
Seeing Lin Yang stagnate for a while, Qin Jiannv felt a little happy, as if she had grasped a life-saving straw, she quickly said: "The creator of "The Drawing of Ten Thousand Swords" is the painting pen! Little brother, you may not know, this All the swords on the painting of ten thousand swords are from the hand of Hua Jianbi! If I give you both the "Picture of Ten Thousand Swords" and the painting pen of swords in exchange for my life, don't you think about it?"

"Where is the drawing sword pen?"

Lin Yang asked deeply.

"In my piano and sword family."

"What? You want me to go back to the Qin and Sword Family with you, and then let the people of your family tear me into pieces?"

Lin Yang said lightly: "Do you think this is realistic?"

"Little brother! I am not the kind of ungrateful person! I can swear a blood oath here! As long as you spare us, I will return to the Qinjian family immediately, get the painting sword pen, and give it to you! If you If you don’t believe me, you can give me poison! I’m willing to put my life in your hands, and after I get the sword painting pen, you can give me the antidote!”

Qin Jiannv looked earnestly and said anxiously.

Lin Yang fell into silence.

Seeing this, Qin Jiannu hurriedly turned around and shouted: "What are you waiting for? This lord saved my life, shouldn't you show it?"

When people heard this, they came back to their senses just now, and took out the treasures at the bottom of the box from their bodies.

"Show? Of course I have to! My lord, this is my treasure 'Golden Gourd'! Open this bottle, and you can release a terrifying whirlwind of destruction, enough to destroy mountains and seas!"

"My lord, this is my heart-protecting pill. After taking it, it can greatly improve my cultivation. I have been reluctant to use it. I want to swallow it when I break through. Today I will dedicate it to my lord!"

"My lord, and my baby..."

"My lord, this baby is also given to you..."

Everyone held up the treasures they carried on their bodies, with trepidation and fear, and their faces were full of tension.

Seeing this, Lin Yang calmly accepted everyone's treasures one by one.

"You guys are acquainted!" Jiuyu on the trail also hurried over, grinning triumphantly.

"This reward is for you!"

Lin Yang randomly selected two treasures and threw them at Jiuyu.

Jiuyu took it, overjoyed, and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed: "Thank you, leader! Thank you, leader!"

It seems that he already regards himself as a member of the Qingxuan Alliance.

"Get up and talk."

"Yes, lord!"

"Jiuyu, the drawing sword pen of the Qin and Sword Family, have you ever heard of it?"

Lin Yang asked deeply.

Jiuyu rubbed his chin, thought for a moment, nodded and said, "I've indeed heard that the Qin and Sword Family has such a thing."

Lin Yang thought for a while, and spread out Wan Jiantu.

Although there are many swords densely drawn in the entire picture of ten thousand swords, there are still many blank spaces around it.

If it can be filled completely, the power of Wan Jiantu will definitely be able to go up to another level.

He carefully stroked the blueprint of Wanjiantu.

This material is very special, it looks like paper, but it is actually made of energy and special materials.

The entire map of ten thousand swords is like a storage device, and the so-called 'sword' on it is just a sealed energy.

If the energy storage is more sufficient, the power released will naturally be more surging!

Staring at Wan Jiantu for a while, Lin Yang took out a pill from his body and threw it to Qin Jiannv.

"Swallow it."

Without any hesitation, Qin Jiannv stuffed the pill into her mouth and swallowed it.

"Leader, are you really planning to go to the Qin and Sword Family to get a painting brush?"

Jiuyu was in a hurry, and quickly persuaded: "If you do this, you will be a sheep in the mouth of a tiger. How can the Qin and Sword Family be willing to let you take away the "Ten Thousand Swords Picture" and the painting brush? Once they go back on their word, we must If there is no redemption, it is better to kill people and silence them, butcher them all, and then take away the Ten Thousand Swords Diagram, wouldn't it be comfortable?"

However, Lin Yang shook his head.

"It's easy to silence, but it's too difficult to keep a secret. As long as I take out such a special treasure as Wanjiantu and use it, I will reveal my identity! If the Qinjian Family loses Wanjiantu, the whole world will definitely look for it! The Nirvana Realm will also Investigation, unless I don't reveal it to others, it's only a matter of time before the Qin and Sword Family finds me, so why not make a deal with them?"


Jiuyu could not refute.

Seeing this, Qin Jiannv breathed a sigh of relief.

"let's go."

Lin Yang put away the picture of Wanjian and said lightly.

"Good! Good! My lord, let's go to the Qin and Sword Family!"

Qin Jiannv stood up with difficulty, staggering forward...

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