
Lin Yang's eyes froze, he picked up Ming Daozi, and said coldly: "Tell me clearly, what do you Xiangu want my people to do?"

"My lord... my lord, I don't know the details... I'm just a disciple of the mountain. I don't know much. I only hear people say that it seems... it's your people who want to be warmed up. , as a human sacrifice..."

"Human sacrifice?"

"For... the human sacrifice for cultivation... After the human sacrifice, your people will only be left with a skin, and all the flesh and blood will be taken away..."

"Then when will the human sacrifice begin?"

"Human sacrifice is once a year. Calculating the time, it should be next month..."

"next month?"

Lin Yang frowned, thought for a long time, turned around suddenly, and dragged Ming Daozi to the depths of the cold prison world.

"My lord, you....what are you doing? Don't! Don't!"

Ming Daozi shouted hysterically.

But Lin Yang ignored him and forced him to move forward.

Ming Daozi trembled wildly, his eyes full of fear.

"It's over, it's over..."

"We'll be stuck here forever! Until we freeze to death!"

"How to do how to do?"

Ming Daozi lost his soul and murmured like a zombie.

Soon, Lin Yang stopped.

Because in front of him is a wind-shaped enchantment built with cold wind...

And in front of the barrier, stood a woman in white with snow-like skin.

The woman has black eyebrows far away from the mountains, bright eyes and white teeth, and exquisite facial features. Her short hair that reaches the ears reveals a pale color.

She seemed to have known that Lin Yang was coming, and stared at him coldly with bright eyes.

After approaching, her bloodless tender lips parted slightly.

"Who told you to come here?"

The cold voice was full of killing intent.

"I heard that you are from the Shuangyan Fairy Clan?"

Lin Yang asked.

"Follow me, or, merge with this world!"

The woman said expressionlessly.

"My name is Lin Yang, and I am the leader of the Qingxuan Alliance. I have something to ask your leader."

Lin Yang said.

"What? Do you want me to repeat it to you?"

The woman snorted coldly, and a terrifying cold wind surged all over her body.

Ming Daozi was so frightened that his legs trembled and he knelt down on the ground.

"Fairy! Fairy, spare me! I didn't mean to break into the realm of the fairy clan! This man dragged me here, so I'm going, I'm going!"

After all, Ming Daozi got up and started to run.

Lin Yang turned around and grabbed him.

"Master, please let me go! I have said everything I should say, staying here will only lead to death! Please let me go!"

Ming Daozi wants to cry but has no tears.

"I'll keep you safe."

Lin Yang said calmly, then turned his head to look at the woman: "I heard from him that your Shuangyan fairy clan and Xiangu are deadly enemies! Xiangu captured my people, I want to talk to your leader, maybe we can cooperate together fan."

However, the woman seemed to have no intention of negotiating with Lin Yang, so she waved her plain hand.


The terrifying frost hit Lin Yang directly.

But Lin Yang was not afraid, he tapped his finger lightly.


A firewall is created.


The woman was furious, and rushed forward, her arms condensed into ice blades, and slashed towards Lin Yang.

Her speed seemed to be invisible, and the ice blades bloomed around Lin Yang like lotus flowers.

Lin Yang grabbed Ming Daozi and kept dodging.

Although the speed of the woman's waving was hard to see with the naked eye, Lin Yang dodged easily, and even Ming Daozi didn't suffer any damage.

After some fighting, the woman stopped, she was out of breath and could not use any strength.

"This time, can we have a good talk?"

Lin Yang said calmly.

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