The two followed the bartender and walked in towards the small door next to the bar.

After entering the small door, he walked along the corridor winding all the way, and came to an iron door at the end.

There was a famous bodyguard standing in front of the iron gate, the bartender whispered a few words, the bodyguard inspected Dark Swan and Lin Yang, and then opened the iron gate.

Behind the iron gate is an elevator.

"Please come in."

The bartender spoke up.

The two stood up.

After the bartender entered, he directly pressed the negative five button.

"This bar is quite big."

Lin Yang said lightly.

"Of course, the first floor is a drinking place, but below, there are all kinds of exciting places, including a boxing ring and a man's paradise. Here, you can find everything you want, as long as you have money."

Dark Swan said.

"This is the holy city!"

Lin Yang was a little surprised.

"Yes, this is indeed a holy city! But in the final analysis, it is just a city, a bustling city!"

Dark Swan smiled.

Lin Yang didn't speak any more.

Soon, the elevator reached the fifth floor underground.

The corridor on the fifth floor was freezing cold and very dimly lit.

Some yelling and screaming could be heard vaguely.

The bartender led the way as if nothing had happened, and still came to a room at the end of the corridor.

He knocked on the iron door cautiously.

The small compartment on the iron door was immediately opened, revealing a pair of sinister eyes, glanced at the bartender and the others, and then the iron door opened.

"Master Dark Swan, please come in."

The bartender said to Dark Swan.

Dark Swan nodded and walked straight into the room.

But at the moment when the two just entered the room.

whoosh whoosh....

A large number of guns were aimed at the two men.

At the same time, several terrifying vigor also locked on the dark swan.


Lin Yang was quite surprised, and looked at these energetic masters.

Although these vigor is nothing to him, but in Yong Ye, he is also a good master.

As for the existence of the Dark Swan level, naturally they would not take these people seriously.

"Haley, if I were you, I wouldn't make such a rude move!"

Dark Swan said lightly, with a very calm expression.

"Master Dark Swan, we already know about the headquarters. I heard that a lunatic destroyed the headquarters, and even Lord Night King was killed! Now the wind is raging outside, so I must be careful!"

At this time, a dark-skinned man with a pot belly stood up at the boss's desk. He picked up the cigar on his mouth and said coldly: "I want to know, everyone is dead, why... are you still alive?"

"I'm here to find the Black Emperor! Haili, if you know the whereabouts of the Black Emperor, tell me immediately. As for your question, I'm not interested in answering it."

Dark Swan said directly, his words were full of arrogance.

"Black Emperor? No, no, no! Lord Dark Swan, you can't force us to do anything now, I have to figure out the reason for this matter, I can't trust anyone right now!"

The man named Haili spoke coldly.

The sudden destruction of Yongye made everyone uneasy.

Dark Swan frowned, glanced at Haili, and then said: "Please turn off all electronic devices, and then I will tell you the answer!"

"Dark Swan, what do you want to do?"

Hailey asked deeply.

"I will not repeat it a second time, you must do so immediately."

Dark Swan shouted.

Haili's complexion suddenly changed, and he secretly winked at his subordinates.

Obviously, he will not obediently follow Dark Swan's instructions.

But at this moment, Lin Yang suddenly spoke up.

"Dark Swan, these people...does the Black Emperor know?"

"Every time the Black Emperor comes to the Holy City, Haili and the others will provide convenience."

Dark Swan Road.

"Since this is the case, there is no need for them to turn off the electronic equipment. With the ability of the Black Emperor, if everyone's communication equipment loses contact, it will arouse his suspicion instead!"

Lin Yang said calmly.

"My lord, what do you mean?"

Dark Swan looked at him in astonishment.

But Lin Yang stepped forward, looked at Haili, and said lightly: "I want to know where the Black Emperor is, are you willing to cooperate with me?"

"Who are you?"

Hailey asked coldly.

"I am the one who destroyed the eternal night."

Lin Yang said directly.

The words fell to the ground, and there was a deathly silence in the room.

People's breathing and heartbeat seem to have stopped at this moment.

Haili's scalp was even more numb, and he grabbed the gun on the table and pointed it at Lin Yang.

But that gun was just brought up.


Hailey let out a scream and dropped the gun abruptly.

However, the gun fell to the ground and quickly turned red, and within a second, it melted into molten iron...

Haili and the others turned pale with fright.

They know this time, this guy is not cheating!

"Sir, I am willing to cooperate with you, I am willing!"

Hailey yelled quickly.

He could see clearly that Dark Swan simply surrendered to this person.

Even Yong Ye can't deal with this person, why should he fight?


Lin Yang nodded: "Answer my question!"

"The Black Emperor will arrive at the Holy City soon, he will spend the night in the Holy City tonight, and will leave early tomorrow morning!"

Hailey said quickly.

"What did he come to the holy city for?"

Lin Yangli asked.

"I don't know...he comes to the holy city every year, on the eve of the holy festival, but he has come so many times, I have never seen him, let alone know what he is doing here!"

"Your Majesty, with the prudence of the Black Emperor, he will definitely not go here by ordinary transportation!" Dark Swan said.

"I know."

Lin Yang glanced at Haili: "How do you contact the Black Emperor?"

"Notre Dame Opera..." Hailey said immediately.


"Yes, we will place the things that the Black Emperor needs in the opera house, and he will go about his own business after taking these things! Apart from this, we will not have any communication!"

"What do the Black Emperor need? Money?"

Lin Yang asked.

"No, it's a flower, a very rare flower, only the holy city will bloom!"

"Where are the flowers?"

"Quick, hurry up and get the flowers!"

Haley yelled.

Soon, one of his men brought a black box, put it in front of Lin Yang, and opened the box.

In an instant, a ray of light bloomed from inside the box.

Lin Yang was startled and looked down.

But I saw a bunch of pure white flowers placed in the box.

It is unbelievable that these flowers... all glow!

" this?"

Lin Yang's breath trembled, and something seemed to come to his mind...

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