"What do you, Mr. Lin, want from us?"

Eddie lit a cigarette again and asked lightly.

Cao Songyang did not answer.

"Hey! Our head is talking to you! We use Chinese, don't you understand Chinese?"

A man next to him shouted dissatisfied.

Cao Songyang rolled his eyes at them, and said lightly: "Mr. Lin is inside, what is he looking for you, you will know later! Why ask me?"


Everyone was anxious and was about to go crazy, but was stopped by Eddie.

"Don't be angry, everyone, we're all here anyway, what tricks do they have, we'll follow suit!"

Eddie comforted everyone, and then looked at Cao Songyang expressionlessly: "But I have to warn you! Our Ziyaohua mercenary group is not easy to mess with. If you have any ideas, I don't mind razing this place to the ground. !"

"it is good!"

Cao Songyang nodded slightly.

Soon, everyone came to the door of the house.

Cao Songyang gently knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

Lin Yang's voice came from inside.

Cao Songyang pushed the door open and entered.

People from Ziyaohua Mercenary Group also walked in with cigarettes in their mouths.

Soon, the house was filled with smoke.

Eddie immediately looked towards Lin Yang.

He was stunned, and his eyes didn't stay on Lin Yang for long before he was attracted by several naked figures on the ground.

"It seems that Mr. Lin is dealing with criminals."

Eddie smiled.

"Are you from the Purple Yaohua Mercenary Group?"

Lin Yang looked at Eddie lightly and asked.

"That's right!"

Eddie smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, I really want to know what you said to Tina and why she is so afraid of you."

"Where is she?"

"I don't know, Mr. Lin, you haven't answered my question yet."

"I don't need to answer your question. I have a task for you to complete. If you do well, I can let your mercenary group leave Jiangcheng alive."

Lin Yang said.

As soon as these words fell, several members of the mercenary group couldn't help laughing.

Eddie immediately winked at those people, signaling them not to mess around.

"Mr. Lin, can you tell us what the mission is?" Eddie asked with a smile, neither humble nor overbearing.

"I want your mercenary group to deliver a message for me, telling all outsiders who enter Jiangcheng to call the guilty ones to come here to atone for my sins immediately, and all innocent people to leave Jiangcheng before tomorrow afternoon, because tomorrow In the afternoon, I will block the entire Jiangcheng!"

Lin Yang said.

The members of the mercenary group all showed astonishment when they heard the sound.

"Mr. Lin, are you sure you are right?"

Eddie was also stunned, looking at Lin Yang carefully.

He found himself unable to see through the young man.

But this person is so young, even if he is not even thirty years old, how can he be so powerful?

Eddie thought for a while, then shook his head: "Mr. Lin, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for us to complete this task."

"Your mercenary group has been out of the region for many years. I think you must know a lot of people from outside the region. It is very suitable for you to do it." Lin Yang said.

"It's not the problem. If we convey your order to them, they will definitely be very angry. If we offend some big shots, our heads will be moved."

Eddie smiled and said: "Mr. Lin, you also know that we are a small mercenary group with only a few dozen people in it. How dare we fight against those terrifying existences?"

"So you're rejecting me?"

"No, no, Mr. Lin, don't misunderstand, we are not rejecting you, but it is really difficult for us to do it. Of course, if Mr. Lin insists on us doing it, then I have a small request!"

"you say!"

"I hope Mr. Lim can go with us."

Eddie smiled and said, "I think with your reputation, Mr. Lin, they will definitely be obedient, how about it?"

When the members of Purple Yaohua heard it, their eyes lit up.

As expected of the team leader!

In this way, Lin Yang had to agree even if he agreed, and he had to agree if he didn't agree.

If he agrees, can the entire regiment fail to take him down? If not, then it is not the purple obsidian flower's problem.

Everyone looked at Lin Yang playfully, waiting for his reply.

Eddie chuckled even more, looking around jokingly.

But seeing Lin Yang rubbing his chin and thinking for a moment, he nodded and said, "I don't have much time, but if you insist on me going, that's fine."

Eddie froze.

"You agreed?"

"I can only give you one hour!"


Eddie was silent, but soon he gritted his teeth: "Okay, one hour is enough!"

In their opinion, one hour is enough to take down Lin Yang!

At that time, Lin Yang can be used as a hostage to control the entire Yanghua!

Everyone's hearts are hot.

"Sit by the side for a while, and I will go with you after I finish dealing with these people!"

Lin Yang said calmly, then walked towards those people lying on the ground.

Eddie retreated to the side.

"Sir...let me go...please..."

"From the moment you killed the people of Dragon Kingdom, your end was doomed."

Lin Yang squatted on the ground and looked at the man: "If you have anything to explain, you can say it immediately, and I will let you die quickly."

"I really... don't know anything...."

"Okay, let's go on the road with peace of mind."

Lin Yang raised his hand, directly clasped the man's head, and then slightly urged his anger.


The man let out a miserable cry, and then his whole body trembled crazily. At this moment, the flesh on his body began to churn like boiling water.

The Ziyaohua person's breathing trembled, and his eyes widened.

The man's hands and feet suddenly curled up, and all the flesh and bones gathered towards Lin Yang's palm, as if the whole person was absorbed by a whirlpool.

People could see that the person's face became distorted, and the heart-piercing screams stimulated everyone's heart.

No one knows how much pain he endured.

All he could see was that his flesh and bones were completely separated, and his internal organs and brain were all stripped from his body.

In less than a minute, the whole person gathered in Lin Yang's palm, and finally turned into an eyeball-sized meatball, which fell to the ground.

The Ziyaohua people were frightened stupid on the spot.


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