The dark web has exploded.

Even the news was captured by some international media.

Although Dick Kingdom tried its best to cover up this action, paper could not contain the fire after all.

Things have begun to ferment, and more and more eyes are cast on the border of Dick Kingdom.

But the Yuantong of the Dick Kingdom also knew that this kind of thing must not be spread, so they blocked the border in advance.

But on the dark web, a unique live broadcast is being staged.

This is a hired team formed by the dark web rewards.

Dick Kingdom has raised the reward amount to 7 billion.

Under this heavy reward, more and more powerful people joined the hiring team.

Finally confirmed the list of 32 people!

And these thirty two people are all well-known existences in the dark net.

There are top blasters who are proficient in bombs, copper-skinned iron bones that can resist bullets, and ninjas who are good at disguised assassination...

The members of this team may not be the top of the dark web killers, but they are definitely ranked high, and everyone is at the s level.

Such a team can be called an elite no matter what kind of task it faces.

However, more people on the dark web are interested in this person who dared to single-handedly harass the border of a country, so they are willing to spend 300 million to ask this hired team to broadcast live.

Those people who have money to earn are naturally happy and readily agreed.

But the original founders raised objections.

In his opinion, since he took over this mission, he should go all out. Starting the live broadcast is obviously disrespectful to the opponent and this mission.

"I said I love angels! Why are you so timid? This is not like you!"

At Guodu Airport in Dick Country, this hiring team formed by dark web powerhouses boarded a car bound for the border. In the car, a man with a red rooster head smiled and rushed towards the curvaceous and elegant woman in the co-pilot seat. Said.

The woman's name is Angel of Love, and she is from country Y. It is said that her gun fighting skills have reached the top in the world, and within three steps, no one can match her.

And the man who laughed at the angel of love is called Death Turkey, from the United States.

This man is a boxer, and it is said that he has a pair of special gloves, and every time he punches, bullets will shoot out of the gloves.

This unique bullet can easily penetrate the body of a warrior, even a grandmaster can't resist it. Death Turkey has killed more than a thousand warriors with this pair of gloves.

"Miss Love Angel, don't you think that with so many of us, we can't deal with an incompetent person who came out of nowhere? Do you look down on us, or are you too afraid of that person?"

A burly man with skin like iron snorted behind him.

"Steel Bear, I think there's nothing wrong with being careful."

Love Angel shook his head and lit a cigarette by himself.

"Women are timid after all!"

The man named Steel Bear said with disdain.

The love angel Liu Mei frowned lightly, but finally said nothing.

"Actually, I think what Ms. Love Angel said makes sense. The enemies we face are different this time."

At this time, a man with white hair and white eyebrows in a white suit in the back seat spoke.

The man's name is Bai Gu. His face is very pale, his figure is thin, and his breath is cold. He is holding a handkerchief and covering his mouth and nose, as if he doesn't like the smell in the car very much.

Both Android and Apple are available. 】

"The country of Dick sent out a large army, but they couldn't deal with that person. I heard that the country of Dick also sent out the only two thunder fighters in the country, but they were both shot down by that man! From this, it can be seen that this person's strength is terrifying. , I don’t recommend starting a live broadcast, I think we should take a long-term plan and plan to deal with this person!”

"A cowardly act!"

"We're not the bunch of sacks raised by Dick's country!"

"I've heard about the thunder fighters. It seems that there was a sudden thunder in the sky, and they were shot down naturally. It has nothing to do with that person!"

"Bai Gu, you are even more timid than a woman!"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Cheerful laughter filled the car.

White Gull and Angel of Love frowned.

At this time, the car stopped.

The driver smiled and looked back and said, "Gentlemen and ladies, we have arrived at our destination!"

Everyone was taken aback, and all looked forward.

I saw that the buildings in the distance were in disastrous failure, the earth was shattered, and the sky was dark.

And in the far distance, a figure is slowly walking towards here...

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