Woo! ! !

The melodious sound of the horn spread throughout the Dick Kingdom.

Dick country is not big, everyone heard this low and dull voice.

For a time, all airports and stations in the entire country were shut down.

All the people returned home.

The members of the forbidden team in the hotel also heard the voice, and they all walked to the window, looking out of the window in surprise.

"This sound... what's going on? Is it an air defense siren?"

"Are you stupid? Can't tell what the air defense siren is? This is obviously not!"

"Then what is that sound?"

"It's the first-order battle siren of Dick Kingdom!"

Zero, who snapped his fingers quickly in front of the laptop, opened his mouth and said.

"A first-order battle alert?"

Xu Zhishuang looked at Ling in astonishment: "Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"


Zero stopped, staring intently at the screen in front of him, and said solemnly: "There is news from the dark net, that person... has almost penetrated the border of Dick Country!"


Everyone was shocked and rushed to the computer to watch.

At this moment, the dark net is already discussing this matter intensely.

This time no one dared to question the authenticity of the photos posted by the previous posters.

Because the dark web is full of photos now.

If you click on any one, there are corpses strewn all over the field, blood flowing like rivers.

It is said that someone has already gone to the border to check.

Not only that, the Ministry of National Defense of the Dick Kingdom has openly recruited experts on the dark web, hoping that someone can go to the border of the Dick Kingdom to kill the existence that harassed the Dick Kingdom.

Dick Country gave a quotation of one billion yuan, and they can form a group to go.

But very few people signed up.

After all, how can they provoke a super master who can compete with the army?

However, the Imperial Ministry of the Dick Kingdom did not give up and raised the price again and again.

Soon, the reward amount was raised to 5 billion.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man.

Soon, more than 30 people signed up.

These more than 30 people formed an assassination team and immediately set off for the border.

As long as they can kill the target, they can share the five billion equally.


Xu Zhishuang punched the chair next to her angrily, and the solid wooden chair immediately shattered.

"These guys didn't plan to talk to us at all! They planned to kill that Dragon Kingdom man directly! It's disgusting!" Amei scolded angrily.

"The situation is so big now, they can't do it if they don't kill him! If he doesn't kill this person, the international reputation of Dick Kingdom will be greatly damaged. It seems that we can't stay here any longer! We have to find a way to go to the battlefield immediately !"

Xu Zhishuang said solemnly: "Everyone, tidy up, we're leaving now!"

"it is good!"

Everyone nodded and prepared to leave the hotel immediately.

But at this moment, a group of people suddenly walked into the house.

"Everyone, where are you going?"

It was led by a tall man in uniform.

The man had a pistol pinned to his waist, his limbs were powerful, his skin was dark, and his breath was very strong.

"We want to see Yuan Tong!"

Xu Zhishuang said in a deep voice.

"Sorry, Yuantong is not available at the moment."

"No time? That's ok, let's go out for a stroll!"

"No, you can't leave the hotel for the time being!"

The man shook his head.

"Bastard! Are you putting us under house arrest?"

"I tell you, no one can stop us wherever we are going!"

The angry members of the forbidden group shouted in unison, and then tried to force their way out.

"Take them down for me! Tie them all up!"

The man didn't hesitate, and immediately shouted.

The people behind immediately rushed towards the banned group members.

"Get out!"

Xu Zhishuang yelled angrily, and led people to rush out.

The two sides fought.

At the same time, on the border of Dick Country.

Lin Yang, covered in blood, walked towards this slowly.

Behind him, there are a large number of armored tanks that have been deformed.

The ground was potholed and there were dead bodies everywhere.

Lin Yang pulled on his mask and strode across the border.

Da da da....

At this time, a large number of bullets poured over here, along with several shells.


The shell hit him precisely.

Horrific explosions spread in all directions.

The earth was blown to pieces.

The air became hot.

But Lin Yang was not affected at all, and walked out calmly.

Any guns have no effect on him!

The people on the defense line in the distance are stupid.

But Lin Yang raised his hand suddenly.


A sky fire fell down and directly engulfed the entire line of defense.

In an instant, everything within the line of defense was burned to ashes...

Lin Yang continued to walk forward.

"Sir, please stop!"

At this moment, a black car quickly stopped on the street not far in front of Lin Yang, and a blond man in a suit wearing gold-rimmed glasses quickly got out of the car.

The man is a little bald, in his forties, looks quite thin, and looks very capable.

His features are quite different from those of the Dick Country, and he looks more like a person from the American Country.

"Who are you?"

Lin Yang asked lightly.

"Sir, my name is Jon, and I am an envoy sent by the United States. I want to talk to you, sir."

The man said with a smile.

"What do you want to talk about?"

Lin Yang was not in a hurry, and asked calmly.

"Sir, you should be from the Dragon Kingdom, right? Strictly speaking, you are a warrior from the Dragon Kingdom! There is no doubt that your force value is very strong, but you have to know that this world has its own order and rules. Any powerful martial artist is no exception, you should abide by the rules of this world!"

Jon smiled and said: "So I hope that sir can stop your current rude behavior immediately! Don't continue, otherwise, you will face very serious punishment!"

Hearing this, Lin Yang was a little surprised. He stared at Jon silently, and then slowly said: "So you didn't come to talk to me, you... came to threaten me?"

"Sir, don't get me wrong! I'm just trying to comfort you! You have to know that there are many ordinary people in this world who are powerless, and your strength is like a god in front of them. If we don't treat people like you If you restrict it, wouldn't the world be in chaos?"

Let's go and give it a try. 】

Jon shrugged and smiled.

"Then what if I don't listen to you and ignore your constraints?"

Lin Yang asked back.

"Sir, I think this will be a very stupid decision. You have to understand that we are not comparable to a small country like Dick Country. You may be able to do whatever you want here, but when we decide to make a move, you will immediately understand that a person Your power is limited after all!"

Jon shook his head again and again, persuading him earnestly.


Lin Yang nodded, remained silent for a moment, and said calmly: "In that case, I'd like to see what you can do!"

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