The dark web is dead silent.

Everyone stopped talking.

People just silently watched the pitch-black scene in the live broadcast room, it was hard to say for a long time.

About 5 minutes later, the reward hanging on the top of the dark web was suddenly dropped.

At first glance, it was the dark web manager who made the move.

The people of Dick Kingdom immediately objected.

"Administrator, why do you want to withdraw our bounty? If the money is not enough, we can increase it!"

The person in charge of Dick Country eagerly posted questions.

But the dark web administrator did not reply.

Many people on the dark web slowly came to their senses.

"You are a trap, this reward is a trap!"

"Is that something humans can deal with? That's a monster!"

"What kind of existence did your country of Dick provoke?"

People on the dark web angrily accused and cursed under the post of the person in charge of Dick Country.

The people in Dick Kingdom were not in a good temper, so they replied directly.

"I thought that the people on the dark web were all great and powerful, but I didn't expect that even a person from the Dragon Kingdom could not handle it! It seems that our expectations are too high!"

As soon as this news came out, the powerhouses of the dark net were completely enraged, and the scolding became even more fierce. Some even threatened to go to Dick Country to create turmoil in retaliation for the rude speech made by the person in charge of Dick Country.

Fortunately, the administrator of the dark web still appeared.

"The reason why the bounty was withdrawn is because you Dick Kingdom had a wrong assessment of the strength of the bounty target! You only said that this person's strength would not exceed the SS level, but according to the analysis of our darknet people, the strength of the bounty target has already Infinitely close to the sss-level powerhouse! For such a powerhouse, no one will pick up on the dark web. If we continue to put up rewards, we will only let more people die!"

Seeing this reply, many people gasped.

Infinitely close to the sss level powerhouse?

There is no doubt that the opponent is a strong person at the sss level.

Even if this kind of terrifying existence is placed on the dark net, it is equivalent to a god-like figure.

Who can be the opponent here?

You know, there are sss-level powerhouses in the dark web, but that's one of the few!

Moreover, the other party will never fight another sss-level powerhouse for your money!

After all, who doesn't care about their own lives?

The more powerful the person, the more he cares!

For people of this level, money is just a number!

They're not going to risk those numbers.

As for people below the sss level accepting this reward, it is purely death.

So the dark web manager directly dropped the reward.

"Cunning Dick Countryman!"

"You actually put a reward on such a powerful super existence!"

"You killed Steel Bear! You killed Death Turkey, you killed them!"

"People from Dick Country, get out of here!"

"We will not be deceived by you again!"

Everyone scolded.

The person in charge of Dick Country stopped talking, and soon his account was offline.

And at the border.

Bai Gu, Ai Angel and the others held their mobile phones in a daze, looking at the world of ice and fire in the distance, all of them were dumbfounded.

After everything dissipated, Lin Yang came out alone.

His expression is still extremely indifferent, his eyes are calm, watching this side.

"Run, run..."

White Gull shouted tremblingly, turned around and prepared to escape from here.

But just as they were about to move, they all froze.

Because they found that Lin Yang's eyes had been fixed on them.

Several people breathed tremblingly, only felt a blur in front of their eyes.


Lin Yang's figure appeared in front of them as if teleporting.

Everyone shivered for a while, then knelt down on the ground in unison, trembling, at a loss...

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