People stare.

Xiao Jianyu's swordsmanship was extremely fierce, with tricky angles and deadly moves, locking Lin Yang like a poisonous snake.

But Lin Yang was more than capable, moving like an elf in the shadow of Xiao Jianyu's sword.

This scene is indeed somewhat unexpected.

"Although this person can be regarded as picking up the loopholes, killing the already seriously injured and powerless Longxue Emperor, and may be called by Qing'er to encircle and suppress the existence of the Longxue Emperor, how can he be an ordinary person? Against Xiao Jianyu, there should be some chances of winning!"

Qin Huahai smiled.


Qin Huabobo nodded, but there was a strange light in his eyes.

A series of attacks couldn't do anything to Lin Yang, Xiao Jianyu became a little anxious.

"What? Do you just hide?"

He growled in a low voice.

"Aren't you allowed to hide?"

Lin Yang asked calmly.

In fact, Xiao Jianyu's strength is not bad, normal head-to-head confrontation, Lin Yang still needs a lot of effort to defeat Xiao Jianyu.

But now Xiao Jianyu has a huge weakness.

His physical energy has been consumed a lot.

After defeating many juniors of the Qinjian family one after another, and fighting with the Qinjian girl, his physical strength should be less than 40%.

Although Xiao Jianyu firmly believed that Lin Yang could be destroyed with only 40% of his strength, he never expected that Lin Yang's strength was even more terrifying than him.

"Okay, since you want me not to hide, let's fight face to face!"

Lin Yang said calmly, suddenly stopped and stabilized his body.

Xiao Jianyu was overjoyed, and immediately raised his sword to strike, locking Lin Yang's eyebrows.

The surging force of ascension attached to the blade, like a cannonball ready to go.

As long as even a strand of Lin Yang's hair touches the blade, the terrifying power of ascension on the blade will instantly spread throughout Lin Yang's body through the strands of hair, tearing him apart completely!

But at this critical moment.


A crisp sound spread.

Afterwards, a snow-white long knife lay across in front of Lin Yang, precisely resisting Xiao Jianyu.

Xiao Jianyu was stunned for a moment, and quickly increased the urging of the power of ascension, trying to shake Lin Yang's knife away.

It can be next second.


A dull sound came from the place where the sword collided.

Immediately afterwards, a tyrannical force instantly sent Xiao Jianyu flying.

Xiao Jianyu was caught off guard, and flew out of the room with his sword and fell heavily on the gate. After landing, his body trembled, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood.

"Land fairy?"

Qin Hua Piaobo and others all stared.


"Young master!"

Xiao Jianyu's followers hurried over and helped him up.

"Go away!"

Xiao Jianyu was furious, pushed away the people around, and got up suddenly.

At this time, his hair was disheveled, his face was pale, and he was extremely embarrassed.

But his eyes were burning with anger.

Ever since he initiated the challenge in the Qin and Sword Family, he has never suffered such a big loss...

"Young master, this son is a land god, and I don't know what state he has reached. Although you are new to the fairyland, you may suffer losses if you fight with this person. If it is not possible, we can leave first!"

The old man felt bad and immediately drank in a low voice.

"He doesn't look as old as I am! At such a young age, he must have just stepped into the realm of land immortals! How can I be afraid of him?"

Xiao Jianyu gritted his teeth and growled.


"I haven't lost yet! How can I run away? So, how can I explain when I go back?"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Jianyu raised his sword again and came to kill.

But Lin Yang was not used to him at all, he snorted coldly, and attacked with his sword.

Xiao Jianyu wanted to attack at first, but when he got close, Lin Yang swung endless sword shadows, trying to devour him.

Looking at the unparalleled sword shadows, Xiao Jianyu's heart was about to jump into his throat....

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