It turned out that before the action, both of them applied a secret medicine unique to the "Eternal Night" organization.

This potion can help them resist most of the damage.

Even the damage from the explosion can be offset.

The reason why Fearful Ye was easily shattered by Lin Yang and bruised all over his body was because the potion power on his body had been consumed in the big explosion.

"Secret potion?"

Lin Yang stared at the rattlesnake for a long time, but he didn't smell any medicine at all.

"Could it be that this potion is colorless and odorless?"

"Yes yes yes... yes sir..."

Rattlesnake said quickly.

Lin Yang didn't speak. He stared at the rattlesnake for a moment, then suddenly noticed something, and suddenly raised his hand to wipe his arm.

Chi la!

A piece of flesh from the rattlesnake's arm was ripped off by Lin Yang. .Fives


The rattlesnake let out a piercing scream.

Scary Ye on the other end was so scared that he almost didn't pee.

You know, the potion power on the rattlesnake hasn't been consumed yet.

Under the protection of the potion, the rattlesnake's physical body is invincible!

But Lin Yang pulled out a piece of flesh from the rattlesnake so easily, which shows its strength and terrifying strength...

Lin Yang took the piece of meat and looked at it.

It took a while before I suddenly realized.

"It turns out that the medicine is colorless and odorless, but that the medicine has penetrated into your skin and is close to your blood vessels. What is really hard now is this layer of skin, which has been strengthened by the medicine."

Lin Yang said lightly.

The rattlesnake backed tremblingly while clutching its bleeding arm.

"Take them back and interrogate them strictly to find out whether there are still people from Yongye in Jiangcheng and even Longguo."

Lin Yang said lightly.

"Yes, handsome Long!"

Xu Zhishuang who was behind just came back to her senses, and hurriedly called Amei and others to come forward to grab someone.

At this moment, Xu Zhishuang had fallen in admiration for Lin Yang.

She has never seen such a perfect person!

Not only is she perfect in appearance, but she also has superior intelligence, astonishing strength, and even more so...

Such a person is canonized as the Dragon Commander, it is simply the luck of the Dragon Kingdom!

Xu Zhishuang looked at Lin Yang's profile, and for some reason, her heart was beating violently.


Just then, an inappropriate cell phone rang.

The ringtone obviously came from the rattlesnake.

Ah Mei immediately took out her mobile phone, looked at the number, kicked the rattlesnake, and shouted, "Who is calling?"

Rattlesnake glanced at the caller ID and trembled, "Yes... yes... our Night King..."


Amei's expression changed.

"Lord of Eternal Night!"

Xu Zhishuang immediately said to Lin Yang.

Lin Yang nodded, took the phone in Amei's hand, and pressed the connect button.

The phone connects.

But there was no sound from there.

After about ten seconds, a deep and hoarse voice came out.

"Hello, handsome Lin!"

This is the most standard Long Guo dialect.

Can't hear the foreign accent at all.

"Are you the Night King?"

Lin Yang asked lightly.

"I didn't expect it to be as I guessed. If I had learned about Mr. Lin earlier, I wouldn't have sent Rattlesnake and the others into Dragon Kingdom."

The Night King's voice reappeared, somewhat uniquely cold.

"It seems that you are late on this call."

Lin Yang said.

"I called you, not a rattlesnake, how could it be late?"

The Night King said calmly.


"Mr. Lin, let my people go! I never like to repeat a sentence twice, let them go, you will save a lot of trouble!"

The Night King said calmly.

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