Seeing this scene, Qin Jiannv and the others all exclaimed.

Jiuyu was stunned on the spot, and then slumped on the ground.

Once Lin Yang dies, who will detoxify him? Who will help him step into the land fairyland?

What's more, he has already betrayed the original owner, Lin Yang is gone, and he is considered helpless.

"Sure enough, there is a trap!"

Killing Axe spit and cursed in a low voice: "This Longxue Emperor is so despicable! I will crush him to ashes!"

"Miss, what should we do now?"

The person next to him asked.

"Set up a copper barrier to counter!"

Qin Jiannv said lightly.


A few people in the team immediately stepped out and walked towards the barrier hole.

But as they walked, they stopped at the same time.

The Qin and Sword Girls frowned and looked at each other.

"Miss, do you see?"

The person in front pointed to the barrier hole.

I saw that the gunpowder smoke that filled there gradually dissipated, and a figure covered in blood lay outside the barrier.

At first glance, it was Lin Yang!


Many people exclaimed.

"This kid... actually has a whole body?" Killing Axe looked so unbelievable that his eyeballs were about to fall out of their sockets.

"To be precise, he is not dead yet!"

Qin Jiannv seemed to notice Lin Yang's slightly heaving chest, and said in a low voice.

This time the crowd was even more unacceptable.

This is no ordinary explosion.

The barriers to protect mountains like this are all set up by their masters, and the energy detonated just now is the power in the barriers.

In other words, the explosion just now came from the blow of Longxue Emperor.

With such a blow, no one among these people can guarantee that they will be able to take it.

In their view, people like Lin Yang should surely die.

But he didn't die...

"What realm is this child?"

Someone couldn't help asking.

They couldn't see through Lin Yang's strength, they only felt that his aura was very stable and impermanent.

"Could it be a land fairyland?"

Qin Jiannv thought for a moment, then suddenly said to herself.

When the young man next to him heard this, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"What a joke in the world! Miss Qing'er, look at this child's bone age, which is never more than thirty. What kind of talent does a land god and fairyland under thirty years old have? I'm afraid he has already entered the list! But Do you think there is such a person on the list?"

Qin and Sword Girl Liu Mei slightly frowned.

She could smell a little familiar smell from Lin Yang, and she felt like he was in a fairyland on land, but she didn't dare to confirm it.

After all, Lin Yang's aura is relatively peaceful, more like a person with low cultivation.

She didn't know that this was a disguise made by Lin Yang in order not to attract people's attention.

But having said that, stepping into the Land of Gods and Immortals before the age of thirty, such a monstrous genius, placed in the underground dragon veins, is enough to amaze one.

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Don't look at Qin Jiannv's cold and beautiful appearance, such as Jiji girl, in fact, she is also fifty or sixty years old.

The people of the underground dragon veins spend most of their time cultivating, and they spend three to five years in seclusion, plus the medicine pills are properly adjusted, so their life expectancy will be two or three times longer than that of ordinary people.

Jiuyu helped Lin Yang, who was covered in blood, hurriedly took out the porcelain bottle on his body, and continued to take pills for him to heal his injuries.

After a while, Lin Yang finally opened his eyes.

"My lord, are you all right?"

"No... nothing..."

Lin Yang pretended to be weak, and then stood up with Jiuyu's support.

Countless people's eyes focused on him.

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