
The crystal ashtray was thrown out and fell heavily on the head of the kneeling man below.

The man was beaten to the point of bleeding, but he didn't dare to move. He lowered his head and trembled, letting the blood drip from his forehead.

"So many soldiers have died! Do you know what that means? Do you?"

"Tens of thousands of people can't take down a mere Dragon! Are you all eating shit?"

"Listen, I'll give you another half an hour! Within half an hour! You must bring that guy here and kneel in front of me! Otherwise, you are sinners of Dick Kingdom! I will kill all of you Send it to prison!"

Yuan Tong stood up from his chair, pointed at the man below and cursed angrily.

The man hurriedly lowered his head and said tremblingly: "Yuantong, that person is completely different from what we imagined, our bullets and guns have no effect on him at all, that person is a monster, and the attacks of our soldiers can't threaten him at all. ...I suspect that this is a super warrior, an unprecedented super warrior!"

"So what about a super warrior? He's alone! He must have a physical limit! Could it be that so many people can't consume him to death?"

Yuan Tong rushed down, grabbed the man by the collar and roared: "Listen, the longer the world drags on now! The more people we die, the more likely things will get out! By then the whole world will know that we, Dick The entire national army of the country can't catch a single person! The honor of our country will be lost! As the commander-in-chief of this incident, you are the country's sinner! You are the historical sinner of our Dick kingdom! Do you understand?"

As soon as these words came out, the man's face changed drastically, he opened his mouth, and then tremblingly said: "Yuantong, I suggest... dispatching thunder and lightning fighters!"

"you sure?"

Yuan Tong asked.

"To make a quick decision, we can only rely on the Thunder missile of the Thunder fighter! As I said, ordinary guns can't kill this person at all..."

The man gritted his teeth.

Yuantong fell into silence. In the end, he let go of his hand, and said coldly: "I allow you to launch a thunderbolt fighter! But you have to remember, you must never fail again, at most one hour, if an hour can't end Fight, then, no one can take over this field!"

"Yuantong don't worry!"

The man shouted, and then hurried out.

At this moment, outside the battlefield of Dick Kingdom.

Lin Yang put his hands behind his back and stared coldly at the dark Dick country team in the distance.

He walked forward step by step, although the pace was slow, but under great pressure.

The soldiers of the Kingdom of Dick had been scared out of their wits for a long time.

They looked at Lin Yang in horror, and all of them couldn't help backing up, the guns in their hands were not stable.

Someone tried to aim at Lin Yang, but finally lost the gun!

Because this person cannot be killed by bullets at all...

"This man is a monster...he...he is a monster..."


"He can't kill him! We're fighting the devil!"

Horrified voices continued to emerge from the mouths of the soldiers of Dick Kingdom.

"You can escape!"

Lin Yang said lightly.

The small voice spread to every corner of the battlefield.

And this voice seemed to have shattered the last line of defense in the hearts of all the soldiers.

They couldn't take it anymore, they all turned around and ran towards the border of the country.

Dick Kingdom's team immediately fell apart.

It's not that they are not brave, but facing this almost invincible existence, they no longer know how to defeat each other!

This kind of despair brought about by confusion and powerlessness is something no one can bear.

But not everyone is timid.

There are countless people carrying sabers and walking towards Lin Yang.

The beliefs in these people's hearts are particularly firm. They firmly believe that they are fighting for the country and defending the country.

Such people are the most fearless of death.

He is also the person Lin Yang admires the most and also the person he is least willing to fight against.

However, since he is standing here, it is impossible for him to be merciful!

Otherwise, it is cruel to oneself.

Lin Yang raised his hand slowly, and the endless ascension power surged on his arm, like a storm, and the surrounding earth trembled when it blew.

The soldiers roared, and then charged Lin Yang.

Lin Yang was about to attack.


A terrifying thunderclap suddenly came from the distant sky.

Lin Yang was taken aback for a moment, and looked up.

But I saw two bolts of lightning flashing across the sky in the distance, and they struck here.

"It's a thunderbolt fighter!"

I don't know who exclaimed.

"Thunder fighter?"

Lin Yang's face became tense, not waiting for a reaction.


Two bolts of blue lightning struck Lin Yang in an instant, hitting Lin Yang's body precisely.

Lin Yang was shocked by the lightning and backed away again and again, his eyes were full of coldness.

Thunder fighter is one of the most advanced and powerful fighters in the world.

It is impossible for Dick Country to develop such a weapon. There is no doubt that they bought these two Thunder fighters from the United States with a lot of money.

The appearance of these two fighter planes hindered Lin Yang's progress a little.

After all, the lightning they release is the most powerful lightning among the clouds in the sky.

With the appearance of the two planes, the battlefield resounded with excited shouts.

The soldiers of the Kingdom of Dick raised their hands excitedly, and cheered for the Thunder fighter jet that was flying in the sky.

I saw two Thunder fighter planes shuttle above Lin Yang's head, and then the surface of the fighter planes lit up again. A large number of thunder and lightning surged from the clouds, as if attracted by them, and then gathered at their thunder muzzles, attacking Lin Yang.

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Two terrifying bolts of lightning struck Lin Yang again!

The speed is so fast that the eyes cannot react.


Lin Yang was struck by lightning again, his body retreated again and again, bursts of green smoke curled up, and the ground around him was scorched black by the splashing lightning.

When people saw this, they all gasped.

This person managed to eat two lightning strikes but still survived...


"Keep going!"

"Don't stop, keep attacking!"

The commander below opened his throat and shouted at the thunder fighter above his head.

The thunder fighter immediately began to accumulate the next round of attacks.

But at this moment, Lin Yang had already raised an arm.

Slowly, the sky darkened.

Dragon-like thunderbolts slowly appeared among the thick cumulus clouds...

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