"Lin Yang! Shut up and back off!"

The ice master seemed to realize something and immediately drank it cold.

"Master, is there anything wrong with what I said? I know! The reason why you are not angry is for the sake of the immortal clan. You hope that our immortal clan can live in harmony, unite as one, and seek eternal life together! But now, it is not us Not willing to unite, but someone wants to provoke trouble! You can bear it, but I can't bear it! We people in Tianxian District can't bear it! Are you willing to watch our ice master being humiliated in public and remain indifferent? "

Lin Yang was filled with righteous indignation and shouted loudly.

Every word clang!

The people in Tianxian District looked at each other with astonishment.

People in the other two districts were also dumbfounded.

This guy...isn't he too bold?

Is he on fire?

"Master Yuan please order this person to kowtow to my Ice Lord to apologize!"

At this time, a voice emerged from the members of Tianxian District.

"Xie Fang! Shut up!"

Zhilan suddenly turned her head and shouted.

"Elder sister! What kind of person is Master, how can Wang Kuang be insulted in public like this? Wang Kuang must apologize to Master!"

The woman named Xie Fang said seriously.

"Are you an idiot? That Lin Yang is fanning the flames! Deliberately stirring up trouble, don't fall for his tricks!"

Zhilan scolded in a low voice.

"I know, but it's true that Master was humiliated! Don't we people in Tianxian District have to be shorter than those in Yuanxian District?"

Xie Fang snorted coldly.

Zhilan was dumbfounded.

And with Xie Fang's words settled, everyone in Tianxian District was stirred up.

"Senior Sister Xie Fang is right! This matter cannot be left alone!"

"Wang Kuang must kowtow to apologize!"

"If you don't give me an explanation for this matter, I will not agree!"

There were more and more voices, and the crowd gradually became angry.

The ice master stared at Lin Yang expressionlessly.

"What good will it do you?"

"The Ice Lord misunderstood, I was thinking purely from your point of view, you are going to become the Immortal Lord, how can you lose your prestige here?"

Lin Yang shook his head.

The ice master frowned slightly and didn't speak any more.

"Don't deceive others too much! Want me to kneel down and apologize? It's absolutely impossible!"

Wang Kuang scolded, how could he be reconciled?

The Tianxian District is full of women, and the people in the Yuanxian District have never looked down on the Tianxian District. In addition, in the eyes of Wang Kuang, today the master is about to win the big decision and become the master of the fairy clan. His natural status as a direct disciple A rising tide raises all boats, how can I take the ice master seriously?

However, it was fine if he didn't say that, once he said that even the Ice Lord couldn't sit still.

"Yuanzhu, is the apprentice you teach trained in this way? If so, I don't think there is any need to continue this fairy master's final battle. You are like this before you became a fairy master. In the ethnic group, how can there be a way for people from my Tianxian District to keep up with the Immortal District?"

The ice master said coldly.

This is not to say that it is not subtle.

To put it simply, it actually dragged the people of Shangxian District into trouble.

Master Yuan frowned, and looked at the Lord, and as expected, the Lord also frowned.

"Wang Kuang, go, kneel down and apologize!" Yuan Zhu said lightly.


"What? Do you want me to kneel for you?" Yuan Zhu's voice became colder.

Forced to do so, Wang Kuang gritted his teeth and could only walk forward and kneel down.

"Please calm down the ice master, Wang Kuang offended, Wang Kuang is here to apologize to you!"

"Listen, if you dare to insult my ice master again, I will never let you go!"

Lin Yang stared at Wang Kuang coldly and said.

"Let's wait and see!"

Wang Kuang gritted his teeth and stared at Lin Yang, his eyes full of killing intent.

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