"Your Majesty! The spies from the front line came to report, and the speed of the An Qing Army's advance suddenly accelerated!"

Just as the northern border army was rushing towards Maergu, a soldier rushed over and shouted loudly.

The signal in this area has long been blocked, and the message can only be transmitted by manpower.

"what happened?"

"Could it be that An Qingjun knew about our actions?"

The faces of the leaders were ugly.

"Where are they now?"

Cheng Shanhe stared at the soldier who came to report and asked deeply.

"We have already passed the Duma River!"

Warrior said.


The deputy commander-in-chief next to him tightened his eyes, and immediately clasped his fists and said, "Your Majesty! If the other party has already crossed the Duma River, I am afraid that our people will not even be able to see the taillights of the Anqing Army when they arrive at Ma'ergu! Time is running out." ! We must take a shortcut! Otherwise we will not be able to intercept them! Lin Shuai must be in danger!"

"Cut a shortcut? How can there be a shortcut?"

Cheng Shanhe hurriedly pressed the deputy commander's shoulder and asked, feeling very emotional.

"We can pass through the Eagle Falling Cliff!"

The deputy commander said.

"What? Falling off the Eagle Cliff?"

"Deputy Commander! There is no road there at all! How can the army get by?"

The person next to him was astonished.

"There is a way!"

The deputy commander-in-chief explained: "Some time ago, when I took people to survey the terrain, I found that there was a small road on the Eagle Falling Cliff, which could lead directly to the rear of Ma'er Valley, but the road was very rugged, with a mountain wall on one side and a cliff on the other. The small road can only accommodate the soles of the feet, and the army will definitely not be able to pass through, but if I lead an elite team to the Yingying Cliff, I will definitely be able to cut through the Anqing army!"

"No! Absolutely not. You are going to die. A small force wants to hold back the Anqing army? Are you crazy? The Anqing army has at least 60,000 troops, and there are countless advanced equipment. The small road detours, and it must not be able to carry heavy weapons, how can they stop their steel cannons? I disagree!"

Cheng Shanhe immediately vetoed it with a gloomy face.

"My lord, the opportunity to fight is fleeting. We have missed the best time because we doubted Commander Lin. If we can't stop the Anqing Army and prevent him from returning to help, causing Commander Lin to be in danger, then we will become dragons." The eternal sinner of the country! Is this what you want to see?"

The deputy commander's eyes were red, and he knelt on the ground and shouted eagerly.

Cheng Shanhe gritted his teeth and clenched his fists together.

After a while, he growled, "I should be the one to go!"

"You are the commander-in-chief, how can you be in danger? If there is something wrong with you, won't it shock the whole army? Commander-in-Chief, you must sit here and outflank from the rear. As for the interception task, I must complete it!"

"Deputy Commander..."

"Your Majesty, take care!"

The deputy commander yelled, without any hesitation, turned around and waved his hand, summoned seven hundred elites, and rushed towards Chuyingya with their weapons and bags on their backs.

Cheng Shanhe's eyes were red and he was in great pain.

He knew that this was simply sending him to death.

But if this is not done, once the An Qing army arrives at the station, not only Lin Shuai will have an accident, but even the chance to encircle and wipe out the An Qing army will be lost.

In this way, he would really become a sinner through the ages.

"Full speed ahead, speed up, speed up!"

Cheng Shanhe roared, directly motivating his energy, and took the lead, running towards the direction of Ma'ergu.

The deputy commander-in-chief led 700 soldiers to rush up the Chuying Cliff in a hurry. They were frightened all the way, climbed the cliff top along the difficult and dangerous path, and finally appeared behind Dumachuan.

Standing on a high slope, they could not help but be overjoyed when they saw the An Qing army retreating in a hurry.

"Quickly, set up the shells! All the bullets are loaded, aim at these bastards for me, and beat them to death!"

The deputy commander growled.

Seven hundred soldiers immediately lined up and loaded their firepower. Following the order of the deputy commander, everyone pulled the trigger together and opened fire at the Anqing army...

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