"My lord, although you are younger than me, your strength and medical skills are definitely above mine. You should know better than me whether this girl can be saved! How do you say she can be saved?"

Jiuyu wanted to cry but said without tears.

When these words fell to the ground, Qin Jiannv seemed to realize something, and looked towards Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang said faintly: "She is indeed saved! It's just that these people's rescue methods are wrong."

"Our rescue method is wrong?"

Qin Jiannv immediately looked towards Lin Yang, her tear-stained eyes were full of heat: "Mr. Lin, what do you think we did wrong? Please give me some pointers, no matter what, please help!"

"The strength of this kind of dead air is four to five times stronger than the dead air we have been exposed to in daily life. It is clearly aimed at the medical system of your Qin and Sword family. If you still use conventional methods to treat, just It will drag people to death!"

Lin Yang pointed to Qin Nan on the operating table, and said lightly: "You must change your thinking and start from those parts of her body that have not been corroded by the dead energy!"

"Start at places that are not corroded by death air? This... how to do this?"

"It's easy, cut it off!"


Everyone was startled.

"This is the fastest and most convenient method. If the liver is corroded, cut the liver; if the lungs are corroded, cut the lungs!"

"Is this person still alive?"

"She died a long time ago, what are you worried about?"


"Immediately block the dead air after the cut, continue her life with the power of ascension, and then use the panacea and profound skills of your Qin and Sword family to force her to give birth, so that she can grow a new liver and lung, wouldn't it be enough?"

"The risk is too great, not to mention... her heart has also been eroded, so do I have to gouge it out?"

"That's not the case. The heart is connected to the lifeblood. If the lifeblood is cut off, it will be completely over. Therefore, the lifeblood must be cleared manually!"

Lin Yang glanced at the time and said calmly: "Miss Qinjian, time is running out, you quickly take three ice needles and three fire needles, insert the needles from the atrium, gather at the base of the needles with the force of ascension, and give the needles Heavy, and then use the Jiugong Diagram track to move..."

Qin Jiannv took a breath and looked at Lin Yang in disbelief.

"Miss Qin Jian, are you still not acting? Could it be that you want your sister to die on this operating table?"

"Okay, I'll do it!"

Qin Jiannv came back to her senses suddenly, and immediately fetched nearly a thousand silver needles placed next to her.

After picking out the ice and fire needles, start the needles immediately.

While Lin Yang was talking, she was doing it, not daring to neglect in the slightest.

As the silver needles fell one by one, the dead energy entrenched in Qin Nan's heart was miraculously forced out little by little.

The people at the scene let out a sound of exclamation.

People from the Qin and Sword Family have been treated here for a long time, and they dare not touch the dead energy in their hearts.

You know, the heart is the vital point of a person, the location of the lifeblood!

A little carelessness, and the lifeblood is cut off by the dead energy, that is hopeless!

Moreover, the structure of the heart is extremely complicated, the lifeblood is almost entangled with the whole heart, intricate, who dares to move it?

However, under Lin Yang's guidance, Qin Jiannv not only cleared out all the dead energy, but... it only took less than two minutes!

Qin Jiannv took off the silver needle, and looked at the heart that was not surrounded by the slightest bit of death, and the whole person was a little dazed.

But at this moment, time is money, she immediately turned her head and shouted: "Quick, according to what Mr. Lin said, remove the dead organs attached to Nan'er one by one! Quick!"


Everyone nodded and immediately began to execute.

A tough battle started silently.

Qin Jiannu and the two members of the Qin Jian family were either crazily urging the power of ascension, or crazily dropping needles and knives.

Such high-intensity lasted for more than 20 minutes, and it was finally over.

Qin Jiannv's body swayed a little, her small face was pale, and the fragrant sweat fell like raindrops.

The two members of the Qin and Sword family sat down on the ground.

Looking at Qin Nan who was covered by a white cloth, Jiu Yu saw a faint rosiness on his forehead, and couldn't help shouting: "Alive? Are you really saved?"

"That's great!"

"Miss Qin Jian is too powerful!"

"As expected of a genius from our Qin and Sword family!"

The crowd was very excited and applauded and applauded.

Qin Jiannv glanced at the crowd, but her gaze was fixed on Lin Yang deeply.

She knew how much she weighed, and without Lin Yang's words to help her, Qin Nan would surely die today!

"Mr. Lin, thank you."

Qin Jiannv took out her handkerchief, wiped the sweat off her face, and panted slightly.

"You're welcome, can we trade now?"

Lin Yang said lightly.

"no problem...."

Qin Jiannv nodded, explained, and walked out of the pharmacy.

But just came out.


In the direction of the hall, there was an explosion.

Qin Jiannv's face was stunned.

She hesitated for a while, then turned her head and said, "Mr. Lin, can you be a little later? I want to check the situation in the front hall!"

His brothers and sisters are so miserable, the battle in the front hall must be very tragic.

As the young lady of the piano and sword family, she will naturally step forward at this time.

"I said Miss Qinjian, can't you make a deal with us sooner? It won't delay you for long?"

Jiuyu next to him complained a little.

He couldn't wait to get out of here quickly.

Qin Jiannv shook her head and said solemnly: "It's not me who procrastinates, but the sword drawing pen is placed in the magic circle, and it takes time and effort to activate! If we trade now, I fear that the enemy who invaded will cause more trouble, please allow me First solve the immediate disaster, and then make a deal with you, Mr. Lin, don't worry, my life is still in your hands, and I will not break my promise!"

Seeing Qin Jiannv's serious face, Lin Yang didn't insist, and said, "Then go and have a look."

"Thank you."

Qin Jiannv showed gratitude and hurried to the front hall.

"Master, we don't have to go, do we?"

Jiuyu said in a low voice.

"Go and see."

Lin Yang looked in the direction of the hall in front of him, and said calmly: "The breath overflowing there is quite strange. Qin Jiannv just killed the Longxue Emperor with us, her injuries have not recovered, and her breath has not fully recovered. If she participated in the fight at this moment , if something goes wrong, who will trade with us?"

"This... ok."

Jiuyu shook his head.

Soon, the three arrived in the front hall.

However, as soon as he entered the door of the front hall, a figure covered in blood flew out and fell heavily in front of Lin Yang...

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