Jiuyu was stunned, looked at the man who smelled of alcohol, and was about to speak, but noticed that the drinking people around him were all looking at him, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty, and had no choice but to back away.

"Guest officer, I'm really sorry, our small restaurant is occupied by these guests. If you want to drink, please come back at another time."

The wine seller hurried over and said with a smile on his face.

Jiuyu nodded, turned around and ran towards Lin Yang, and explained the situation in a low voice.

"In this case, let's not drink, you go and call the wine seller, let's find out the news and go."

Lin Yang said.

"it is good!"

Jiuyu nodded, and immediately called out to the liquor seller, signaling to come over.

The wine seller immediately put down the wine jar, wiped his hands and trotted forward.

"What orders do you two adults have?"

"I want to ask, do you know a person named Ye Yan?"

While talking, Lin Yang asked Jiuyu to pay for it.

The wine seller who took the money immediately smiled and thought quickly.

"If it's not the same name and surname, I have indeed heard of an adult named Ye Yan."


Lin Yangli asked.

"The largest trial venue in Longxin District. I heard that a person broke the trial record not long ago. It seems that the person's name is Ye Yan!"

said the liquor seller.

"Trial venue?"

Lin Yang was confused, and looked at Jiuyu: "Where is that place?"

However, Jiuyu's expression changed drastically, and he pursed his lips without saying a word.

Seeing this, Lin Yang didn't say much, and asked the wine seller, "Do you know the Manjia patriarch?"

"Never heard of it."

The liquor seller shook his head again and again.

But among the drinking crowd over there, there were a few pairs of eyes looking at him.

Lin Yang also noticed these pairs of eyes, but he didn't pay too much attention to them, instead he looked at the back of the restaurant with great interest.

There stands a huge stone monument.

On the stele are rows of gilded characters.

The content of the large characters is exactly the reward offered by the reward master.

The content of the reward is nothing more than finding rare treasures, or killing traitors, etc.

"What? Is there a reward for Da Neng to borrow someone else's hand to kill someone?"

Lin Yang asked curiously.

"Reporting to my lord, this is one of the methods of offering rewards to select talents!"

Jiuyu said respectfully: "If the person who completes the task is favored by the rewarding power, he can serve under his command. If he is not favored, he will be rewarded and dismissed."

"I see...."

Lin Yang nodded, and then took Jiuyu away.

But just when the two turned to leave, the drinking people behind them suddenly got up in unison, and followed Lin Yang to the reward point.

Jiuyu's face tensed, and he hurriedly whispered: "Sir, why don't we stay at the reward point first?"

"No need."

Lin Yang glanced at those people, and said calmly: "Go out with me first, it's not convenient to do business here."

"it is good."

Jiuyu hesitated for a while, but still nodded.

as expected.

As soon as the two left the reward point, the gang of strong men drinking earlier immediately surrounded them in unison.

Reward points cannot kill people.

But it's different when the bounty is out.

Jiuyu immediately activated the power of ascension, and stood ready.

Lin Yang was not in a hurry, and asked calmly: "I have no grievances or enmity with you, why do you stop me?"

"Boy, did you just mention the ancestor of the Man family?"

One of the one-eyed men stepped forward and asked deeply.

Lin Yang heard the sound, glanced at the man, and asked calmly, "Do you know the ancestor of Manjia?"

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