Xu Zhishuang took a deep look at Lin Yang, her heart was full of confusion.

But she believes that things will definitely not end so easily.

Xu Zhishuang didn't ask any further questions, and immediately returned to the car with the people from the forbidden group.

The car started slowly.

"Team leader, the matter has been resolved, should we go back?"

Zhao Xiang sat in the co-pilot seat, lit a cigarette very comfortably, and said with a smile.

"Zhao Xiang, what are you doing? Didn't we agree that smoking is not allowed in the car?"

Amy said in disgust.

"Leave me alone today, let me celebrate!"

Zhao Xiang laughed.

Xu Zhishuang didn't say a word, she lowered her eyebrows and was thinking about something.

Several people joked about it, and found that something was wrong with Xu Zhishuang, they couldn't help but Qiqi looked at her.

"Captain, what are you thinking?"

Amei couldn't help asking.

However, at this moment, Xu Zhishuang suddenly raised her head, and said to Ling who was driving: "Ling, you immediately catch up with Lin Shuai's car!"

"Team leader, if we don't go back, most of them will return?" Zhao Xiang asked in a daze.

"The matter may not be over yet, but Shuai Lin will still take action. We must cooperate with Shuai Long!"

Xu Zhishuang said seriously.

Everyone was stunned.

"But Long Shuai didn't tell us..."

Amei asked carefully.

"Team leader, you must be worrying too much. If Long Shuai has other actions, why didn't he inform us?"

Zhao Xiang laughed.

"Don't talk nonsense, just do what I say! Keep up with Long Shuai!"

Xu Zhishuang said seriously.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but in the end they couldn't hold back Xu Zhishuang, so they could only agree.


And in the empty and uninhabited construction site.

A figure came out of nowhere.

The figure was thin and stooped, and his eyes were as big as beans, but his eyes were like a monkey's, and he kept scanning his surroundings.

After peeping like this for more than ten minutes, the figure cautiously walked towards the center of the empty construction site.

He lay on the ground, constantly detecting something, sometimes sniffing the soil, and sometimes putting his ears on the ground.

After a while, he suddenly got up and waved vigorously towards the wilderness behind him.

In an instant, a group of dark figures rushed out from inside.

These people rushed to the center of the Xuanhuang Mine at high speed, and when they approached, they all cheered up and pawed the ground with their bare hands.

Their speed was ridiculously fast, and within a few seconds, they dug a one-meter-deep hole.

According to this speed, it may take about ten minutes to dig out the core of the Xuanhuang mine.

"Move faster, I don't want to cause trouble, and I don't want to waste too much time here!"

A burly man wearing a cloak and a round-brimmed hat walked over from the wilderness behind, stared at the figures who were frantically digging the soil, and said with some impatience.

"Don't worry, Mr. Horror Ye. According to the plan, we will see the Xuanhuang ore vein in ten and seven seconds. Our people have spread all over the land with a radius of ten miles. If people from Yanghua are found, they will send them to Yanghua as soon as possible." The opponent is erased!"

The lean man said with a smile.

"Hurry up! My patience is limited."

The strong man named Frightened Ye nodded his eyes and said coldly.

The thin man stopped talking, but pulled out the whip from his body, and slapped those digging people hard, forcing them to continue to speed up.

Even if their hands had dug into the rock and their fingernails were all lifted, they didn't dare to stop.

Frightened Ye stared at these people coldly, without feeling any pity.

But at this moment, he suddenly noticed something, and looked to the side.

But not far away, I don't know when there is a figure standing.

"Are there still lifeless things coming to disturb us?"

Fearing Ye said indifferently, and made a look at the lean man.

The lean man understood, and immediately sent two of his men to walk towards the figure.

But just as the two approached, the figure suddenly moved, like lightning, and quickly shuttled between the two.

The two of them trembled, and before they had time to react, their heads slipped from their necks and rolled on the ground, blood spurting like pillars.


Dreadful Ye frowned.

"My lord, I'm afraid I have to ask you to take action to deal with this person."

The lean man smiled.

"Forget it, it's boring anyway!"

Frightening Ye threw the cigarette butt on the ground and walked towards the man.

As Frightened Night approached, the strength of his feet landing on the ground became stronger and stronger.

When he got closer to a place more than ten meters away from the man, every time he took a step, the ground would shake, as if a giant was stepping on the ground.

The fierce and surging power is enough to make people chill.

But the man was not afraid at all, his eyes were like fire, staring at Fear Ye.

"Watch me chop you up!"

Horror Ye shouted, stretched out his hands, and roughly clasped the man.

The man's figure moved suddenly, he dodged lightly, and drew out a sword with his backhand, slashing fiercely at Fearful Ye.

But fearing Ye's body was covered with a circle of stellar energy, and when the blade approached, the stellar energy involuntarily slowed down.


Fearing Ye laughed loudly, immediately clasped the man's arm, and then swung it violently.


The man flew out like a cannonball and hit the unfinished building.

In an instant, the building collapsed.


"That's all!"

Fearing Ye smiled coldly, and walked towards the ruins of the collapsed building.

The man crawled out of the ruins, his eyes full of fighting intent.

But for Fear of the Night, it is easy to deal with this person!

This battle is just a game.

Fear of the night is such a thought.

But after a few steps, there was a sudden roar of a car.

He couldn't help being taken aback, and looked up.

But looking in all directions, a large number of cars suddenly appeared, and countless figures gathered here.

In the blink of an eye, the entire construction site was tightly surrounded.

Countless figures with terrifying auras and powerful figures appeared, staring at these uninvited guests...

The world changed color.

The thin man looked around, his gloomy face turned extremely pale.

"Not good! Lord Fear of the Night, we... have been tricked!"


Fearing Ye's heart skipped a beat, and it was half cold.

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