Roar! !

The giant beast, that is, the ice demon ape, let out an angry roar, beating its chest with its huge fists, and then rushed towards Lin Yang like crazy.

Obviously, Lin Yang's move completely enraged it.

Its huge body is like a mountain moving at high speed, making people's scalp numb.

The wind and snow flowed with the movement of its figure.

A storm blew up out of thin air in the entire Snow Valley.

But Lin Yang was not afraid at all, with killing intent in his eyes, he held his palms high, releasing the endless power of ascension, and then gathered and burned in his palms...


A terrifying strange fire was born.

Although it was only the size of a palm, the temperature of this strange fire was unimaginably powerful!

He stared at the rushing giant ape, and when it was approaching, he stretched out both palms.



Two terrifying crimson fire dragons rushed out of his palm.

The flames on the fire dragon roared in the ice and snow, like a dragon chant, extremely ferocious.

They shattered the bone-chilling wind and snow, knocked off the unstoppable aura of the Ice Demon Ape, and rushed towards the Ice Demon Ape like a broken bamboo.

The ice demon ape felt the temperature of the fire dragon, stopped hastily, roared and waved its thick arms, trying to crush the fire dragon.

But just as its arm passed through the fire dragon, it was ignited. On the other hand, the fire dragon was still intact, spinning around its huge body, and then gradually retracted.

Soon, the flames on the Ice Demon Ape's body gradually burned, scorching its snow-white fur black.

The fire dragon is like two iron chains, wrapping around its body fiercely.

If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before the ice demon ape is burned to ashes.




The ice demon ape was burned by the strange fire, and it was extremely painful.

It fell to the ground and kept rolling, trying to extinguish the strange fire with the snow on the ground.

But these strange fires are fueled by the power of ascension, how can they be destroyed by ordinary wind and snow?

Lin Yang stared at the giant ape coldly, without any regret on his face.

After all, I don't know how many people from the Qingxuan Alliance were buried under the giant fist of this beast.


Suddenly, a crystal-clear aura like a spring breeze floated from a distance, directly covering the body of the great ape.

In an instant, the strange fire on the giant ape's body began to extinguish rapidly.

After a few breaths, all the strange fires disappeared completely.

The giant ape stopped struggling, and its huge and pitch-black body lay on the ground, with billowing green smoke billowing from its scorched flesh, but it was not dead, its vitality was extremely tenacious, and Lin Yang's strange fire only burned half of its life.


Lin Yang frowned, and looked into the distance.

"Who is so bold? How dare you hurt my mountain guardian beast? Do you really not know how to write death?"

After the words fell, a figure in a blue robe appeared above the snow valley.

Lin Yang looked at it and couldn't help being stunned.

But I saw that it was a man who seemed to be in his twenties, very young.

His hands are behind his back, his skin is fair, his eyes are piercing, and he exudes a fairy air all over his body.

But the most astonishing thing is that his feet are actually stepping on a cloud!


This man... actually came here by stepping on the clouds!

Like a fairy!

What kind of technique is this?

"It's you who hurt my mountain guardian beast?"

The man stared down at Lin Yang who was in a daze, and snorted coldly: "I don't know the so-called mortal! Seeing this immortal, why don't you kneel down quickly?"

"Ben Xian?"

Lin Yang came back to his senses, raised his eyebrows: "Are you a fairy?"

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