By the time they entered the beauty parlor, the sound of explosions and explosions had gradually stopped.

It seems that the battle is temporarily over.

There is still a pungent smell of gunpowder smoke in the air.

Lin Yang looked at the broken door of the beauty salon, closed his eyes slightly to feel it, then opened his eyes, and his eyes narrowed.

"Shuai Lin, what's the matter?"

Zhou Xuanlong asked carefully.

"It looks like the situation has reached a stalemate."

Lin Yang said calmly, and walked inside.


Zhou Xuanlong was at a loss.

After entering the inside, I saw that the rear of the beauty salon had been blown through.

The scene was a mess, and the tyrannical vigor had not yet dissipated.

Xu Zhishuang, the leader of the Forbidden Team, led eight heavily armed Forbidden Team fighters, and was staring indifferently at the bruised figures in the center.

They have surrounded these people.

These people all have Qiao Zhuang, and they look like ordinary people in the Dragon Kingdom.

But because they had experienced battles, many of their camouflages were broken.

At this moment, these outsiders are holding several hostages.

People who look at the clothes are all beauty salons.

Among them was Su Meixin.

She curled up in the crowd, trembling, terrified.

Lin Yang looked over, feeling quite emotional.

Since drawing a line with the Su family, it has been a long time since I saw these people.

Unexpectedly, Su Meixin stayed in Jiangcheng and opened a beauty shop.

Judging by the size of the store, it should be doing well.

If she changed her mind and lived a good life, she would not be considered a heinous person.

"You have nowhere to go. If you surrender obediently, maybe your life will be spared!"

At this time, a member of the forbidden group stepped forward and shouted at those outsiders.

"Stop talking nonsense, listen, make way for me immediately and let us go, otherwise, I will kill these people!"

A man with disheveled hair and disguised as a trader roared angrily, with a pitch-black dagger tightly clasped in his hand, which coincidentally landed on Su Meixin's neck.

Su Meixin was so frightened that her whole body tensed up, and she wanted to cry without tears: "Brother, let me go, it's none of my business...I...I'm innocent... .”

"Stop talking to me! Shut up!"

The man scolded.

Su Meixin didn't dare to say anything, her face was pale.

Xu Zhishuang frowned.

Obviously, she's not very good at dealing with this kind of thing.

Outside the domain, she never takes hostages seriously.

Because most of the hostages are outsiders, it has nothing to do with her, she just needs to ensure the safety of her subordinates.

But this is Dragon Kingdom.

The other party was kidnapping the people of Long Kingdom, if Xu Zhishuang didn't handle it well, even if she was a member of the Forbidden Group, it would be difficult for her to do business.

"Don't be impulsive, deal with them first!"

Xu Zhishuang lowered her head and said in a serious voice.

"Yes, team leader!"

Everyone nodded.

At this moment, Xu Zhishuang frowned when she saw Lin Yang approaching.

"Shuai Lin, why are you here?"

"I heard that there is a commotion here, so I'll come over and have a look."

Lin Yang said calmly.

"Doctor Lin? Is it you? Doctor Lin! Help me! Please help me! I am Su Yan's cousin, Doctor Lin! Help me..."

Seeing Lin Yang's arrival, Su Meixin was extremely excited, screaming with all her strength as if she was grasping at straws.

"court death!"

The man cursed in an unknown language, and slapped Su Meixin hard on the face.


Su Meixin let out a scream and fell heavily to the ground. Before she could get up, the man directly stabbed the dagger into her thigh.

Su Meixin let out a heart-piercing scream, shaking crazily in pain, dripping with cold sweat, almost fainting.

When Lin Yang saw this, a coldness flashed across his eyes.

"Let them go!"

Lin Yang said lightly.


Everyone in the forbidden group frowned and looked at Lin Yang.

"Shuai Lin, leave this kind of matter to me, you go first, you are a medical student, maybe you are not very good at dealing with this kind of situation!"

Xu Zhishuang couldn't help but said.

"I said, let them go, didn't you hear me? Keep the hostages first!"

Lin Yang sneered coldly, with an irreversible majesty in his eyes.

Xu Zhishuang's face turned cold: "Shuai Lin, are you trying to interfere with the mission of my forbidden team? Although you are the commander-in-chief of Long, you have no right to intervene in our action plan!"

"Do you have a better solution?"

Lin Yang stared at her and asked.

"I mean a strong attack. We have surrounded them. At such a close distance, we can guarantee that the number of casualties will be minimized!"

Xu Zhishuang smiled lightly.

"Then there is no way!"

Lin Yang waved his hand: "All spread out, let them leave!"

"Shuai Lin?"

"This is an order!"

Lin Yang turned his head suddenly, staring at Xu Zhishuang with ice-like eyes.

Xu Zhishuang trembled all over, and looked at Lin Yang in surprise.

But after a moment he sneered.

"A bastard like you can also be the commander-in-chief of the dragon? It's really a disgrace to my Dragon Kingdom!"

After finishing speaking, she waved her hand: "Stay away, tell these mice to go away!"

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