The three of them were dissatisfied, and Lin Yang knew it well.

In fact, he has no interest in the position of Immortal Lord, and it was unexpected for Lin Yang to be able to sit in this position.

He didn't expect that this group of immortals had such a longing for longevity!

How willing to kowtow to an outsider like him!

This was beyond Lin Yang's expectation.

"Leader Lin!"

Ao Hanmei was extremely excited, she rushed over and said happily: "I never thought you would conquer the entire fairy clan! It's really great!"

The strength of the immortal clan is so strong, if the immortal clan can be joined, wouldn't the entire Nirvana Realm be left at the mercy of the Qingxuan Alliance?

"Conquer? You think too easily!"

Lin Yang smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said in a low voice: "Listen, I want you to take everyone out of here immediately and meet at this address, understand?"

After finishing speaking, he took out a note and stuffed it into Ao Hanmei's palm.

When Ao Hanmei saw it, she couldn't help being stunned: "Leader, we are leaving, what are you doing?"

"This is not a place to stay for a long time. I will immediately issue an order as the lord to find a way to rescue those who are still trapped in Xiangu!"

"Isn't it a place to stay for a long time? Leader? You have become the fairy lord in their minds. You can be said to be the leader of the fairy clan, but you can order everyone. Why can't you stay here for a long time?"

"You think all this is too simple! Although these immortals surrendered to me, none of their high-level officials obeyed. Take the three ice masters as an example. They will definitely kill me after their injuries recover and their breath recovers. !So I can't stay for long, I can only get things done before their injuries heal!"

Lin Yang said hoarsely.


Ao Hanmei was stunned for a moment, then suddenly her eyes froze, she said solemnly: "Since that's the case, let's kill them today and let you sit firmly as the leader of the fairy clan, how about it?"

"How can it be that easy?"

Lin Yang shook his head, and said in a low voice: "If I kill the Ice Lord and the others now, those direct disciples and elders in the Tianxian District, Yuanxian District, and Shangxian District will try their best to kill me! I and them three Fighting people has already exhausted all my strength, if I continue to fight, I will definitely lose!"


Ao Hanmei was stunned.

"But seem to be in good spirits..."

"That was all pretended by me!"

Lin Yang smiled bitterly.

Outsiders thought it was easy for him to defeat the three of them, but in fact Lin Yang was at the end of his strength and didn't have much strength at all.

If the three of them were killed, the cronies of the three would definitely kill Lin Yang for revenge. At that time, the two sides would fight and the scene would be chaotic, and Lin Yang's plan would not be able to be carried out.

Therefore, he decided to save the three of them for one life, so as to avoid the blood feud with the immortal clan, and it would be considered as selling the favor of the three of them, but he could finish what he wanted to do in this time.

Ao Hanmei nodded, not daring to disobey Lin Yang's order, and immediately led people away from the fairy clan.

Time was running out, and Lin Yang didn't bother to talk nonsense to these people, so he shouted directly.

"Where is Zhilan?"

Zhilan in the crowd over there trembled all over, her face was pale, and she walked forward hesitantly.

She probably didn't expect that the guy who was originally a slave turned into the master of the fairy clan!

It's over now.

Zhilan was trembling all over, dripping with cold sweat.

Thinking about all the things he had done to Lin Yang before, he didn't know how Lin Yang would deal with her.

Although many people in the fairy clan were extremely opposed and did not recognize Lin Yang, the new fairy master, most of them still supported Lin Yang.

If Lin Yang gives the order, I'm afraid no one will be able to save her.

Zhilan glanced at Bingzhu, but saw that Bingzhu was already sitting cross-legged on one side to recuperate, not looking at her at all.

Zhilan's heart was filled with desperation, she stepped forward bravely.

"Zhilan, bye...greetings to the fairy master!"

"Zhilan, I want you to do something."

Lin Yang said lightly.

"Please forgive me, Immortal Lord! Immortal Lord, please spare me!"

When Zhilan heard this, she immediately kowtowed frantically, frightened to death.

Lin Yang froze for a moment, then looked at Zhilan in astonishment: "I didn't say I wanted to kill you!"

"Immortal Lord, you want me to do something, isn't it just to send me to die? Please let me go, it's a villain who didn't know Mount Tai before, and has eyes like blindness, please forgive me!"

Zhilan cried.

She is very afraid of death, and the longer people practice, the more afraid of death they are.

They are afraid that they will die before they can live forever, and all the hardships they have endured in these years will be in vain, why are they unwilling?

Lin Yang was at a loss: "Telling you to take a trip to the Immortal Valley, wouldn't it be regarded as sending you to death?"

"Go to Xiangu?"

Zhilan was stunned.


Lin Yang said calmly: "I ordered you to go to the Immortal Valley immediately, and in the name of the Immortal Lord, ask the Immortal Valley to release Hua Tianhai and other people from the Five Ice Fields! Do you understand?"


Zhilan was dumbfounded.

"Immortal Lord! Don't you still ask Zhilan to die?"

The Ice Lord couldn't sit still anymore, and said coldly: "I have been fighting with Xiangu for so many years, both sides are relentless and will do everything they can. If you ask Zhilan to go, Zhilan will only be killed by them." Withhold it, and serve as a slave for medicine, how can you live?"


Lin Yang thought for a while, and suddenly said: "In this case, it's better to eradicate Xiangu!"

When these words fell to the ground, everyone was shocked and looked at Lin Yang in unison.

"What did you say?"

The ice master thought he heard it wrong.

"I said, if they refuse to discuss with me about releasing people, then let them be wiped out! Isn't the Immortal Valley a disaster for the Immortal Clan? As the Immortal Lord, it is only natural for me to eliminate the tribulation's troubles?"

Lin Yang said lightly.

Look at the super son-in-law of the goddess. 8.2...m. :

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