"What? Sun and moon crystals? One as big as a thumb?"

The jaws of the city lord Nanli and the owner of Yunxiao Village almost dropped from shock.

Chu Qiu was speechless for a while.

Thumb size? What are you kidding?

Such things as sun and moon crystals can be called rare treasures in the realm of nirvana!

Moreover, ordinary sun and moon crystals are at most the size of a grain of rice. Now this person asks for the size of a thumb, and they are only given one day?

"Are you embarrassing us, Your Excellency? Although the Nirvana Realm is huge, you may not be able to find thumb-sized crystals of the sun and the moon. What's more, you only give us one day. How can we do it?" Nanli City Master held back Furious, he lowered his voice.

"This is your business, and I don't want to wait too long. I want you to do your best, and you must find it for me, otherwise, I will kill you all!"

The man snorted, proudly contemptuous of these people.

It seems that in his eyes, he is the god of these people.

Everyone's face became tense, and everyone dared not speak out.

"Sorry, can't do it."

Just then, a voice came out.

The man frowned, looked sideways, and it was Lin Yang who spoke.

"I said, I will only give you one day!"

"It's not a matter of time."

"What's the reason for that?"

"We...why help you find it?"

Lin Yang asked lightly.

As soon as these words came out, the man flew into a rage.

"What did you say? Court death!"

The man shouted, his energy suddenly surged, and the strong power of ascension was like a huge invisible slap, slapping Lin Yang fiercely.

A slap is enough to slap a heavy tank as thin as paper, and its power is terrifying.

But Lin Yang was not afraid at all, and waved his backhand.


The power of ascension also poured out, directly tearing the invisible slap.

The man's body trembled slightly, and he looked at Lin Yang in disbelief.

"This is... are you a land fairy?"

"I know that your Excellency came from the underground dragon vein, there are many experts there, and you are also well-informed, but this does not mean that the Nirvana Realm is an area that you can trample on. There are also gods here!"

Lin Yang said expressionlessly.

The man came back to his senses, with annoyed eyes flashing in his eyes, he nodded again and again, furious: "Good! Good! What a land fairy! Do you think that with this realm, you can compete with my underground dragon veins? You can't overestimate yourself!"

After all, the man wanted to make a move.

But Lin Yang was not used to him.

The other party did not have the strength of a land god, but his cultivation base was raised, which was obviously caused by taking drugs for a long time.

His talent is not enough to support him to step into this realm, so he chooses to use drugs to forcibly step into this realm.

Although he has gained the ability to fight against the land gods, his methods are not as good as the land gods!

And in this way, the possibility of promotion will be completely ruined. The side effects of the medicine will completely kill his talent. He will be trapped in this realm for the rest of his life, and there will be no hope of leaping forward.

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The two sides fought.

Master Yun Xiao and the others retreated immediately.

They will not intervene in a battle of this level.

With Lin Yang, the real land fairy, there is no fear.

"Prison kill!"

The man yelled, releasing golden beams of air from his palms, like ropes, quickly enveloping Lin Yang.

Lin Yang was not in a hurry, his body shook, shattering the beam of air, and then he slashed at the opponent with a knife in his hand.

The strong power of ascension turned his palm into a golden color.

Just like that, there is a kind of infinite and endless domineering power!

The man's breathing trembled, his scalp was numb, and he dodged hastily.

The moment he got out of the way, Lin Yang immediately let go of all his strength to prevent the brutal force on his body from destroying this place.

However, this scene fell into the man's eyes, but it made his heart rise to his throat.

With Lin Yang's hand, there is no doubt that he has perfect control over the power and strength of the ascension!

This method is simply terrifying!

He gritted his teeth tightly, and once again rolled out a thunderstorm, blasting towards Lin Yang.


Thunder flew out of his palm, tearing the ground into a long gully.

Lin Yang looked back at the scientific research equipment placed behind his eyes, did not dodge, drew a circle with his backhand, rolled out a lot of ascending force, and forcibly absorbed the rolling thunder.

This time the man finally reacted.

"What? You're still tiptoeing after a fight? Could it be that you're afraid that I'll destroy your equipment?"

The man chuckled, his eyes sparkled, as if he had found a way to win.

Lin Yang frowned: "There are some things, I advise you to think about it before doing it!"

"I don't think it's necessary!"

The man laughed, and directly slashed at a nearby instrument with his backhand.


The instrument exploded on the spot.

Xu Zheng, who had not had time to retreat over there, trembled violently, and rushed forward with a few steps, his heart was bleeding.

"Hahaha, you are in a mess! This is the best opportunity!"

The man laughed loudly, and immediately attacked Lin Yang again.

And at the moment of launching the attack, his palm shook again, and he swung a soaring force towards an instrument not far away.

This is impressive!

If Lin Yang doesn't care about the instrument, the instrument will be damaged, but if he cares about the instrument, he will take the attack hard!

"See how you choose!"

The man sneered, and the strength in his palm increased in vain, hitting Lin Yang's chest.

But Lin Yang didn't hesitate at all, and rushed forward directly, smashing the soaring force flying towards the instrument with his arm, and kept the instrument down.


The man laughed loudly, and slapped Lin Yang's chest heavily, with destructive force crazily invading his body.


Lin Yang's body only trembled slightly, and then there was no reaction.

The man's smile froze.

look up.

Facing a pair of indifferent eyes...

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