"Are you okay?"

Dark Swan put away the handkerchief, and asked Lin Yang gently: "Try it, his bartending skills are still very good!"

Lin Yang glanced at the bright red liquid in the glass, then at the bartender lying in front of the bar with blood protruding from his head, and finally drank the wine in one gulp.

"let's go."

Dark Swan said lightly, and continued on.

Two soldiers walked over there and dragged the bartender's body away, apparently about to throw it at the foot of the boulder.

Dark Swan didn't seem to have any reaction to the murder, and walked ahead calmly, sending a few words of gentle comfort to Lin Yang from time to time.

If they hadn't seen her methods with their own eyes, no one would associate this woman who looked like a little girl next door with a murderous female demon.

After passing through several halls, Lin Yang finally followed the dark swan to the Yongye headquarters.

Along the way, Lin Yang had a preliminary understanding of this dungeon.

The entire underground city extends in all directions, and each hall has several entrances and exits.

In other words, the giant stone entrance outside is not the only one!

Therefore, if Lin Yang wanted to wipe out all the people in the headquarters, it would be very difficult for him alone!

Someone has to help.

But now the entire Yanghua and even the people in the Nirvana Realm have been mobilized by Lin Yang, and there is no other manpower available, what should we do?

Moreover, Lin Yang is already in the headquarters of Yongye, so it is unrealistic to go out to find reinforcements at this moment.

What should I do?

Lin Yang thought hard.

He is not worried about the people in Yongye Headquarters at all.

With his land god's strength, killing these people is like slaughtering pigs and dogs.

But there are too many entrances and exits in the Yongye headquarters, once they want to escape, Lin Yang can kill one, but not two...

Lin Yang frowned and his face became tense.

Suddenly, he seemed to have noticed something, raised his head slightly, and set his eyes on the graceful dark swan in front of him.

"Miss Dark Swan, may I ask if your younger brother...has passed away?"

Lin Yang asked.

As soon as these words fell, Dark Swan's pace froze a bit.

She turned her head slightly, and glanced at Lin Yang: "Yes."

A simple word, but with infinite coldness.

There's a little bit more to kill...

"Can you tell me how he died?"

Lin Yang asked.

"I don't suggest you ask this question, it will be better for you."

Dark Swan didn't look back.

Although the voice was still gentle, the killing intent was getting stronger and stronger.

Obviously, if Lin Yang dared to continue this topic, Dark Swan might kill him without hesitation.

Even if he may be a very important existence to the headquarters.

But Lin Yang didn't mean to stop at all, he smiled slightly, and said directly: "Miss Dark Swan, don't get me wrong, I just want to tell you that if his body is still there, I have a way to revive him !"

The words fell to the ground, and the dark swan walking ahead suddenly stopped.

She turned around slowly, and Xi Nan's silver eyes under the cap were quietly watching Lin Yang, then stepped forward, suddenly reached out, grabbed Lin Yang's neck, and lifted him up with one hand.

"I'm sorry sir, I hurt you."

"But you've offended my brother and you're teasing me, which makes me very upset."

"Perhaps, our acquaintance will end here, and your journey will also come to an end."

"It's time for me to send you to heaven, sir, please remember me!"

Dark Swan said in a low voice, as if she was reciting a mourning speech for Lin Yang, so she wanted to use her strength, but Lin Yang ended up.

"You don't want to save your brother?"

Lin Yang didn't panic at all, and said one more thing.

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