Xu Zhishuang and the others moved quickly. After making a decision, they immediately left the construction site and prepared to drive to meet the team member 'Zero'.

But just as everyone walked out of the construction site, several cars drove over suddenly.

Then I saw Lin Yang walking with Xu Tian and some other people from Yanghua.

"What are you doing here?"

Xu Zhishuang's complexion suddenly changed, and she immediately drank in a low voice.

"Shouxuan Yellow Mine."

Lin Yang glanced at her and said.

"Idiot! Why do you rely on these cats and dogs to guard the black mine? Are you relying on the bullets in their guns to pierce through other people's copper skin and iron bones?" Xu Zhishuang laughed angrily.

"It doesn't matter, I will make a move." Lin Yang said calmly.

"You? With your embroidery needles?"

Xu Zhishuang couldn't help but sneered.

Lin Yang didn't speak, turned around and walked inside.

Xu Zhishuang's brows were tightly frowned, she turned her head and said, "Amei! You go with Zhao Xiang, follow that idiot!"

"Team leader, aren't we going to capture and kill King Shura?"

Amei, a female team member, asked in confusion.

"This idiot didn't hide in the academy, but he came here! I'm worried that some outsiders will forcibly mine for cores. Once they hit him, the cats and dogs around this guy will definitely not be able to deal with it. You stay and protect him!"

"Then...team leader, how can you have enough people?"

Amei is in a hurry.

"It doesn't matter, I will play by ear, if I really can't beat it, then withdraw! I won't sacrifice you, just do my best!"

Xu Zhishuang drank heavily, then got into the car and drove away.

"Meeting this kind of person, it's really bad luck for eight lifetimes!"

Zhao Xiang said indignantly.

"Forget it, Brother Xiang, if someone else is Shuai Long, let's say a few words less."

Ah Mei shook her head, turned around and walked towards Lin Yang.

Next to the construction site, Xu Tian moved a chair for Lin Yang to sit down.

Xu Tian and Gong Xiyun all stood behind him.

Everyone waited quietly.

Ah Mei and Zhao Xiang stood on the left and right, staring at the surroundings vigilantly.

"Where's your team leader?"

Lin Yang opened his eyes and asked lightly.

"I'm going to clean up the mess for you!"

Amei snorted, and pulled out a special machete from her waist.

Zhao Xiang took out a long sword and stood like a guard.

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, but didn't make a sound.

Now that Jiangcheng has entered a special combat state, and all major intersections have been blocked by Yanghua masters, there must be some people who can't bear to come to collect ore.

So Lin Yang came here specially to wait for the rabbit.

"Director Lin, it's already six o'clock."

Xu Tian glanced at his watch and said respectfully.

"Then someone should be coming soon."

Lin Yang said calmly.

as predicted.

It was just after six o'clock.

whoosh whoosh...

Several figures came from nowhere and rushed towards the construction site.

These people were all fully armed, and one of them was holding explosives in his hand. Judging by his posture, he might want to blow up the soil to get ore.


Seeing this, Amei drank it immediately.

"Forbidden group?"

When those people saw the logo on Amei's chest, they couldn't help but change their expressions, but they looked around and saw that there were only Amei and Zhao Xiang, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Little girl, where is your team leader?"

"Our team leader is nearby! What are you going to do? If you want to rob the mine, put away this thought and surrender obediently, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

After the words fell, the two walked away with weapons in their hands.

Several people immediately put on a posture.

"Only two people dare to be so arrogant!"

"Looking for death? I'll send you to see God!"

The shout fell, and the other party rushed over.

Ah Mei and Zhao Xiang were also polite, and started fighting each other directly.

The two sides fought into a ball.

Lin Yang watched quietly, with no intention of making a move.

Ah Mei and Zhao Xiang are worthy of being members of the forbidden group, and their strength is indeed beyond words.

In less than ten minutes, these people were cleaned up.

The two breathed a sigh of relief, sweating profusely.

"Did you see it? My respected Lord Long Shuai, this place is much more dangerous than you imagined. If you don't want to die, hurry back and bring the trash around you! Don't make trouble for us!"

Zhao Xiang shouted angrily.


Lin Yang frowned slightly.

"if not?"

Amei also sneered.

Available at this time.


A terrible breath filled the air.

The two trembled in unison, and looked into the distance.

But a tall and straight figure appeared hundreds of meters away from the two of them.

"That's it?" Amei was stunned.

"Not good! It's the Fallen!"

Zhao Xiang cried out, his voice trembling.

"It's over...it's over..."

Ah Mei murmured, then suddenly turned her head and shouted at Lin Yang: "Run!"

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