in the car.

Li Nongyan and others looked excited.

"Mr. Louis must have the energy. Your people dismissed those police officers in a few words. That's amazing!"

"Isn't that right? The private lawyer brought by Mr. Louis is one of the most famous lawyers in Country F. How can he deal with a few small patrols?"

Manager Wang also laughed.

Everyone chattered, blowing Louis' rainbow farts.

But Louis' face was ugly.

Noticing Louis's expression, Li Nongyan and others' flattery gradually faded away.

"Mr. Lewis, are you... all right?"

Li Nongyan asked cautiously.


I saw Louis hammering on the car door angrily, making a dull sound.

Everyone was startled.

"Bastard! This gang of damned Dragon Kingdom patrols! They actually ruined my good work! Bastard! Damn it!"

Louis cursed angrily and beat the door frame with his fists.

The door frame was hammered and thumped, and it was deformed.

People dare not speak up.

The only sound left in the car was the dull beating.

After venting, Louis' anger slowly subsided.

He stared at Tina and said coldly, "You called the police?"

At this moment, Tina was sitting in the passenger seat, with one hand tied to the car, dying.

She was supposed to be arrested and sent to the hospital, but the lawyer lied that Tina was his employer and he sent her to the hospital.

Tina didn't speak, she looked out of the car window, her lips whispered softly, and she didn't know what sound to make.

"Mr. Louis, it must not be the police officer reported by Miss Tina, I saw that Lin Yang came in, it must be the police officer called by Lin Yang!"

Li Nongyan said immediately.

"That's right, I saw Lin Yang too!"

"He must have followed Su Yan, that's why he called the police!"

Manager Wang and others also chimed in.

"Lin Yang?"

Louis squinted his eyes and looked at the driver: "Immediately find out where this man lives, and bring him to me tonight! I want to have a heart-to-heart talk with him!"

"Yes, master!"

The driver nodded and then concentrated on driving.

Available at this time.


The driver suddenly hit the brakes.

The car stopped quickly.

Everyone was stunned.

"Idiot, what are you doing?"

Louis was almost thrown out by inertia, and angrily cursed at the driver.

"Mr. Lewis, the car ahead has stopped."

The driver quickly explained.

Louis looked out the car window, only to find that the cars in front of him had all stopped.

"Have you encountered any situation?"

Louis didn't feel right and winked at the driver.

The driver immediately opened the door and got out of the car.


At this time, several black cars quickly cut in from both sides, and quickly surrounded the cars of Louis and others.

Then, a group of figures in suits got out of the car and walked straight towards Louis.

Louis' complexion changed drastically, and he immediately rushed out of the car door to escape.

But as soon as he pushed the door open, a big hand immediately pressed the door, pushed back and closed the door.

"Who are you?"

Louis yelled nervously.

"Mr. Louis, right? We are from Yanghua, our chairman wants to see you!"

The visitor said lightly.


"Lin... Divine doctor Lin?"

Li Nongyan and others were shocked.

"Mr. Lin from Yanghua?"

Louis was startled, then heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a chuckle, "Why do you, Mr. Lin, want to see me?"

"Mr. Lewis will know when we get there with us."

"Okay, you guys lead the way! I've always wanted to meet Mr. Lin too!"

Louis laughed without panicking.

"Mr. Lewis, please follow us!"

After that, the man got into the car directly.

More than a dozen vehicles surrounded Louis' convoy and headed towards the Academy of Xuan Medical School.

"It's over! It's over! Mr. Lewis, this is going to be a big trouble!"

Li Nongyan said tremblingly.

"Big trouble? No, no, no! You are too timid, I have never provoked Mr. Lin!"

Louis couldn't help shaking his head.

"But Mr. Louis, Miracle Doctor Lin has always liked Su Yan. This is known to everyone in Jiangcheng. If he knows how we treated Miss Su Yan tonight, how can he not take revenge on us?"

Li Nongyan said anxiously.

"How did we treat Miss Su Yan?"

Louis asked back.

Li Nongyan was stunned, her mouth was open and she couldn't speak.

"Li! Your worry is too much! Even the police can't find evidence, how could Mr. Lin know that we moved Miss Su Yan?"

"Will Su Yan tell Miracle Doctor Lin?"

"Don't worry, she must have been taken home by that Lin Yang now. I don't think Mr. Lin has received the news yet. Even if he does, don't be afraid!"

Louis looked at the driver: "Call my father immediately and tell him that Mr. Lin wants to see me, please make sure he is fully prepared!"

"Yes, sir!"

The driver nodded and dialed the phone immediately.

After some exchanges, Li Nongyan and the others felt relieved.

"That's right, no matter how powerful that Lin Miracle Doctor is, he is still dominating the three-acre land in Jiangcheng, but compared with the super family Louis of country f, he is still far behind!"

"Since Mr. Louis' father is here, what are we afraid of?"

"It's also a good time to suppress the arrogance of this miracle doctor Lin!"

"That's right!"

Everyone vowed, and the fear in their hearts was swept away by Louis' few words.

And the car quickly drove to the gate of Xuan Medical School...

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