All the people around raised their eyes.

"It's over! It's over!"

Zhilan gritted her teeth and glared at Lin Yang angrily.

Although she hated this person very much, if this person died at this moment, the Ice Lord could not win the decisive battle, and the people in Tianxian District would have to be inferior to others for the rest of their lives!

For a moment, the hearts of everyone in Tianxian District were shaken.

Lin Yang also noticed the Lord approaching here.

He tilted his head slightly, his eyebrows darkened.

There is no doubt that the master's cultivation is stronger than him.

People like Shangzhu and Yuanzhu may not have reached the realm of land gods, but their power of ascension has been mutated, and even if they face land gods, they still have the power to fight.

It was naturally very difficult for Lin Yang to meet these people.

But he obviously came prepared.

The Lord was so close, Lin Yang suddenly retracted his hand and swung it towards his surroundings.


A group of scorching flames rose up.

The Lord's fingers moved slightly, and a large amount of wind-like gas surged away, covering the flames.

In an instant, the flames quickly withered and extinguished like withered flowers and plants.

Lin Yang looked indifferently.

The mysterious gas went towards Lin Yang's palm again, intending to extinguish the strange fire and prevent him from continuing to refine alchemy.

But at the moment when the breath was about to approach, Lin Yang suddenly stopped the urging of the strange fire and stopped making alchemy.

This made the Lord a little confused.

"What are you doing?"

"Aren't you coming to me to stop me from alchemy? If that's the case, I'll stop by myself, lest you kill me!"

Lin Yang said.

"You know the current affairs quite well, but it's a pity that it's not enough for you to just stop!"

The Lord said hoarsely, pointing his finger again.


A mass of pure breath rushed towards Lin Yang instantly, enveloping him in the blink of an eye.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Lin Yang frowned.

"If it is not done once and for all, nothing is done."

"I'm afraid it won't be that simple!"

Lin Yang drank lightly, and suddenly waved his arms.

whoosh whoosh...

A large number of silver needles flew out and shot at the Lord.

"Small tricks. Too ridiculous."

The Lord shook his head and dodged lightly.

None of the dozens of silver needles touched the body of the Lord.

But Lin Yang was particularly calm.

"The target of these needles is not you."


The Lord was startled, suddenly thought of something, and suddenly turned around.

But seeing that the ice master's aura suddenly increased several times over there, he tore open the iceberg that was pressing on his head abruptly.

Yuanzhu behind the iceberg was also shaken back.

The ice master suddenly turned around and waved his arms in the air.


A terrifying void ice blade swept over.

The Lord was shocked, and retreated quickly.

"What's going on? Why did the ice master suddenly increase in strength so terrifyingly?"

Yuanzhu landed steadily, staring at Bingzhudao solemnly.

"That kid did it!"

The Lord immediately stared at Lin Yang, and said coldly: "This son... has a lot of tricks! I can't wait carelessly!"

"Hmph, the two of us can't beat a woman and a child?"

Lord Yuan snorted coldly, without any hesitation, charged towards Lord Bing.

"Quick alchemy!"

The ice master yelled at Lin Yang, ready to challenge the Yuan master.

But Lin Yang shook his head: "I want to make alchemy, I can do it with just one hand, but you alone are no match for the two of them, Ice Lord, let me help you!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yang activated the strange fire with one hand to bake the giant cauldron, while with the other hand he moved his fingertips, shooting out silver needles continuously.

whoosh whoosh...

These silver needles pierced into the main body of the ice, causing her ascension power to increase crazily, and her strength doubled.

The ice master wanted to say something, but he could feel the changes in his body, and he couldn't help but see a strange light in his eyes.

"This son's medical skills... are so good?"

"Ice Lord, let's go!"

Lin Yang drank heavily.

82 Chinese Network

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