Cheng Shanhe respects Lin Yang very much.

But the state has state laws, and the military has military regulations.

Cheng Shanhe will not break the rules and act indiscriminately because of Lin Yang's kindness to the northern border army.

Lin Yang was silent.

Everyone looked at him without making a sound.

Lin Yang can understand.

The highest leader of the Northern Frontier Army is Ye Qiu, the Second Dragon Commander.

Although Lin Yang is also Long Shuai, he cannot command the northern border army.

What you said just now is indeed suspected of exceeding your authority.

After a long time, Lin Yang took a deep breath and said calmly, "I'll take five thousand people to inspect Gangshan Ridge. After the inspection, I'll leave. How about that?"

"So, I can be satisfied."

Cheng Shanhe breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately responded.

"Immediately order troops, I'm leaving now."

"Lang Wu! Your department will prepare immediately, and Shuai Lin will dispatch it! Listen, you must ensure Shuai Lin's safety!" Cheng Shanhe shouted.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

A strong man with a beard stood up and shouted loudly.

Lin Yang turned and walked out of the conference hall.

Xu Zhishuang hurriedly followed.

All the leaders watched Lin Yang leave.

A commander couldn't bear it, and couldn't help but stepped forward and said: "Master Commander, is it not good for you to refute Commander Lin like this? After all, he is Commander Long! And he is always thinking about my northern border army. ..”

Before the commander could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Cheng Shanhe.

"I respect Commander Lin very much. Although he didn't go to the battlefield, he continued to provide us with supplies in the rear, which reduced the casualty rate of our soldiers several times. However, Commander Lin is not a member of the Northern Frontier Army. I don’t understand, as the Grand Commander, I can’t put the lives of soldiers in danger because of his recklessness! I can understand Lin Shuai’s feelings, but Lin Shuai is still too young after all! He doesn’t understand the cruelty of war at all !"

When people heard the sound, they didn't say anything.

"Prepare the plane, and send Shuai Lin back when he returns."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"


"Shuai Lin! Shuai Lin!"

Just as Lin Yang was about to prepare, Xu Zhishuang chased after him.

"Captain Xu, what's the matter?"

Lin Yang asked lightly.

"Shuai Lin, are you really going to Gangshanling for inspection?"

Xu Zhishuang's eyes were slightly condensed, and her voice was full of doubts.


Lin Yang said straightforwardly.

Xu Zhishuang was taken aback: "Then what are you going to do?"

"I said that I went to destroy An Qing's lair, do you believe it?"

Lin Yang asked back.

Xu Zhishuang's steps froze, she almost lost her footing, and then she couldn't help laughing: "Shuai Lin, you really like to joke."

Lin Yang ignored her, stood in an open space, and waited quietly.

After about a few minutes, a large number of soldiers gathered in front of him.

The leader is the bearded man, Lang Wu!

"Shuai Lin, all members of the 17th Department of the Northern Frontier Army will report to you and await your orders!"

Lang Wu gave a military salute and shouted loudly.

"Is the sword ready?"


"Are there any missing weapons?"


"Okay! Let's go!"

Lin Yang said calmly, jumped off the stone, and walked towards the steel mountain.

Xu Zhishuang was surprised.

"Shuai Lin, why don't you bring your equipment when you go to investigate? And...don't you need a professional team?"

"No! As I said, I'm not going to investigate."

Lin Yang looked at the front and said.

Xu Zhishuang was shocked.

Looking at Lin Yang's expression, it doesn't look like he's joking...

What is he trying to do?

Xu Zhishuang's heart trembled slightly, she thought over and over again, and decided to follow Lin Yang to find out.

A force of 5,000 men marched mightily towards Gangshan Ridge.

In less than half a day, the troops finally approached Gangshan Ridge.

"Shuai Lin, do you want to go up the mountain? If we go up the mountain, our department is not equipped with oxygen masks and other items, so I'm afraid we can't go up."

Lang Wu looked distressed, stepped forward and said.

"Not up the mountain."

Lin Yang walked to a mountain, touched the rock wall, and tapped it lightly with his fingers.

After a while, he suddenly turned his head and asked the five thousand soldiers loudly, "You guys, do you want to end the war in the Northern Territory earlier?"

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