"Do not!!"

Xu Zhishuang let out a shrill scream, pushed away the suppressing force on her shoulders, and rushed towards King Shura.

But how could King Shura's power be broken so easily?

She could only bear the pressure and move forward with difficulty.

Even walking becomes difficult, let alone attacking King Shura.

"Let go of Ali!"

"Damn it! I'll fight with you!"

The rest of the team roared and rushed forward, furious.

But Xu Zhishuang understood that if this went on like this, it would be just a useless sacrifice.

"Come back to me! You guys, come back to me right away! Run, get out of here immediately!"

Xu Zhishuang's eyes were bloodshot as she roared in a low voice.

"Team leader, don't we want to save Ali?"

A female team member asked painfully.

She has a very close relationship with Ali. Seeing that her lover is in danger now, she naturally refuses to leave like this.

"I underestimated King Shura's strength, it's my fault! But I can no longer watch you sacrifice in vain! Get out of here, and I will save Ali! Don't worry!"

Xu Zhishuang gritted her teeth and said.

People froze.

In fact, they all knew that the banned group was no match for King Shura at all.

The strength of this Shura king is several times stronger than what they found out.

This is the result of poor information!

If you continue to fight, there will never be a good end, so Xu Zhishuang doesn't want to let these people die again.

But as the leader of the banned team, she must give an explanation to the team members, and she must give an explanation to the higher-ups!

Now, she can only go desperately!

Team members can escape!

She, the team leader, must not escape!

"Leader, let's not go, let's go together!"

'Zero' gritted his teeth and said in a low voice.

"That's right, the big deal is to fight King Shura! Isn't it just a life! Twenty years later, he will be a hero again, who is afraid of whom?"

"Team leader, do you want us to be deserters?"

Everyone shouted, with a strong fighting spirit.

"Shut up!"

Xu Zhishuang shouted angrily.

People are stunned.

"Listen, you guys get out of here immediately, leave here immediately, contact your superiors, report King Shura's true strength to the superiors, and ask your superiors to order Long Shuai to leave Jiangcheng immediately! This is an order! Do you understand?"

Xu Zhishuang shouted.


"Are you going to resist the order?"

Xu Zhishuang directly interrupted the team members.

People stare blankly.

"I want you to go, not to save your lives, nor to want you to be deserters, but to convey the message here, to protect Long Shuai! Do you understand? How much is our life worth? But if our dragon Something happened to Shuai! Do you know the consequences? Do you want me to be a sinner through the ages and leave a bad reputation forever?"

Xu Zhishuang scolded angrily.

This remark left the crowd completely at a loss as to what to do.

"Get out of here immediately!"

Xu Zhishuang cursed, and continued to walk towards King Shura step by step.

At this moment, King Shura had already placed Ali on a rusty machine tool next to him.

It was a machine tool used for cutting utensils in the factory, and it was already full of rust.

But King Shura didn't care. After putting Ali down, he picked up a few bright steel nails placed next to him, stabbed them into his body fiercely, and nailed Ali to the machine tool.


Ali screamed in pain.

All the people around were smiling.

"For people like this, if you want to eat it alive, the taste is the most delicious!"

King Shura sat down straight.

The person next to him hastily handed him clean tea.

King Shura tied the napkin skillfully, then took the knife and fork, and prepared to slowly cut Ali.

Ali's face was full of pain and fear, and he wanted to struggle, but any movement of his body would involve the wound, and the steel nails driven into his body would tear his flesh and blood even bigger...


I saw King Shura cut gracefully.

A piece of flesh on Ali's calf fell directly.

King Shura dipped the blood spilled from his calf, put it in his mouth and began to chew.

"Ah... ah... ah..."

Ali was sweating profusely from the pain, in excruciating pain.

"It's really delicious."

King Shura closed his eyes and enjoyed.

Although the people next to him were still smiling, they were also shocked by this horrific scene.


Xu Zhishuang roared and came to kill.

But even if she has been suppressed, she doesn't have much power even if she launches an attack.

The sharp sword fell, and was directly blocked by King Shura's stellar energy.

King Shura wiped his mouth gracefully, and stared at Xu Zhishuang indifferently: "Although I have a good appetite today, it's impossible for two people to eat at the same time. I'll put you in a cage first, and keep it for supper."

After speaking, King Shura raised his hand again.




The force suppressing Xu Zhishuang suddenly increased dozens of times.

Xu Zhishuang was caught off guard and knelt down on one knee.

At this moment, thinking about getting up again is already as difficult as reaching the sky.

"Put her in the cage inside."

Shura is king.

"Good sir!"

Several people smiled and walked towards Xu Zhishuang.

Xu Zhishuang stared blankly with her eyes wide open.

She wanted to resist, but it was too late.

"Team leader!"

"Bastard, kill me!"

The team members rushed like crazy.

But they couldn't even break through King Shura's stellar energy.

He could only watch helplessly as King Shura's followers approached Xu Zhishuang.

Everything is a foregone conclusion.

Xu Zhishuang closed her eyes in despair, tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.


At this time, a golden beam of light suddenly appeared in the distance, and went straight into the sky.

King Shura, who was about to continue cutting the flesh on Ali's body, suddenly opened his eyes and stood up suddenly.

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