Seeing this, the ice master felt his scalp go numb, how could he care about the ice chain? Turn around and run away.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Five bolts of thunder struck heavily beside the ice master.

Although she missed, the splashing thunder flowers sent her flying.

The Ice Lord fell hard to the ground, part of the skin and hair became scorched black, unkempt, and in a state of embarrassment.

And where she was standing before, five terrifying deep pits appeared.

Blue flames were still burning in the deep pit.

"Thunder...thunder technique?"

Yuanzhu managed to extinguish the strange fire on his body, and his whole body was scorched black, unable to fight anymore.

Looking at Lin Yang's methods, his face fell into deep despair.

"Not to mention mastering different fire and ice, this person... actually knows lightning... What kind of freak is he...?"

The ice master also murmured.

"Two, get out of the way!"

At this moment, the roar of the Lord sounded.

The two of them trembled, only to see that the Lord's cultivation technique was fully completed.

That palm-sized ice sword actually stored a roaring ice dragon at this moment.

"World Extinguishing Ice Dragon Sword?"

The ice master trembled with his breath, and hurriedly dodged to the side.

Yuanzhu even tried his best to flip to the side.

And at the moment when the two escaped, the Lord pushed with both palms, and knocked the ice sword wrapped in the dragon elephant towards Lin Yang.


The palm-sized ice sword, like a galloping mad dragon, broke through the void, shook the sky, and rushed over with an unstoppable terrifying aura.


The Lord roared, and all the power of ascension in his body was poured into this ice sword.

At this moment, the temperature in the entire Immortal Clan area dropped hundreds of degrees, the ground was silent, and the falling snow seemed to condense in mid-air!

Bingzhu and Yuanzhu watched this terrifying blow together, their eyes were full of anticipation.

Whether he can defeat this person and save the face of the immortal clan depends on this blow.

If even this blow can't solve Lin! No way!

The Ice Lord shook his head violently, his eyes glistening with heat.

She believed that even at her peak she would not be able to withstand this blow, let alone Lin Yang?

Although the two of them lost the battle, they knew that they were not in good condition. If they really wanted to fight, they might not be able to defeat Lin Yang.

"This time, let's see how you resist!"

The Ice Lord stared at this terrifying sword, expecting more and more in his heart.

But at this moment, Lin Yang suddenly raised his hand, his pupils flashed with thunder, and then he shook it towards the sky.

boom! boom! boom! boom...

The sky dimmed instantly, and a large thundercloud formed almost instantly.

Afterwards, several dragons of furious thunder descended from the sky and slashed at the ice sword directly.


The first thunder dragon struck instantly, splitting out a large number of ice flowers from the dragon elephants around the ice sword.


The second thunder dragon struck, and the dragon elephant was split with cracks all over.


Third way!

Fourth way!

fifth way...

The thunder dragon seems to be endless and stretches endlessly.

By the time the seventh Thunder Dragon slashed down, the Frost Dragon Elephant had been completely shattered.

The crystal clear little sword has already landed on Lin Yang's chest...


The ice sword was shattered.

And Lin Yang...doesn't hurt at all...

The Lord's eyes widened in disbelief.

"That's it? I'm afraid it won't kill me!"

Lin Yang said expressionlessly.


The Lord gritted his teeth, and wanted to make another move.

Available at this time.


Above his head, there was a thunderclap.

The Lord looked up suddenly, and then paled with horror.

I saw a thick cloud of mist floating above the head, and a large number of lightning surged in it.


The Lord turned pale.

boom! !

Almost at the same time, hundreds of thunderstorms came out at the same time.

Like a hundred dragons falling into the world!

Everyone didn't even realize what happened, they were blinded by the hundred thunders.

When he came back to his senses, the Lord had already been covered and submerged by thunder...

Look at the super son-in-law of the goddess. 8.2...m. :

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