"Brother-in-law! I was wrong! I was really wrong! Damn me! I'm not human! Woooooooooooooooo..."

Su Xiaoqing cried while wiping away tears.

The tears couldn't be stopped at all, dripping from between her fingers like pearls.

After a long interrogation, the truth was revealed.

It turned out that all of this was done by Su Xiaoqing's classmate.

After the results were released yesterday, Su Xiaoqing and a group of classmates were admitted to their ideal university, so they went to the bar to celebrate.

Su Xiaoqing has always been a good girl on weekdays, and would never go to such a place, but she was happy once in a while, and at the same time, she was very curious about that kind of place, so she agreed.

A few classmates tried to drink in the bar, Su Xiaoqing didn't know how to drink at all, and at the instigation of her classmates, after a few sips, she became a little confused.

When Su Yu learned about this, she immediately went to the bar to look for her sister, and planned to take her back.

But Su Xiaoqing's classmate quit!

It turned out that among these classmates, there was a boy named Jin Shaolong who had always liked Su Xiaoqing very much. He confessed his love to Su Xiaoqing several times during school, but was always rejected by Su Xiaoqing.

It was his proposal to come to the bar to celebrate this time.

Originally, he planned to get Su Xiaoqing drunk, and then take him down in one fell swoop, but now that Su Xiaoqing is in a hurry, he is about to come and cook raw rice, how can he be willing to let Su Yu take him away?

So the two sides had a dispute.

As a popular star, it is naturally inconvenient for Su Yu to go in and out of places like bars, so when she went to find Su Xiaoqing last night, she also dressed up a bit, wearing a mask, hat and sunglasses, and others did not know that this was Su Yu.

But Su Xiaoqing calls Su Yu "sister", Su Xiaoqing is just such a sister, who is she, how can Su Xiaoqing's classmates know?

But they pretended not to know, not allowing Su Yu to take Su Xiaoqing away, and then the two sides clashed.

Although Su Yu was old, she was no match for these young men and women. After some entanglement, Jin Shaolong smashed her arm and head with a beer bottle, and then fell into a pool of blood. The bar staff dialed 120 and sent her to the hospital.

Seeing that her sister was injured and admitted to the hospital, Su Xiaoqing also sobered up and cried until now.

As for her classmates, they are now gone.

"Simply lawless!"

Su Yan in the room gritted her teeth angrily when she heard what Su Tai told Lin Yang.

"If you want to blame, you can only blame this dead girl! It's all caused by this dead girl!"

Liu Manshan was so angry that she rushed over while crying, and wanted to beat Su Xiaoqing.

Lin Yang hurriedly stopped Liu Manshan, and said in a deep voice: "The thing has already happened, it's no use blaming Xiaoqing any more, what should be done now is how to deal with this matter, educating Xiaoqing, you have to take your time!"

Liu Manshan whimpered and burst into tears again.

Su Xiaoqing leaned against the door, tears never stopped.

At this moment, several people suddenly approached the ward.

"Excuse me, are you Su Xiaoqing's parents?"

A rather serious voice came out.

Everyone was stunned and looked at it one after another.

I saw a few middle-aged men and women in bright clothes leading some eighteen or nineteen-year-old boys and girls to the front of the ward.

When Su Xiaoqing saw these people, her pretty face turned pale, and she backed away in fright.

"You are?"

Su Tai stared at them strangely.

"Oh, you should be Su Xiaoqing's father, right? My name is Jin Qiang, and I'm Jin Shaolong's uncle. These are all Su Xiaoqing's classmates and parents!"

First, a middle-aged man in a well-fitting suit introduced lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Su Tai was furious.

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