The ballet dancers on the stage exited with smiles on their faces. Following a round of warm applause, a host dressed as a polite gentleman with a curly beard stepped onto the stage quickly.

"Thank you gentlemen and ladies for watching, I think you can't wait to see what's coming next? No problem! The upcoming stage will be an opera performance carefully prepared by our opera house, led by master Harvey, Please keep your eyes open and wait and see!"

The host's constant high and low tone drove the atmosphere of the scene.

Then the whole stage changed, and the curtain behind slowly opened, and a beautiful stage filled with various props appeared in people's sight.

As the largest opera house in the Holy City, the cost of this stage has exceeded 30 million. The bottom of the stage is full of hidden compartments, which can easily switch between several scenes.

It's just that the stage has been switched, but no actors are on stage.

The host froze.

But his good qualities allowed him to immediately pick up the microphone to control the field.

"Maybe our applause is not warm enough! Now, please welcome our performers to the stage!"

The scene once again burst into warm applause.

However... still no one is on stage...

This time the host was a little embarrassed, and quickly asked the staff next to him what was going on.

But at this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the background.

Afterwards, two figures walked onto the stage slowly.

The people at the scene looked over immediately.

The two on stage! It was Yue Sheng and Zhao Lina!

At this moment, one of them was wearing a priestess costume, and the other was wearing a female knight's costume, standing nervously on the stage like this.

The audience was confused and didn't know which show was going to be performed, but they still gave warm applause.

The host was dumbfounded on the spot, staring blankly at the two figures on the stage, and asked in a daze, "Were there any of them in our previous rehearsal?"

"Maybe not?"

"Then who are they?"

"This... I don't know..."

"Damn it! Go backstage and see what happened! Where's Master Harvey?"

The host said angrily.

But the show seems to have already started, and the host is not easy to appear on the stage, so we can only hope that the show will not be messed up.

At this time, Zhao Lina had already pulled out the knight sword at her waist, and started fighting with Yuesheng who was holding a wizard staff.

The faces of the two were tense, and their limbs seemed very stiff, but the fight was still very interesting.

It can be seen that both of them have some martial arts foundation.

Although the audience didn't know which one was being played, they still watched it with gusto.

"My lord, I don't quite understand...what the hell is this doing?"

The dark swan in the box was also at a loss.

Lin Yang got up straight and walked out of the box.

"Mr. Lin?"

"My lord?"

Dark Swan and Old Vito followed immediately.

After Lin Yang walked out of the box, he went directly to seat No. 13 and sat down.

The ticket for this position has already been bought by Haili, because Haili's people can't come, so it is empty.

Lin Yang just sat in seat 13, looking at the scene with blazing eyes.

Old Vito and Dark Swan all stared in astonishment.

As the two on stage continued to fight and fight, the atmosphere on the scene finally reached its most enthusiastic moment.


The knight's sword collided heavily with the wizard's staff.

Then the two separated together, panting.



"What a wonderful fight!"

Everyone at the scene stood up and applauded.

At this moment, Lin Yang immediately closed his eyes, not knowing what he was doing.

After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the auditorium on the second floor opposite.

At the same time, in the auditorium, a pair of eyes looked at him in shock, and then the owner of the eyes immediately got up, turned and ran away.

"It's the Black Emperor!"

Dark Swan followed Lin Yang's gaze and immediately caught the opponent's figure, and immediately jumped into the air, chasing after him.

But at this moment.


Suddenly, there was an extremely sharp and piercing sound in the opera house.

It seemed that all the electronic equipment in the entire opera house had broken down, and they made a common electric sound.

Even the dark swans couldn't block the sound, and they couldn't help covering their ears and falling from the air.

All the audience at the scene also covered their ears and knelt down.

Seeing this, Lin Yang immediately stood up and prepared to pursue.

But as soon as he turned around, the electric beeping disappeared.

Then a group of men in black stopped in front of them.

While digging their ears, they surrounded Lin Yang, Vito and the others, and said in a deep voice, "Gentlemen, please come with us!"

Lin Yang frowned slightly, looked at the Heihuang who had disappeared into the crowd in the distance, and said lightly: "Your Excellency Vito, can you solve it?"

"Mr. Lin, you can leave at any time, I will take care of it here!"

Old Vito said in a deep voice, his hand had already reached for the gun in his pocket.

It turned out that he couldn't stop the performance at all, but Lin Yang had already said that this was very important, so he forced his men to bring guns to control the backstage so that Yue Sheng and Zhao Lina could take the stage.

Lin Yang glanced at him, shook his head, and said calmly, "Let me do it!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yang raised his hand and grabbed it from the air.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

The guns on the waists of these men in black were all reduced to ashes.

Everyone was shocked.

Old Vito was even more astonished.

"let's go!"

Lin Yang said lightly.

"Okay...Okay, Your Excellency!"

Old Vito said respectfully.

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