"My lord?"

Lin Yang glanced at her and shook his head: "You Yong Ye is gone, I'm not your Night King!"

"From today on, Your Majesty is my master, and I am willing to follow you until the end of the world!"

Dark Swan said respectfully.

During Lin Yang's absence, she was not idle, keeping an eye on the dark web with her mobile phone.

She has already learned about everything Lin Yang has done in Dicko's country through the dark net.

One person defeated a thousand troops, broke through the border of Dick country, and even wiped out the Sky Shark team...

This strength is astonishing as ever!

What is the Night King?

Even if Yong Ye gathered all his strength, he might not be able to accomplish Lin Yang's feat!

Lin Yang didn't bother to pay attention to these, and asked lightly: "Where's your brother?"

"At this!"

Dark Swan quickly carried the boy's body.

Lin Yang sacrificed the power of ascension, turned into air needles, and began to stab the young man.

As the air needles entered his body one by one, the boy's complexion gradually became rosy, but he still didn't breathe.

But even so, Dark Swan couldn't help getting excited, and tears couldn't stop falling.

"Your brother's condition is not too bad, and it's not difficult to save him! However, there is a shortage of medicines. If you can find a few herbs to treat your brother, it will not be difficult for your brother to come back to life."

Lin Yang said lightly.

Upon hearing this, Dark Swan immediately asked: "Your Majesty, what medicinal materials does my brother need? Just ask! I will definitely try my best to find it!"

"Rattles, iris, stone ivory...."

Lin Yang immediately reported the names of a bunch of medicinal materials.

The dark swan listened in a cloud of mist.

"Do you know these medicinal materials?"

Lin Yang asked.

Dark Swan shook his head.

"That's right, you are not from the Dragon Kingdom. The medicinal materials I mentioned may have other names outside the region! You may know the names, but you may not be able to find them!"

Lin Yang thought for a moment, and suddenly asked: "Now that Yongye is destroyed, is Yongye's intelligence network still there?"

Dark Swan was startled, seemed to understand something, and said quickly: "If Your Majesty is willing, I can immediately rebuild Yongye's intelligence network!"

"What? Are you in charge of this?" Lin Yang asked strangely.

"Rattlesnake's immediate boss is me!"

Dark Swan Road.

"That's a good feeling!"

Lin Yang nodded and said with a smile: "Well, I'll take your brother back to Longguo River City and send him to the Academy of Xuanyi School. There will be professional doctors there who will take care of your brother's body. You can immediately rebuild Yongye's body." Information network, and look for these medicinal materials at the same time, I will tell you the characteristics and appearance of these medicinal materials!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"In addition, I still have a lot of medicinal materials that I need you to help me find. These medicinal materials may have disappeared in the Dragon Kingdom. You search for me outside the territory! If you find them, you must send them to the Dragon Kingdom immediately, understand? "

"Don't worry, Your Majesty! I will definitely complete the task!"

Dark Swan said respectfully.

"it is good!"

Lin Yang nodded, picked up the boy's body, and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, Dark Swan suddenly said: "By the way, your lord, did your action include the Black Emperor?"

"Black Emperor?"

Lin Yang stared at her immediately, then shook his head: "My people haven't found any trace of this person!"

"That's troublesome!"

Dark Swan was silent for a moment, then said in a low voice: "The Black Emperor is an important link in rebuilding the intelligence network, and...if he is not dead, if he wants to take revenge on you, His Majesty, it may cause you great trouble!"

"Do you know where the Black Emperor is?"

Lin Yang asked immediately.

"I don't know his exact location. This person is extremely cautious and good at hiding his figure. He is the king of the online world. Even the dark web has been invaded by him, but his true self has never appeared in front of people. ...."

Dark Swan thought for a while, then whispered: "But I know this person has a habit, maybe, I know where he might show up..."

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