this family have a future?"

Ao Cai was silent for a long time, and said in a low voice: "Ao Jin, what if...Leader Lin realizes what he just said?"

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