Liang Hongying doesn't know Lin Yang at all.

The reason why she helped Lin Yang in this way was not only because Lin Yang had saved her grandfather, but also because of his admiration and curiosity for the talented doctor.

After all, what a monster it is to be so young and have such excellent medical skills.

Who doesn't like such a talented person?

And this matter also involves aunt Qiu Yan. She is quite fond of this family member, and naturally she is willing to help Lin Yang.

But... She never thought that things had turned into such a degree that even Lin Yang's wife was implicated.

Liang Hongying got on the bus, and got the hotel address arranged by Liang Jia from the eye liner of Liang Qiuyan, and immediately opened it.

Now she only hopes that she can persuade Lin Yang.

Although she did not want to give up Liang Qiuyan, Lin Yang did not know how bad Liang Qiuyan was in the Liang family.

"We must have a good talk with Lin Yang."

On the bus, Liang Hongying whispered to herself.

But at this point, the phone vibrated again.

Liang Hongying slightly Zheng, picked up the phone and pressed the connect button.

"Miss!" On the other side of the phone is the voice of a bodyguard of Liang family.

"What's the matter?" Liang Hongying asked.

"Something's wrong." Liang's bodyguard's voice is a little anxious.

"The situation? What's the situation? "

"Well, we followed Mr. Lin into the hotel, trying to protect his safety, but somehow, a group of people came and drove us out of the hotel directly, and surrounded the suite where Liang Qiuyan and Mr. Lin's wife lived. No one was allowed to get close to Mr. Lin...

Liang Hongying was shocked and asked," this Who are these people? "

"According to our preliminary investigation, these people are the bodyguards of Manlong international! What's more, they are all the top-level bodyguards! " The man trembled.


Liang Hongying almost screamed.

Manlong security international?

This is the top security force of China!

And... Soldier King bodyguards! However, the top force of every security company, the king level bodyguard of Manlong security international, is the elite among the elite and the trump card of Manlong security. Unless it is the richest person in China or a person with great influence, it is impossible for Manlong security international to deploy such elite to protect the target.

What's going on?

Is this the man Dr. Lin invited?

Liang Hongying breathed rapidly.

Such a person, even if the Liang family wants to invite, it must at least be her father's generation or above to come forward, and... The number is definitely not much, more than five is good.

"How many warlord bodyguards are there?" Liang Hongying tries to calm down and takes a deep breath. She asks in a deep voice.

"Maybe more than 20!" The man said in a tight voice.

"What... Two... Twenty?" Liang Hongying's tongue can't be straightened out. Her eyes are wide and her brain is full of blank.

"Miss, miss... Are you ok?" The man on the other side of the phone yelled.

After a while, Liang Hongying recovered.

"No... nothing... I... I'm ok..." Liang Hongying took a big breath, forced to calm down, and then some trembled: "are you sure you read it correctly? More than 20? That's warlord level... More than 20, representing all the elite of Manlong security international. Unless in the case of extreme crisis, Manlong security international can't send out so many warlords! "

Every king of war is extremely precious. To be able to reach the rank of king of war is not only powerful, but also a group of arrogant people.

Not all of them work for Manulife international for money. A considerable number of them just work for a certain commitment or favor.

The cost of using so many resources can not be measured by money.

But now, this is happening.

So many top soldiers all gathered in the hotel, is it just to protect the safety of Liang Qiuyan and Su Yan?

Isn't that a bit of a fuss?

Is it enough to protect the capital of one yuan?

"Miss, you can't be wrong. They all wear Bauhinia badges, and I've seen some of them in the newspaper. They are themselves!" That's humane.

Liang Hongying is silent.

"What shall we do now, miss?"

"Please step back outside the hotel and I'll check the situation..."

"good lady, we'll wait for you at the door of the hotel."

"Is it Lizhuang hotel?"



Liang Hongying hangs up the phone in a distracted way. The car speeds up and goes to Lizhuang hotel.

At the moment, in the presidential suite of Lizhuang Hotel, Lin Yang has just given Liang Qiuyan a needle, and then he takes gauze and alcohol to treat Su Yan's wound.Su Yan sleeps a little misty, strangely looking at this luxurious presidential suite, people still feel dizzy.

"Lin Yang, we... Where are we?"


"Hotel? This... Is this a hotel? " Su Yan suddenly startled, immediately wake up, people look around, looking at this magnificent room, a burst of confusion: "this... This hotel... How much does it cost for one night?"

Lin Yang grinned bitterly and shook his head: "I don't know, this is not the money I paid."


" this is the room that Miss Liang Hongying opened for us. You don't have to worry about the money. "

"Is it, that... That's ok..." Su Yan patted her chest, relieved, and then worried: "Miss Liang is so generous, we owe her a favor for nothing."

"Don't worry. It's OK. She's also the Liang family. Strictly speaking, she's also our relative. This is Yanjing. It's her place. Isn't it natural for her to arrange a residence?" Lin Yang comforts a way.


"OK, stop talking, I'll bandage your wound!"

"All right." Su Yan vomited.

After bandaging the wound, Lin Yang rubbed her face. In a short time, her slightly swollen cheek immediately disappeared, and many people recovered.

"So comfortable..." Su Yan couldn't help moaning, opened her eyes and said, "Lin Yang, your medical skills are not bad. If you take a doctor's qualification certificate and open a small clinic in the future, you can at least ensure that you have no worries about food and clothing. Isn't that good?"

"No worries about food and clothing?"

Lin Yang murmured and suddenly asked, "is this what you expect of me?"

Su Yan was puzzled why Lin Yang asked such a question.

In fact, Su Yan did not want to be rich and powerful, and to be the man of the highest rank, but this is only the dream of ordinary people.

For people like Lin Yang, this dream is too far away.

Therefore, she will not think, nor will she have any higher requirements for Linyang.

After all, this husband is nothing but self-taught medical skills...

Lin Yang took a deep breath and nodded gently: "I see, Xiaoyan, wait for me here, I'll go shopping outside."

"What are you going to buy?" Su Yan asked.

Lin Yang was silent, but there was no answer. He went straight out of the door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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