Su Yan's heart was beating wildly, and she was stunned.

Only then did she realize that this restaurant belongs to Louis!

This is a trap!

It's a trap!

A trap to force yourself to submit!

She took out her mobile phone tremblingly, and said in a trembling voice: "Louis! Li Nongyan! You...don't mess around! I warn you, if you dare to act recklessly! I will call the police..."

"Call the police? All right, call the police! We'll wait!"

Li Nongyan drank the red wine and said with a joke.

Su Yan was stunned, and quickly pressed the phone button, just about to dial, but her fingers froze in mid-air.

"No signal?"

"Heh, you're not stupid, that's right, we blocked the signal of this box a long time ago, you can't get through the phone at all, how do you find the police?"

Li Nongyan sneered again and again.


Su Yan trembled with anger.

"Miss Su Yan, please reply quickly, my patience is limited!"

Louis stretched out his hand to loosen his tie, and the smile on his face became more intense and ferocious.

He walked towards Su Yan step by step, his posture already showed his attitude.

It doesn't matter whether Su Yan agrees or not at this moment.

He wants to get Su Yan today no matter what!

"Hurry up, set up the apparatus for me! Mr. Louis is about to perform!"

Li Nongyan was particularly excited, and quickly put down her wine glass and shouted.

The person next to him hurriedly set up the photographic equipment next to him and pointed it at this end.

Su Yan's pretty face was extremely pale.

"What the hell do you guys want to do?"

"I heard that you Longguo girls are very concerned about your reputation and innocence, so Ms. Li Nongyan suggested that I take pictures of the wonderful things that will happen later, so that you will obediently listen to me, right?"

Louis laughed.

"Beast! You are a beast in clothes!"

Su Yan cursed angrily, and stared at Li Nongyan with red eyes: "You wait! You will not end well!"

"I don't know if my end will be good, but I think your end will definitely not be so good later!"

Li Nongyan narrowed her eyes and laughed.

"Mr. Louis, don't talk nonsense to this bitch! Let her taste your power!"

"Later, she will lie under you and know how powerful you are, so she will definitely beg for mercy from you!"

"I can't wait to see the vile and dirty look of this woman who once rejected Miracle Doctor Lin!"

"Ha ha ha ha...."

Everyone laughed.

Su Yan's pupils swelled, and she suddenly turned around and rushed towards the door, trying to open it.

But the door has been locked from the outside.

No matter how hard Su Yan tried, she couldn't push the door open.


Seeing that Su Yan was still thinking of running away at this time, Louis couldn't help being extremely annoyed, and immediately rushed forward, grabbed Su Yan's wrist, and slapped her hard across the face.


Su Yan was blown to the ground.

There are bright red palm prints on the fair face.

"it is good!"

Li Nongyan and others took advantage of the wine and cheered together.

Louis took off his coat directly, showing a devilish smile, and walked towards Su Yan step by step.


Su Yan shouted tremblingly.

She felt extremely regretful at this moment.

If he had known this earlier, he should have listened to Lin Yang and should not have continued to cooperate with these people!

These are not human at all!

They are devils!

But at this moment.

bang bang bang!

There was a loud knock on the door.

All the people in the box were taken aback, and all looked towards the door.

There were bursts of noise coming from outside the door.


Li Nongyan called out cautiously.



The door of the box was kicked open forcefully.

Chains are broken!

All eyes cast immediately.

But I saw a brightly dressed blonde rushing in.

"Sweetheart! Why are you here?"

When Louis saw the person coming, he was stunned for a moment, then immediately packed up his clothes a little, and asked with a smile.

The person who came was Tina, who looked at the scene, and when she saw Su Yan lying on the ground with palm marks on her face, she was so frightened that she was out of her wits...

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