The area covered by the steel mountain ridge is not small, and it directly cuts across half of the northern border. The defense line divisions of the northern border army and the Anqing army use this steel mountain ridge as a barrier.

Therefore, if the two sides carry out military operations, they can only spare the Gangshan Ridge and go out of the Horse Valley before they can fight.

Because of the special environment of Gangshan Ridge, no one can climb over this unique mountain, so after the Anqing Army captured Ma'er Valley, they guarded this place and dispatched troops at any time.

Relying on the third stronghold, the Northern Frontier Army successively established six strongholds as the northern frontier defense line.

The two sides are at a stalemate.

If Lin Yang was able to break through An Qing's old lair, block their escape route, and then attack Cheng Shanhe back and forth to besiege Ma'ergu, An Qing would have escaped death.

With the death of the Anqing army, the war in the northern border can at least subside for a period of time. The most important thing is that the northern border army can regain the horse valley and regain the initiative on the battlefield.

This is an important position that affects the direction of normal wars.

But... Lin Yang can really penetrate the steel mountain? Lead a surprise attack?

Cheng Shanhe lowered his eyebrows and meditated, feeling very disbelieving in his heart.

Not to mention him, most of the commanders present did not believe it.

"Master Tong, I think that instead of wasting time here, it is better to formulate the next battle plan as soon as possible. Now that An Qing is gathering in Ma'er Valley with serious illnesses, we should find a way to beat him!"

A commander with a fiery temper and an upright personality stepped forward and clasped his fists and said.

"I'm not in a hurry for this moment. The people sent out should be back soon. Let's just wait."

Cheng Shanhe spoke lightly.

The man opened his mouth and finally chose to give up.


At this moment, a cry resounded.

Cheng Shanhe regained his spirits immediately.

All the commanders on the scene also looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw a soldier running over in a hurry, kneeling on the ground on one knee, and shouting respectfully to Cheng Shanhe.

"Your Majesty, report urgently!"

"But the news about Lin Shuai?"

Cheng Shanhe immediately asked.

The soldier froze for a moment, shook his head and said, "Report to the Grand Master! It wasn't the news from Shuai Lin, but there was movement in the direction of Maergu. At 1:10 p.m., An Qing gathered 10,000 people on the rock wall of Maergu The canvas circle seems to be boosting the state of the fighter."


The faces of the leaders suddenly changed.

"Great Commander, the Anqing army is ready to attack. We should deploy defense immediately, relying on the defensive advantage of the third stronghold, and wait for their attack!"

A commander clasped his fists anxiously.

"That's right, Your Majesty, you have summoned all the soldiers here. The defensive positions are currently empty. We must pay a return visit as soon as possible instead of waiting here!"

Someone shouted again.

"Your Majesty! Order now!"

"Immediately arm your defenses, Grand Master!"

"Great Honor..."

Everyone clasped their fists together, looking forward to see through, extremely anxious.

Cheng Shanhe opened his mouth, seeing that everyone's opinion was hard to disobey, he finally took a deep breath and prepared to withdraw his troops and return to defense.

But at this moment.


A soldier hurried into the school grounds, knelt on the ground, and said excitedly, "I would like to report to you, Your Majesty! My subordinates have investigated, and the Gangshan Ridge has been penetrated! Lin Shuai has led Lang Wu's troops to attack An The lair of the Qing army!"


Everyone present was dumbfounded.

"Is this true?"

Cheng Shanhe stood up abruptly and shouted loudly.

"Your Majesty! This subordinate personally entered the cave to check, and it was indeed penetrated, and this subordinate contacted Team Leader Xu, who asked his subordinates to notify you immediately and immediately send troops to attack Ma'er Valley. Perfect timing for Qing!"

Cheng Shanhe's scalp was numb, and he immediately waved his hands away: "The whole army obeys the order, attack immediately! March into Horse Valley! March into Horse Valley!"

After hearing the news, the major commanders didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and immediately led the crowd out of the third stronghold.

The fighter plane is fleeting.

Now that this matter has been confirmed, it means that An Qing of Ma'er Valley is a big piece of fat. The battle of Ma'er Valley will become a turning point in the northern battlefield.

"Your Majesty, you must order the team to move forward at full speed! Just now our scouts detected that the Anqing army was boosting the soldiers, and they were ready to fight. I thought, they must not be attacking our third stronghold, but they are closing in." When we get the news of being attacked by Shuai Lin at the lair, we are ready to return to the station! We must intercept An Qing, otherwise Shuai Lin will be in danger!"

A leader rushed over and shouted loudly.

"That's right! Order the troops to move forward, mobilize and move forward, and make sure to arrive at Ma'ergu within half an hour!"

Cheng Shanhe growled.

half an hour?

Everyone was shocked.

But I also know that this is impossible!

From here to Maergu, the general foot journey takes at least 3 hours, and it takes half an hour to arrive, and it takes almost non-stop motivation.

I'm afraid that people will be exhausted to death if they rush there.

But Cheng Shanhe had no choice.

Missing this opportunity will not only put Lin Yang in danger, but they will also lose an excellent opportunity to destroy An Qingjun!

This opportunity is once in a lifetime!

He has to grasp it.

The northern army galloped at top speed, across mountains and rivers, rushing towards Ma'er Valley.

It's like a torrent.

"Your Majesty, this subordinate is guilty!"

A commander rushed to Cheng Shanhe's side and said with shame on his face.

"What is the crime?"

"If the subordinates hadn't questioned Long Shuai and prevented the Grand Master from marching, I'm afraid...wouldn't have marched in such a hurry..."

"You are not guilty. In fact, I also have doubts about Lin Shuai. I am indecisive! But fortunately, there is still a chance to make amends! Listen, no matter what, you must stop An Qingjun before he leaves Maergu He, can't stop him, I will punish your sins together!"


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