The completely unequal strength is destined to be a crushing war.

The appearance of Lin Yang was like a divine soldier descending from heaven, killing the barbarian guards and throwing away their helmets and armor.

"who is he?"

The commander-in-chief of the third stronghold was short of breath, his eyes were burning hot, and he asked eagerly.

"Commander, I....I don't know, but it seems to be from our side. Look, our people are following him to kill down the mountain!"

A soldier said excitedly.

"I don't care! Brothers, follow that lord and fight out together! Counterattack!"

The commander of the third stronghold was completely overwhelmed by Lin Yang's terrifying strength, roared, and led everyone to rush out.

The defenders of the third stronghold officially began to counterattack.

"Overestimate yourself! Kill me! Kill! Wipe them all out!"

The commander of the Guards roared angrily.

"Long Shuai, the commander-in-chief is over there, we have to fight with them!"

A soldier shouted towards Lin Yang in the air.

"Follow me to fight a bloody path, and kill all the enemies who will commit crimes in the future, leaving no one behind!"

Lin Yang shouted, his fingers moved quickly, and all the Hongmenglong needles flew out, piercing into the bodies of those soldiers like little stars.

All the soldiers trembled, and then they only felt endless energy springing up in their bodies, and the pain on their bodies disappeared at this moment, as if they didn't exist at all.

The soldiers were all stunned, looking at their palms strangely, with disbelief rippling on their faces.

"You have been strengthened, come on!"

Lin Yang said lightly.


Although the soldiers were confused again and again, they had no doubts about Lin Yang, the commander-in-chief, and rushed forward immediately.

They desperately pulled the trigger, only to find that with a little force on their fingers, the trigger was broken.

All the firearms were shattered into pieces.


The soldiers were stunned.

"Just rush!"

Seeing the soldiers staring blankly at the broken guns in their hands, Lin Yang shouted immediately.

The soldiers gritted their teeth and rushed forward immediately.

They are not afraid of death.

Especially fighting for the country, it is even more of a succession.

The warriors of the Dragon Kingdom are not cowardly!

How honorable is it for them to lay down their lives for their country?

Everyone rushed forward, drew out their swords, intending to start a hand-to-hand fight.

But the impact of these dozen or so people seems to pose no threat to the enemy.

The enemy troops in front lined up in a straight line, raised their guns and fired wildly at them.

Da da da....

A dense rain of bullets poured down here.

The soldiers had no cover at all, but they had long regarded death as home, and no one stopped in their tracks.

However, when the bullet hit them again, the eyes of all the soldiers widened!

They discovered...these bullets...couldn't penetrate their bodies at all...

It seems that at this moment, each of them is an indestructible body of King Kong!

The hearts of the soldiers were beating wildly, unbelievable.

But at this moment, they no longer have the heart to take care of these!

A dozen soldiers descended the mountain like fierce tigers, rushed into the enemy, and waved their swords wantonly.

Chi! Chi! Chi! Chi....

The crowd was like a meat grinder, rampaging all the way, flesh and blood flew across the enemy group, stumps and broken arms kept popping out, and miserable voices could be heard endlessly.

The commander of the third stronghold who was still heading towards the southern mountain peak was stunned.

"When did Du Qiang and the others become so aggressive?"

The commander opened his mouth.

"Like Superman..."

"Tuigui, are they gods?"

People are all speechless.

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and fight with Du Qiang, form a counterattack line, and destroy these enemies!"

The commander came back to his senses and shouted excitedly.


The crowd began to counterattack.

The barbarian guards retreated steadily.

They obviously have a huge advantage in numbers, but they just can't resist these 'supermen' rushing down from Nanshan Peak.

Under Lin Yang's cover, the receipts from the third stronghold had begun to force the barbarian guards out of the stronghold.

"Yu Lang, did you see it? Can't stop it! It can't be stopped at all, we have to go quickly, otherwise no one will be able to save us!"

Trembling with fright, the rattlesnake shouted hastily.

But Yu Lang raised his voice, and said with a light smile, "It's almost done, Rattlesnake, it's your turn to play!"

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