Old Vito took people back to clean up the two families of Yuesheng and Zhao Lina.

Dark Swan hurriedly went to various places outside the territory to collect the medicinal materials that Lin Yang explained.

The Black Emperor stayed in the holy city for a day, bid farewell to his mother, and returned to the hidden castle he built.

But when he just stepped into the castle, Lin Yang called.

"As the world's top hacker, I think you should be able to find some unknown things?"

Lin Yang asked lightly.

"I can indeed unearth some long-lost things from the deep web!"

The Black Emperor replied.

deep web?

Lin Yang breathed lightly.

He has seen the word.

On the darknet.

It is said that under the dark web, there is another layer of deep web!

This area is not accessible to ordinary people.

It belongs to the taboo of the Internet, and it is a place that many people cannot explore.

And in the deep web, there are also things that are frightening, desperate, and confusing.

Perhaps only a top hacker like the Black Emperor can visit that area.

"Have you ever heard of the Bronze Man?"

Lin Yang was silent for a moment, then spoke.

"what is that?"

"If you don't know, can you search the Internet for me? I want to know the information about the Taigu Bronze Man, and it's best to be able to find their location."

Lin Yang said in a low voice.

The Heihuang was silent for a moment, then said lightly: "Give me a few hours."

"I'll wait for your call!"

Lin Yang exhaled, hung up the phone, walked out of the airport, and got into Ma Hai's car.

"well enough?"

In the car, Lin Yang asked.

"Mr. Xu Zheng has brought people back to the Nirvana Realm to start research again. At present, there is nothing abnormal about the college and the company, but...the news came from the Nirvana Realm yesterday, saying that there is something wrong with the door of the palace in the mountain of the Temple of Heaven. ring...."

Ma Hai said.

"Unusual sound?"

Lin Yang was slightly taken aback, and then said in a concentrated voice: "In that case, tell Xu Zheng and the others to clean up the palace immediately! If the ancestors of the Man family or Ye Yan come out of the underground dragon veins, none of them will survive!"

"Dong Lin, I proposed to ask Mr. Xu Zheng and his team to evacuate the palace, but they refused, because the abnormal sound only appeared yesterday, not today, and Mr. Xu Zheng said that scientific research has reached a very critical point , if the retreat is suspended at this time, all previous efforts will be wasted..."

Ma Hai sighed.

Lin Yang frowned, thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Immediately send masters to the palace, and at the same time send someone to quickly send this knife to the palace, and stab it in front of that door!"

Lin Yang took out the Tiansheng knife from his body, held the handle of the knife and raised his hand to wipe it.

Chi la!

The handle of the knife cut his palm, and the blood stained the natural knife red.

Ma Hai breathed tremblingly, and immediately said: "Director Lin, I will make arrangements immediately."


At this time, Lin Yang's cell phone vibrated suddenly.

Lin Yang glanced at the number and couldn't help being stunned.

The caller ID showed that it was my younger sister, Su Xiaoqing!

He has not contacted Su Xiaoqing for a long time.

However, Su Xiaoqing was also preparing for the college entrance examination during this time, so she didn't have time.

Lin Yang hesitated for a moment, then pressed the connect button.

"Xiao Qing, what's the matter?"

"Brother-in-law, I have been admitted to Jiang University!"

On the other side of the phone was Su Xiaoqing's excited voice.

"Really? Then congratulations, Xiao Qing."

Lin Yang couldn't help but smile.

"Brother-in-law, are you busy recently? Why don't you contact Xiao Qing?"

"This... isn't this afraid of delaying your study?"

"My sister has to go to filming all day to catch up with the announcement... I don't have time to accompany Xiao Qing, brother-in-law, you don't come to see Xiao Qing, Xiao Qing is good... so boring!"

Su Xiaoqing said in a resentful tone, but her tongue was a little knotted.

Lin Yang was slightly taken aback, as if he had noticed something, he couldn't help asking: "Xiao Qing, have you been drinking?"

"Brother-in-law, check your grades today, are you happy? My classmates asked me to go to the bar together...It's my first time to come to the bar...Anyway, I'm an adult, so it shouldn't matter, right?"

Su Xiaoqing chuckled.

Lin Yang frowned, thought for a moment, and said directly: "Which bar are you in? I'll go find you."

"Manlin Bar...Brother-in-law, are you coming to celebrate with me?"

"Xiao Qing, who are you chatting with? Come, come, let's drink!"

Before Su Xiaoqing finished speaking, a male voice came from beside him.

But at this moment, an angry and pleasant voice came out.

"Good girl! You are too much! Come with me!"

"It's over! My sister is here!"

Su Xiaoqing's surprised voice came.

Not long after, a pleasant female voice came from the phone again, it was Su Yu's.

"Hello! Brother-in-law? Is that you?"

"Xiaoyu? Have you been to Manlin's Bar?"

Lin Yang couldn't help laughing.

"It's here! This girl is crazy today! It's so lawless that she came here!"

Su Yu was furious.

"Well, since you're here, take her back quickly!"

"Well! Brother, I will."

Su Yu responded, suddenly thought of something, and said, "Brother, are you free these two days? I...I want to treat you to a meal..."

"I'm available anytime."

"How about tomorrow at noon?"


"Ok, deal!"

Su Yu said happily, "Then I'll take Xiao Qing back first! See you at noon tomorrow!"

"Well! Be careful on the road!"


Su Yu laughed, and then hung up the phone.

Lin Yang exhaled and went back to the academy directly.

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