"how so?"

Jin Qiang's eyes were dull and his words were murmuring.

"Ah Qiang, don't talk about it. Today is the end of my family. Shenzong is no match for Dr. Lin. This time, we have hit the iron plate!"

Jin Yao on the other side came slowly and said hoarsely.

When Jin Qiang heard this, he sat down on the ground, speechless for a while.

Jin Hui sighed, shook his head, and looked towards Lin Yang: "Doctor Lin, this is the end of the matter, I have nothing to say, my two younger brothers have done such stupid things, I am sorry for you, I will not say anything I'm begging for mercy, I only hope that Divine Doctor Lin can leave us a whole body!"

After finishing speaking, Jin Hui knelt down again, closed his eyes, and silently waited for death.

Everyone in the Jin family cried into tears, hugging each other, trembling, waiting for the arrival of death.

No one pleaded.

They all know that intercession is useless.

After all, Lin Yang had said before that he only gave the Jin family one chance.

Now that Jin Qiang has done such a thing, Lin Yang has no reason to forgive the Jin family.

"I became a sinner of the Jin family? I...I harmed the Jin family! What face do I have to meet the ancestors of the Jin family?"

Jin Qiang stared blankly, his heart was gloomy.

Nothing is more painful than this.

Lin Yang didn't speak, but paced back and forth, as if thinking about something.

After a while, he turned around and looked indifferently: "Jin Hui, are you willing to use all of the Jin family to buy the lives of your Jin family?"

Jin Hui suddenly raised his head, opened his eyes and stared in astonishment: "Master Lin, what do you mean by that?"

"I heard that the main industry of your Jin family is ships. You have several cruise ships in your hands, and hundreds of ships of all sizes, right?"

"If Miracle Doctor Lin likes it, I would like to dedicate everything in the Jin family, including these."

"I do need a route. If so, I will ask Ma Hai to draw up a contract later. The route and ship of your Jin family will belong to Yanghua."

Lin Yang said lightly.

"it is good!"

"Let's go."

Lin Yang waved again.

The Jin family was astonished.

"Master Lin, you...you won't kill us?"

Jin Hui couldn't believe it.

"Jin Hui, you are a real person, not to mention that you are all from Jiangcheng. With this in mind, I will let you go again."

Lin Yang said lightly.

When the Jin family heard this, tears welled up in their eyes.

Jin Hui was even more excited and kowtowed to Lin Yang.

Jin Yao and Jin Qiang also looked incredible.

Even the Liehuo Shenzong can be overwhelmed, and it is easy for Lin Yang to destroy the Jin family.

But he...still chose not to kill...

Is this Dr. Lin?

"Master Lin, Jin Qiang was blind before. I didn't know Mount Tai, I didn't know the real dragon! Offend Xianwei, Jin Qiang...deserves death!"

Jin Qiang knocked his head heavily on the ground, even though his head was bleeding, he didn't respond.

"That's all, let's go."

Lin Yang said lightly.


Jin Qiang raised his head abruptly, gritted his teeth and said, "Doctor Lin! You let my whole family go, and saved me from being a sinner of the Jin family, but I'm sorry for you from the beginning to the end! I...I am willing to use this life , as punishment for offending you!"

After finishing speaking, Jin Qiang slammed his head hard against the wall next to him.


Jin Qiang's head was bleeding, his brain was shattered, and he died on the spot.

"Third brother!"

Jin Yao screamed.

Jin Hui secretly wiped away his tears, without saying a word.

Although his heart ached, he didn't respond.

The people of Raging Fire Sect are also indifferent.

But in the next second, several silver needles flew over and pierced into Jin Qiang's head.

Jin Qiang, who had just died not long ago, coughed suddenly, and stood up straight again.


The people of Raging Fire Sect were all frightened.

Jin Yao didn't have time to wipe away his tears, so he stayed where he was....


"Jin Qiang, if you want to die, I won't stop you, but don't die here, dirty my floor, find a rag later, and wipe that wall clean!"

Lin Yang said lightly: "Besides, if you are really ashamed of me, then wait until Yanghua takes over your Jin family's ship, and you will run this route for me, I have a lot of goods to be transported through the route every day! Understand?"

Jin Qiang was still a little dazed, but Jin Hui on the other end rushed over and kicked, cursing: "Idiot, why don't you thank Miracle Doctor Lin quickly?"

"Ah? Okay, thank you... Miracle Doctor Xie Lin!"

Jin Qiang quickly knelt down and kowtowed, still confused.

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