Seeing Lin Yang's violent reaction, Dark Swan suddenly realized something, and immediately asked, "Does that kid look like he's only in his teens?"

"You know that kid?"

Yue Sheng asked with a frown.

"Black Emperor?"

Dark Swan murmured.

"So, that child instructed you to find us as scapegoats and frame us as murderers?"

Lin Yang asked coldly.

"That's right, although I don't know who this child is, but his plan seems to be perfect, and our family also urgently needs to be in charge. Only by provoking the struggle between Vito and the Doss family as soon as possible can we create opportunities for my family. So I chose to believe in that child, and I happened to meet you, so I plan to use you to help me implement this plan!"

Yue Sheng said lightly, she was already a broken jar, so she confessed everything.

Lin Yang got up immediately and rushed out the door.

Dark Swan followed suit.

The people in the room were bewildered.

"Go and see what help Mr. Lin needs!"

Old Vito drank in a low voice, and led others to follow him.

However, the two of them arrived at seat 13 as quickly as possible and dug out the box full of Heroic Spirit Flowers.

Dark Swan immediately entered the password and opened the box.

However...the box is now empty...

"My lord, it's over, the Black Emperor has already arrived!"

Dark Swan's eyes were absent, with an expression of disbelief.

"I thought I was hiding well enough, but I was still discovered by the Black Emperor!"

Lin Yang frowned.

He never expected that the Black Emperor had discovered them before they entered the opera house, and set up a series of tricks to trick them away, taking the opportunity to take the Heroic Flower!

This Black Emperor is far more terrifying than imagined!

"Mr. Lin, are you okay?"

The old Vito walked over panting slightly, and asked with concern.

"We have nothing."

Lin Yang shook his head.

"Mr. Lin, you saved my children. You will be the most honorable friend of our Vito family. If you need anything for our Vito family, please ask."

Old Vito said sincerely.

"Thank you, Mr. Vito."

Lin Yang smiled bitterly, but he lost his mood.

Just then, a piercing bell rang.

Several people subconsciously touched their mobile phones, only to find that the source of the ringtone was in the box.

Dark Swan quickly took out a mobile phone from the interlayer of the box, and handed it to Lin Yang in astonishment.

"Your Majesty! It's the mobile phone put by the Black Emperor..."

Lin Yang stared at the phone for a moment, then pressed the connect button.

"Should I call you Doctor Lin, or should I call you Handsome Lin?"

There was a cold and green voice on the other side of the phone.

"Heihuang, I will give you a choice. If you are willing to submit to me, I don't care about anything."

Lin Yang said calmly.

"You ruined Eternal Night, but it doesn't really affect me, but you came to the holy city and wanted to deal with me! This makes me very unhappy! You have offended me, so I am going to let you be buried here forever! You will have to pay for your recklessness and recklessness."

The Black Emperor snorted coldly.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Lin Yang asked back.

"Lin, I know that you are very powerful, but in this world, the strength of force cannot dominate everything. This is a world that uses the brain, and you will understand what is the real master!"

"You guys have 5 hours to live! Run away as soon as possible and give me some fun!"

Heihuang said lightly, then hung up the phone.

Lin Yang frowned slightly, and glanced at the person who had hung up.

On the phone screen, he glanced at the time.

It was exactly 7:00 p.m.

five hours!

In other words, the Black Emperor will officially launch an attack on the two at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night!

"Mr. Lin, we have to act as soon as possible! He should have taken the Heroic Spirit Flower not long ago. He must still be in the holy city. We should search the whole city immediately to catch him!"

Dark Swan said immediately.

"No need to!"

Lin Yang casually threw his mobile phone on the coffee table, and said calmly: "The opera is about to start, let's enjoy the opera carefully, and then do it!"


Dark Swan was stunned, thinking for a while that he had heard wrong.

"I already know where the Black Emperor is, let's watch the opera first, and we'll find him later.":

Lin Yang said lightly, sat back in his seat, and drank tea quietly.

These words fell to the ground, which made the dark swan confused.

Now that you know where the Black Emperor is, why don't you go directly to arrest him?

She opened her mouth, but finally chose silence.

"Bring them back! Inform their families, our Vito family will officially declare war on them!"

Old Vito shouted at the people beside him, and then walked over to accompany Lin Yang to watch the opera.

"Your Excellency Vito, don't rush to let them go, I still have something for them to do."

At this time, Lin Yang suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Lin, if you need to order anything, we can help."

Old Vito said immediately.

"No, you can't do it! Only they can do it."

Lin Yang smiled lightly and said, "The Black Emperor used them to take away the things I put here. If so, I will use them to find out the Black Emperor who is hiding in the dark!"

The old Vito listened in a cloud of fog, completely unaware of what Lin Yang was talking about.

But due to Lin Yang's status, Old Vito still chooses to respect Lin Yang's choice.

He waved his hand, and everyone left the box.

Yue Sheng and Zhao Lina looked at each other, feeling more and more anxious.

"What are you still doing? Sit down, the opera is about to begin!"

Lin Yang smiled faintly at the two women, and said directly.

The second daughter had no choice but to bite the bullet and sit opposite Lin Yang.

"Get ready, later, you are going to perform on stage!"

At this time, Lin Yang suddenly said something without warning.


The second daughter is stupid.

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