Louis was shaking with excitement.

He rushed towards Old Louis like crazy, hugging his father tightly.

"Father, that's great! You're finally here!"

"It's okay, kid!"

Old Louis patted his son's head, but when he saw Louis's swollen face and bloody lips, anger rushed into his heart.

He moved his deep eyes and stared at Lin Yang coldly.

"Your Excellency is the chairman of Yanghua Group, Mr. Lin?"

"Is everyone from your Louis family here?"

Lin Yangdan asked.

"Mr. Lin! Did you beat my son like this? You have gone too far! You are trampling on the dignity of the Louis family!"

Old Louis scolded.

"Father, this man killed Tang Xi and the others! They are all dead!" Louis shouted in pain.


Old Lewis breathed heavily.

In the next second, all the elite members of the Louis family behind him pulled out their pistols and aimed at Lin Yang in unison.

"Mr. Lin, you have to pay for what you did!"

Old Louis growled.

Judging from this posture, it seems that he is about to make a move.

But Lin Yang didn't respond.

Old Louis was slightly taken aback, but did not give the order for a long time.

Although he was impulsive and angry on the surface, he just wanted to frighten Lin Yang.

Never thought that Lin Yang was so calm.

In fact, old Louis didn't dare to do anything.

He knew what the consequences would be if he attacked this person.

Although many elites from the Louis family came to this trip, but this is Jiangcheng, if they dare to do something, it may be difficult for them to leave Jiangcheng.

But Lin Yang's silence made him unable to step down.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with red hair suddenly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Oh God, my old Louis, you must not lose your manners, I think there must be something wrong with this matter." Misunderstand!"

"Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding?" Old Louis took the opportunity to step down.

"Shouldn't you ask Mr. Lin why he wanted to kill our people? Maybe there is something hidden in it." The red-haired man laughed.

"Then ask Mr. Lin to explain!"

Old Louis said solemnly.

He just wants to take his son away now, and he doesn't care about the death of several family members.

After all, this scene made him feel very uneasy.

Old Louis glanced at Li Nongyan and the others who had passed out on the ground, and the bad feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"Have all your people arrived yet?"

Lin Yang seemed unwilling to talk nonsense with Old Louis, and only asked lightly.

People were stunned.

"Mr. Lin, what do you mean?" Old Louis frowned.

"Forget it, the delay is too long!"

Lin Yang waved his hand: "Yuan Xing, let's do it, send them on their way!"

"Yes, Master!"

Yuan Xing nodded respectfully, then walked towards them.

Everyone in the Louis family changed face.

"Mr. Lin, you..." Old Louis was impatient.

"Master Lin, I suggest you not to act rashly! If you really want to do it, our family may not be afraid of you!"

Still unconvinced, Louis growled angrily.

"Really? Let's try then?"

Lin Yang looked at Louis.

"Hmph, you blind thing, don't you know the origin of the lord next to me? This is Mr. Dynas, the most powerful red-haired paladin in our country F!"

Louis shouted loudly.

"The red-haired paladin?"

Lin Yang looked at the red-haired man.

But the red-haired man took a deep breath, stepped forward on foot, and said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, do you... believe in the Holy Light?"

The moment the words fell.


A strong holy aura suddenly burst out from the red-haired man's body.

This breath immediately filled the pharmacy.

Feeling this breath, many people's hearts became inexplicably empty and pure. They looked at Dynas as if they were seeing a saint, and they all wanted to kneel down and worship him.

Even Xu Tian couldn't stand it, and Yuan Xing was slightly affected.

Seeing this scene, Dynas was very satisfied, with a faint smile on his face.

But at this moment, Lin Yang got up slowly and walked towards Dynas.

Dynas was taken aback, his eyes revealing surprise.

He found that Lin Yang didn't seem to be disturbed by his breath at all...

"how is this possible?"

Dynas murmured blankly.

"Red-haired paladin? Let me ask you, do you... believe in God?"

Lin Yang said hoarsely, his voice fell to the ground.


A burst of divine light erupted from him, pierced through the ceiling, and went straight into the sky, illuminating the night sky.

In an instant, Lin Yang's black hair turned into silver, endless golden lines covered his skin, his pupils turned into red and blue, and two vast cosmic stars floated in his pupils.

An endless sense of oppression swept towards Dynas.


Dynas couldn't control it at all, his knees softened, and he knelt heavily on the ground...


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