"I said it, it's not that I don't want to show you face, it's because I have something urgent to do, so I can't stay for a long time!"

Lin Yang glanced at these people and saw that everyone was serious and ready to fight, so he knew that it would not be easy to leave.

Jiuyu next to him was ready to rush out of the mansion.

Qin Jiannv went straight forward and shouted coldly: "Cao Jing! What are you doing?"


The leading man bowed his head immediately.

"Mr. Lin is my friend, who will stop him with your courage?" Qin Jiannv reprimanded.

"Miss, the master has prepared a banquet. When Mr. Lin is seated, Mr. Lin will leave soon. Where will the Qin and Sword Family be placed?"

The man named Cao Jing clasped his fists together: "Mr. Lin, if you have to leave, for the sake of the lady, we dare not stop you, but please go to the main hall, toast the master with a glass of wine, and explain your intention to go. It also saves making it difficult for us little ones!"

"What if I have to take Mr. Lin away?"

Qin Jiannv said coldly.

Cao Jing didn't speak, but slowly touched the knife at his waist.

Qin Jiannv's complexion suddenly changed, and then she flew into a rage, and she also mobilized her energy to prepare to strike.

"Forget it, let me go to the main hall and talk to your father!"

Seeing that the scene was already tense, Lin Yang said loudly immediately.

"Mr. Lin?"

Qin Jiannv frowned.

"It's okay, there's no need to disturb your family because of such a trivial matter."

Lin Yang smiled, then turned and walked towards the main hall.

Qin Jiannv was worried and immediately followed.

Although she and Lin Yang were regarded as an agreement relationship before, and the two sides were still enemies strictly speaking, but since Lin Yang rescued Qin Sheng and even defeated Xiao Jianyu at a critical moment, Qin Jiannv's attitude towards Lin Yang has changed.

Moreover, Lin Yang dared to detoxify her in the Qin and Sword Family.

From Qin Jiannv's point of view, Lin Yang trusts her very much.

So she also treats Lin Yang as a friend.

On the main hall.

The banquet has been rolled out.

All the high-level officials of the Qin and Sword Family were seated.

Food and wine filled the table.

Lin Yang was very surprised. The place called Underground Dragon Vein didn’t even have a single bird, let alone a bird. Where did these people get so many fresh ingredients?

Could it be that there are some professional merchants in the underground dragon veins who specialize in selling things brought from the Nirvana Realm?

"Yo! Brother Lin is here? Come, come, sit down!"

Qin Huahai immediately got up and walked forward with a smile.

"Second Master, you are too polite."

Lin Yang cupped his hands.

"Brother Lin, this banquet is not only to welcome you, but also to thank you for your kindness to the Qin and Sword Family. Please take a seat. Today I will not return until I am drunk!"

Sitting in the main seat, Qin Hua drifted and said with a smile.

"Patriarch Qinjian is too polite! Mr. Lin came to bid farewell to the Patriarch. Mr. Lin still has important things to do, so he couldn't stay here for long, so he offered a toast and left. Please forgive me, Patriarch Qinjian."

Lin Yang said lightly.

"Are you going to leave? It's not too late to leave after this feast!"

"Mr. Lin, give me a chance, let's have a drink!"

"Yes, Mr. Lin, don't rush to leave!"

People from the Qin and Sword families on both sides persuaded one after another.

But Qinhuayouyou raised his hand and said with a faint smile, "Your ambition is everywhere, Brother Lin has something to do, we should be considerate!"

After finishing speaking, he stood up and shouted: "Come here, pour wine!"


A servant immediately filled a glass of wine and brought it to Lin Yang.

Qin Hua Piaobo also raised his wine glass and shouted loudly: "Come on, let's toast Brother Lin together!"



Everyone got up one after another.

Lin Yang took the wine glass and was about to drink it when suddenly he seemed to sniff

Seeing something, the eyebrows moved slightly, but he quickly smiled calmly and drank all the wine in the glass.

"Good drinker!"

Qin Huabobo nodded, her face full of admiration.

"Patriarch Qinjian, farewell!"

Lin Yang clasped his fists and said.

"There will be a period later!"

Qin Hua drifted and smiled lightly.

Lin Yang stopped talking nonsense, turned around and hurried away with Jiuyu.


When passing by Qin Jiannv, Qin Jiannv was about to say hello, but seeing Lin Yang gave her a deep look, she walked outside without looking back.

The words Qin Jiannv was about to say immediately stuck in her throat.

She looked a little ugly, thought for a while, and suddenly realized something, walked up quickly, and took the wine glass Lin Yang used from the servant's hand.

Sniffed, no smell.

I took out the silver needle and tried it, but there was still no abnormality.

"Don't try it! There is medicine in the wine!"

At this time, Qin Hua Piaobo said lightly.

"Father, did you poison Mr. Lin?"

Qin Jiannv couldn't believe it.

"It's not poison, it's medicine."

Qin Hua drifted calmly and said: "He drank that glass of wine, it wouldn't have any effect on his body, I didn't intend to poison him, otherwise if things got out, outsiders would say that my Qin and Sword family was ungrateful and poisoned my benefactor, wouldn't we Face ruined?"

"Then this medicine..."

"It's a tracking drug!"

Qin Hua wanders indifferently.

"Tracking medicine?"

Qin Jiannv was taken aback.

"Second brother, has the news spread?" Qin Huabobo looked sideways at Qin Huahai.

"It has spread, the reward union in the city has also released a list of rewards, deliberately adjusted the amount to the maximum, and now Lin Yang's reward ranking... is number one!"

Qin Huahai said hoarsely.

"That's good!"

Qin Hua said indifferently: "Immediately send someone to provide Lin Yang's traces to all those who accept the reward task. Listen, do it more covertly, and don't be discovered that my Qin and Sword family is behind the scenes!"

"yes, Sir...."

Qin Huahai nodded and left in a hurry.

Qin Jiannv's face changed in horror.

She never thought that her father would give Lin Yang this kind of medicine!

In this way, this medicine is a thousand times, ten thousand times more fierce and vicious than poison...

"Father, you are so cruel..."

Qin Jiannv lowered her eyes and said hoarsely.

"I'm for you!"

Qin Hua drifted and snorted coldly: "Could it be...you don't want to be selected as the Seven Martial Gods?"

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