Lin Yang's ascension power is like a huge net, directly covering this area.

The other end of the power of ascension is connected to his five fingers.

He stared at the earth, his pupils were shining with the light of sun, moon, yin and yang, and the supreme power gushed out of his body like a storm at this moment.

Feeling this power, Dark Swan's little face was full of disbelief.

"What a divine power this is! This is not something that mortals should have. This person is a god? He is a god!"

Dark Swan's autumn eyes trembled wildly, her cherry lips were bloodless.

She had never felt such power.

But she firmly believes that this is definitely not the power that should appear in this world.

After the power was fully released, Lin Yang raised his arm and exerted force violently.




With the movement of his arm, the whole earth split open.

A magnitude 12 earthquake occurred within a hundred miles.

Dark Swan stared blankly at this scene, his mind went blank.

She has never seen such crazy behavior!

Don't say see you, even if you think about it, you can't imagine it...

As Lin Yang set off the ground with one hand, the entire Yong Ye dungeon was also a riot.

The people of Eternal Night who were trapped in the dungeon screamed in horror and wanted to escape, but at this moment they were like turtles in an urn, and there was no possibility of escaping at all.

Not only that, the Night King who was hiding in the secret passage was also dumbfounded, frantically looking for a way to escape.

But when the soil layer above his head was lifted, the Night King went completely mad.

Lin Yang jumped into the air, raised one hand high, and raised the entire land above the head of the country into the sky.

The huge dungeon of Yongye was so nakedly exposed before his eyes!

Looking at Lin Yang who looked like a god, all the people in the Eternal Night Dungeon were frightened and went crazy. They all knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Lin Yang, begging for Lin Yang's forgiveness.

But Lin Yang ignored it.

Most of Yong Ye's people are heinous existences.

For the sake of profit, they can do whatever they can, and there is no bottom line at all.

Especially the people in the Yongye headquarters, without dozens of lives on their hands, it is impossible to enter the headquarters gate.

In fact, Lin Yang even wanted to kill the dark swan.

But he has a cooperative relationship with Dark Swan, and women are obedient, so let's give it up for now.

As for these people, there is no need to show mercy.

Lin Yang waved his arms.


A large expanse of strange fire poured down towards the dungeon like a torrential rain.

The rain of fire fell, covering every corner of the dungeon.

In an instant, the entire dungeon turned into purgatory.

Those figures struggled recklessly in the sea of ​​flames, howling and screaming uncontrollably.

But it won't last long before they will completely fall into the sea of ​​flames, turn into ashes, and die.

Dark Swan stared blankly at the scene in front of him, as if his entire soul had left his body at this moment and flew to the sky!

Install the latest version. 】

This is the real dimensionality reduction blow!

This is the real unparalleled means!

This Dragon Country man... is too scary!

He is a god!

A unique deity!


Lin Yang threw the huge plot in his hand towards the dungeon that was turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The huge plot is like a big mountain, falling from the sky.


Boom! !

Deafening bangs spread in all directions.

The ground trembled again.


The rocks splashed.

The land that fell could not cover the terrifying strange fire, but it buried countless people of Eternal Night.


At this time, a scorched black figure crawled on the ground emerged from the gap not far away.

That's the Night King.

At this moment, he was completely disfigured, his legs were severed, and his arms were only connected by those weird wings, fluttering the wings, and crawling forward with difficulty.

Dark Swan closed her eyes, filled with emotion.

Who would have thought that this was the ruler of Eternal Night, the Night King?

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