Everyone was stunned.

No one expected that Lin Yang would dare to directly kill the Night King!

Especially the commander.

He only felt a burning pain on his face, what Lin Yang did was no different from slapping him.

"Fire! Kill this guy for me, fire! Kill him! Kill him!"

The commander became furious and roared like crazy.

The soldiers pulled the trigger like crazy.

Da da da...

Intensive gunshots spread all over the place.

Bullets hit Lin Yang frantically.

But Lin Yang ignored them all.

No matter what kind of bullet it is, it can't hurt his fur.

The commander froze.

Lin Yang's figure flickered, and he suddenly appeared in mid-air, and slammed his arm on the helicopter in the air.

In an instant, the helicopter exploded on the spot.

Lin Yang turned around again and appeared behind another helicopter.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed the tail of the helicopter, and then exerted a sudden force, smashing the helicopter towards the armored vehicle below.


The sound of the explosion spread.

All the people in Dick Country were stunned.

Who is this guy? Can lift a helicopter with one hand?

This is Superman, right?

"He's the devil...he's the devil...."

The commander screamed in horror, turned around and ran away.

"Did you run away?"

Lin Yang snorted lightly, and rushed directly towards these people, the violent ascension power all over his body was like the mouth of a beast, swallowing them up.

"Headquarters! Headquarters! Need support, we need support!"

The commander ran while shouting on the walkie-talkie.

But before he ran very far, he was pierced through his body by the force of ascension, and was then torn to pieces.

Only then did Lin Yang stop.

And all the Dick country soldiers around were beheaded.

Looking at the murderous Lin Yang, Dark Swan felt a surge of fear for some reason.

She discovered that this gentle and elegant man from the Dragon Kingdom was actually much more dangerous than she imagined...

"it's over...."

Dark Swan opened his mouth, his heart tightened.

"I'm afraid not!"

Lin Yang looked into the distance and said calmly.

The dark swan was startled, and looked towards the edge of the sky.

There, there were already a large number of figures appearing in the dark.

That is the main team of Dick Country...

"How many combat forces does Dick have?"

Lin Yang slowly took out the natural knife from his body, and asked calmly.

"There are at least hundreds of thousands...all the people in this country are soldiers...sir, you...what do you want to do?"

Dark Swan swallowed her saliva and asked tremblingly.

"I just want to deal with Yong Ye, but the people of Dick Kingdom want to avenge Yong Ye. If that's the case, you can't blame me!"

Lin Yang walked over and suddenly grabbed Dark Swan's shirt with one hand.

Dark Swan's pretty face suddenly changed, she wanted to resist but didn't dare.

Chi la!

Lin Yang exerted a little force and pulled off a large part of her sleeve.

The white jade arms were exposed.


Dark Swan was a little flustered.

"You wait for me here!"

Lin Yang spread out the piece of cloth, made a simple mask and hung it on his face, and then rushed towards the distance.

Dark Swan was stunned.

What is this guy up to?

Could it be that... he wants to deal with the entire army of Dick Kingdom with one person?

I'm afraid his head is pumped, right?

That is a country!

No matter how powerful he is alone, how can he compete with a country?

Although the comprehensive national strength of Dick Country is not ranked in the world at all, but this country has a population of tens of millions, and all the people are soldiers. If there is a real war, this person will be exhausted to death!

"Crazy! He's crazy!"

Dark Swan murmured in his heart, but Qiu Mou didn't blink, and looked towards Lin Yang.

But seeing that Lin Yang was alone with a sword, he jumped, and then he aroused endless power of ascension, covering the sky, and then ignited it with a strange fire.


The sky was covered by strange fire.

It was as if the sky was on fire.

Lin Yang didn't have the slightest sympathy, there was only viciousness and murderous intent in his pupils!

Yong Ye dares to provoke!

Even the country of Dick will send an army to pay it off!

Could it be said that Yanghua is placed in this world, so everyone can be bullied?

Lin Yang's eyes were filled with endless cruelty.

Today, let's take this country of Dick and let the world know the consequences!

Thinking of this, Lin Yang suddenly waved his arms.


The sky that was burning with scorching flames collapsed.

Countless flames are like a sea, falling towards the army below!

Purgatory on earth is about to appear...

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