Dark Swan and the others stood by the grave and watched silently, without saying a word.

Especially the dark swan, at the moment, he only feels mixed feelings.

She never thought that the formidable top hacker, the Black Emperor, would actually have such a side.

From this point of view, the Black Emperor is still just a child after all.

He is only ten years old.

Although his computer technology has reached the pinnacle of this world, he is a peerless genius that cannot be copied, but he has not experienced too much after all, and he is not a saint after all.

I don't know how long it took before the Heihuang's crying stopped slowly.

He lay in the coffin, staring blankly at the sky.

"Do it! I'm going to see my mother!"

The Black Emperor said hoarsely.

Lin Yang crouched beside the coffin, watching him calmly: "Who told you that I want to kill you?"

"Don't kill me?"

"I want you to work for me!"

"Hehe, you can kill me, but it's impossible for me to submit to you!"

The Black Emperor laughed mockingly.

Although he was young, he still had the arrogance he should have.

The old Vito next to him frowned when he heard this, and persuaded him: "Son, it is your honor to be able to work for Mr. Lin. Since you have failed, you should face the failure calmly. Isn't Mr. Lin Your enemy, if you work by his side, you may have a higher achievement!"

"What stupid words."

Hei Huang shook his head and sneered, very disdainful.

Old Vito was bullying with anger, but his good manners prevented him from continuing to speak.

"It's sad."

At this time, Lin Yang suddenly spoke.

"Who are you talking about?"

The Black Emperor frowned.

"Of course it's about you, otherwise, who else is sad here?"

Lin Yang said calmly: "Isn't it sad that a person is lying in his mother's coffin?"

"What do you know?"

Seeing Lin Yang mentioning his mother, Hei Huang instantly broke his defenses and cursed angrily.

"What do I know? How can I not understand?"

Lin Yang snorted coldly: "Tell me! How did your mother die?"

"shut up!"

"What? Don't dare to say? You are so young, she definitely died abnormally! Was she killed by someone? Or died of illness?"

"If you died of illness, you are still young, I won't say you, but if you were killed by someone! You don't want to avenge your mother, but hide here instead, isn't it sad?"

"I also lost my mother, but I won't cry in my mother's coffin like you! That's just a cowardly act, I know what I want to do! Is to kill the enemy! Avenge my mother, if you can't even do this Now, what face do you have standing in front of your mother's grave?"

Lin Yang stared coldly at the Black Emperor in the coffin, and his voice became colder and colder: "You are not qualified to lie here! If your mother knew how cowardly you are, she would regret giving birth to you!"


The Heihuang roared angrily, his whole body burst out of strength from nowhere, he rushed out of the coffin, ran towards Lin Yang, and smashed him with his fists.


There was a crisp sound.

Heihuang's fist felt as if it had hit steel.

Lin Yang is safe and sound.

He clutched his fists in pain and fell to the ground, excruciatingly painful.

"It's so powerless, I think any adult can kill you!"

Lin Yang shook his head, then turned around and said indifferently: "You can continue to cry for your mother here, please cry louder, and let your mother take a good look at your stupid appearance!"

After the words fell, Lin Yang turned around and was about to leave.


The Black Emperor suddenly shouted.

Lin Yang stopped and looked sideways: "Is there anything else?"

Heihuanghong stared at Lin Yang angrily, panting violently.

The pain made him sweat profusely.

He gritted his teeth and growled in a low voice: "Can you...can you kill someone for me?"


"my father!"

The Black Emperor said in a low voice.

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