I saw a middle-aged man in a shabby Tang suit walking towards the crowd.

The man had a serious look and a Chinese face. His eyebrows were thick, his mouth was wide, and his head was quite high, but his back was somewhat bent.

"Master Yan!"

"Master Yan!"

"Hello, master Yan!"


when the Liang family saw the middle-aged man, they nodded and said hello.

Although they called very enthusiastic, but Lin Yang was keen to find that everyone's face has a bit of irony and disdain.

Their respect is not from the heart.


The middle-aged man nodded to the crowd, then walked over and stood in front of Lin Yang.

Lin Yang closed his eyes and did not speak.

He knew this man, but he believed that this man might not be able to recognize him.

But his appearance must have something to do with Liang Sheng and Liang Hongying. I'm afraid Lin Yang's identity has also been known to him...

in fact, only this person can stop him at present.

Because this person is Liang Qiuyan's husband, Liang Fengyan!

Liang Fengyan is a very serious and traditional man. After liang Qiuyan accepted him as his adopted son, Liang Fengyan did not object. Sometimes he would tease Lin Yang, but after all, he did not have much contact with him. However, for Liang Qiuyan's sake, Lin Yang would still give him a minimum respect...

"Mr. Lin... Mr. Lin, please come with me first. May I have a word with you Liang Feng Yan man is complex, looking at Lin Yang, slowly open his mouth.

"Do you want to persuade me?" Lin Yang said hoarsely.

He is not only for Su Yan, but also for Liang Qiuyan. Is Liang Fengyan against him.

How cold is it?

However, Liang Fengyan clenched his fist and clenched his teeth. His eyes were slightly red, and he said in a difficult way: "son... You... You just listen to me..."

his tone was almost begging.

Lin Yang's pupil shrinks, looking at Liang Feng Yan banxiang.

I don't know how long it took before Lin Yang said hoarsely, "well, I'll give you a chance to listen to what you want to say."

With that, Lin Yang walked to a warehouse next to him.

Liang Feng Yan also quickly followed in.

"Uncle Yan, you must persuade Lin Yang!" Liang Sheng at the door prayed in secret.

At this time, I'm afraid Liang Fengyan was the best to use...

seeing many liang family members gathered outside, Liang Sheng immediately drank and cried: "it's OK, it's OK, the big guys are all scattered, they're all scattered!"

"Brother Sheng, who is this man? What is the matter?" Someone asked.

"It's just a guest of our Liang family. Don't make a fuss about it. What intrudes into Liang's house is nothing. Don't talk about what happened here. Do you hear me? If anyone chews the root of his tongue, be careful that I will peel off his skin! " Liang Sheng yelled.

"Yes, brother!"

People cry one after another, but each pair of eyes is still confused.

Liang Sheng was too lazy to explain to these people. He trotted to the old man who was still lying on the ground and helped the old man up.

"Wenbo, are you all right?" Liang Sheng asked carefully.

"I... I'm ok, but I'm not angry..." Wenbo tried to breathe a few times, some weak way.

"I'll take you to the hospital at once!" Liang Sheng was busy.

"Hospital? No... no... I'll just take a break. I'll recover after a little bit of Qi. "

"Wenbo, how can you be so good at martial arts? You don't have senile diseases, do you? " Liang Sheng asked curiously.

Wenbo has been guarding the Liang's house since he was an hour. He has never seen Wenbo fall ill and catch a cold. How could he suddenly fall down?

Wenbo didn't say anything, but he stood up and raised his yellow hand.

Liang looked at it with his eyes, but saw a very thin pinhole in his wrist.

"Wenbo, when did you go to hang the water? Do you really have a cold? " Liang Sheng asked in dismay.

"It's not the eye of the needle, it's the hole of the silver needle." Wenbo looked at the road attentively.

"Silver needle?" Liang Sheng's mouth was wide open.

"I was put down by that boy." Wenbo said hoarsely.


Liang Sheng's mouth was so huge that he could not speak.

A little silver needle... Put Wenbo down?

I'm afraid no one in the Liang family will believe this kind of thing...




in the warehouse.

Liang Feng closed the door strictly, but he didn't turn back immediately. Instead, he turned his back to Lin Yang. He seemed to be thinking about something. I don't know how long it took before he turned his head and made a sound.

"Are you Xiaoyang?""It's me."

Lin Yang pricked his neck with a silver needle, and his God like face immediately returned to Lin Yang's appearance.

"Is that what you are?" Liang Fengyan asked in surprise.

"That was what I was like before." Lin Yang road.

"How did you do it?" Liang Feng Yan said inconceivably.

It's like magic.

But Lin Yang did not speak.

Liang Feng took a deep breath and knew that this was not the time to talk about it.

"Xiaoyang, you must hate me very much, don't you?"

"No, I just look down on you." Lin Yang murmured.

"Yes." Liang Feng Yan had a bitter smile on his face: "I can't even protect my wife. What's the use of a man like me? I deserve to be looked down upon... "

" so, why not protect the godmother? " Lin Yang asked.

However, this casual sentence, but like a needle, deeply stimulated to Liang Fengyan.

He suddenly raised his head, his eyes turned red, he glared at Lin Yang, lowered his voice and roared: "why? Don't you understand why? Because I have no ability! I can't do it! I'm a waste! Is this explanation satisfactory? "

Lin Yang fell into silence again.

However, Liang Fengyan rummaged from his pocket, took out a bag of Yellow Crane Tower, ordered one by himself, then sat on the wooden chair beside him, and said hoarsely, "in fact, your godmother shouldn't have suffered such a disaster. She was not the culprit of our Liang family, but it's a pity that she offended a person... A person who shouldn't have offended... She really... No It's time to do that... Why is she so impulsive... "

as he said this, Liang Feng tightly closed his tiger eyes, and Dou Da's tears could no longer be contained, and they directly flowed out of the corner of his eyes.

The man has tears, but not to the sad place.

Lin Yang never thought that this always serious and strong uncle Yan would have such a helpless and desperate side...

"what happened in the end?" Lin Yang asked in a low voice.

But see Liang Feng raise empty eyes, Na Na way: "Xiao Yang, have you heard of... Forget worry island?"

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