Qin Jiannv stared at Lin Yang silently, and suddenly regretted it in her heart.

She never thought that Lin Yang's strength was so powerful!

"Heavenly fire, thunder technique, and that natural sword, the city is even more unfathomable... When did such a monster emerge from my underground dragon veins?"

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Qin Jiannv whispered.

Under the treatment of Tianshengdao, Lin Yang recovered as before, and all the injuries on his body disappeared.

The Longxue Emperor held the blood knife tightly, his calm expression gradually becoming ferocious.

He knew that if Lin Yang couldn't be beheaded with one blow, then he wouldn't be able to do anything to him at all.

"I don't think you can drag on any longer!"

At this time, Lin Yang spoke up.


Emperor Longxue's eyes tightened, his eyes were cold.

"Isn't it?"

Lin Yang said calmly: "You don't really think that you can hide it from me if you control your breath?"

"Actually, your power of ascension has long been exhausted! Before you dealt with Qin Jiannv and the others, you have already spent a lot of energy. Even if you get replenished later, it won't make up much!"

"In terms of strength, I am by no means your opponent, but if you fight hard now, it is impossible for you to beat me!"

"Continue to drag on, you will only die from exhaustion!"

After these words fell, Qin Jiannv and the others were all startled.

They hurriedly looked at Longxuehuang, but Longxuehuang didn't show the slightest sign of being exhausted.

"Zhuzi, don't guess! The power of the emperor's ascension is like the ocean, endless, not to mention, how much strength is needed to deal with you?"

Emperor Longxue said coldly, and charged towards Lin Yang again.

Lin Yang didn't retreat either, and fought with his saber in hand.

He held the knife in one hand, and launched the strange fire and sky thunder with the other.

The Longxue Emperor's offensive is still extremely intensive, but compared to the previous state, it is obviously much worse.

After the two sides fought again, Qin Jiannv and the others were surprised to find that the Longxue Emperor had lost the astonishing suppressive power he had before, and was on average with Lin Yang, not much advantage...

After this contest, the Longxue Emperor didn't hurt Lin Yang at all, on the contrary, he was almost hurt by Lin Yang...

"Sure enough, he's exhausted!"

Qin Jiannv said in a deep voice.


As a burst pattern bloomed, the Longxue Emperor quickly retreated, distanced himself from Lin Yang.

"Do you still have to hold on? Take a breath if you want to."

Lin Yang said.

Long Xuehuang clenched his teeth, his blood red eyes were full of anger.

He wished he could tear Lin Yang into pieces.

Yes, he was exhausted.

In fact, Lin Yang had been observing the Longxue Emperor before.

The Dragon Blood Emperor's strength is not as powerful as Qin Jiannv and the others thought.

The reason why Emperor Longxue was able to defeat Qin Jiannv by himself was because Emperor Longxue's subordinates and the sound of his scriptures consumed a lot of strength of Qin Jiannv and others.

In the subsequent battle, the Longxue Emperor couldn't stand it anymore.

But he didn't show it. He was worried that Qin Jiannv and the others would fight to the death, so he kept acting like he was walking in the court.

In fact, he only has less than 30% of his strength left.

It was precisely because Lin Yang saw this that he dared to kill the Longxue Emperor to prevent future troubles.

"May I have your name?"

Longxue Huang asked hoarsely.

"Lin Yang!"

"Okay! Very good! Boy, you are special! I will remember you, count your luck today, and we will settle the score slowly in the future!"

Emperor Longxue nodded ferociously, then retracted the blood knife and turned to leave.

"There is no future!"

Lin Yang called out suddenly.

Emperor Longxue's body trembled, but without hesitation, he rushed forward, intending to go down the mountain and leave.

It can be next second.


A golden divine light suddenly rose in all directions.

Then a huge magic circle surrounded the top of the mountain.


The Longxue Emperor was stunned, and immediately launched a blood energy bombardment.


There was an astonishing explosion.

The barrier trembled slightly, but it was not damaged.

This is indeed the barrier of the gods!

"When did the adults arrange it?"

Jiuyu was dumbfounded.

"Brat! Do you really want to fight me to the death?"

The Longxue Emperor roared.

"From the moment I started, between you and me, only one can live!"

"That must be your death!"

The Longxue Emperor roared and rushed towards Lin Yang again.

He understood the strength of this enchantment as soon as he touched it.

It is impossible to escape through the barrier in a short time!

So far, he can only fight Lin Yang to the death.

Lin Yang seemed to have been prepared a long time ago, he sacrificed the Hongmeng Dragon Needle, and rushed over with the Tiansheng knife.

The two sides fought together again.

This time, Lin Yang seemed to have used all his strength without reservation. Facing Longxue Emperor's attack, he no longer dodged, but launched an attack instead.

Longxuehuang's moves were extremely terrifying. When he hit Lin Yang, he immediately peeled off his flesh.

The strength of the supreme bone is also difficult to resist.

But just after the Longxue Emperor had a scar, Lin Yang's body immediately glowed with emerald green light, repairing the scar.

Longxuehuang's breathing trembled.


The sound of flesh being torn was heard.

I saw a deep cut in his arm by the Tiansheng knife, and the bones in his arm were cracked.

The Dragon Blood Emperor also wanted to mobilize the power of Ascension to repair the wound.

But...he's not strong enough!

After a confrontation, the Longxue Emperor was already covered in bruises, but Lin Yang became more and more courageous in the battle, and he was already pressing down on the Longxue Emperor.

"Win! I'm going to win!"

"My God, we're saved! We're saved!"

Killing Axe and the others were extremely excited and shouted again and again.

Even the young master on the boulder over there wept excitedly.

No one thought that they would be rescued by this Lin Yang who had never looked down upon them.

At this time!

Lin Yang slashed at the Longxue Emperor, and the Longxuehuang held the blood knife to meet him.

But with very little qi left, the blood knife that Emperor Longxue used to turn into blood qi was extremely fragile, almost transparent.


The blood knife was chopped into pieces.

The Longxue Emperor hastily raised his arms to resist.


Tian Sheng Dao cut off his arm, and the brutal power of the blade immediately sent him flying.

His body slammed into the barrier of the gods, then rolled down and fell to the ground, blood gushing out continuously.

There was silence all around.

"it's over!"

Lin Yang glanced at Tiansheng Dao, and walked towards Longxue Emperor.

The galloping murderous aura covered the entire heavenly barrier.

Qin Jiannv Qiu's eyes widened, staring blankly.

Suddenly, a bad premonition emerged in her heart...

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