Qinglang turned over and dismounted with a dozen of his men.

The rugged mountain roads with strange rocks are no longer suitable for horses.

While looking at the box in his hand, Qinglang slowly pulled out the long knife from his waist.

"My lord! What's the situation?"

The person next to him lowered his voice and asked.

"The other party is hiding in this mountain!"

Qinglang said coldly.

"Hiding here? Heh, it looks like he really doesn't know that someone has drugged and marked his body! He still wants to hide?"

"Extremely ridiculous!"

Several people laughed in a low voice.

"Don't be careless!"

Qinglang's eyes turned cold, and he shouted in a low voice: "This mountain is very strange, and there are countless caves and caves on the cliffs. If the other party lays an ambush, we will be very passive!"

Everyone nodded, and took out their weapons like Qinglang.

"My lord, can I find out the exact location of that person?"

someone asked.

Qinglang didn't speak, just looked down, and then took a few steps forward.

He frowned, looked ahead, and took a few steps forward.

After standing still, he moved forward another ten steps...

People looked at each other.

"grown ups?"

Ask carefully.

"He seems to be right ahead!"

Qinglang said in a deep voice.


People all raised their eyes.

The front is still an open area, and there are not many places to hide.

The crowd looked left and right, but they didn't find Lin Yang at all!

"My lord, I didn't see anyone!"

A short-haired man carefully walked to the open space ahead with a knife in his hand, checked the places where people could hide, and said involuntarily.

Qinglang stared at the front for a while, seeing that Lin Yang was nowhere to be seen, he immediately rushed forward a few steps.

buzz buzz...

The box in his hand trembled slightly, and the ripples of the liquid in the box became more and more violent.

"That's right! He's here, and right beside us!"

Qinglang suddenly raised his head and shouted.

"But my lord, there is no one!"

"try to find!"


Everyone spread out in all directions, looking for those strange rocks and holes.

"My lord! No one here!"

"My lord, there is none here!"

"I didn't see that either!"

"My lord... are you sure the tracking fluid in your hand is good?"

The subordinates shouted and even questioned.

Qinglang's eyes were also full of confusion, looking at the box in his hand, he couldn't figure out what was going on!

While looking at the liquid, he moved forward.

With the movement of his steps, the splash of the ripples is still going up, almost splashing out of the box!

Qinglang can even feel the tingling sensation of the box caused by the violent shaking of the liquid!

"Yes! It's coming soon! It's coming soon!"

Qinglang couldn't find Lin Yang, so he could only rely on the position of the box to move it a little bit.

The liquid kept tumbling, from the previous small 'spray' to the 'monstrous wave' inside the box.

The numbness felt in the palm of the hand became stronger and more terrifying!

Qinglang's breathing was frozen, and his steps were much faster.

But at this moment.


The soles of Qinglang's feet that were walking forward suddenly fixed, and the whole person stopped.

He widened his eyes and looked at the box in his hand.

But the ripples in the box suddenly disappeared!


Qinglang was stunned.

At this time, the vision reappeared.

Ripples appeared again, but this time instead of rippling forward, it rippled...backward....

"Behind me?"

Qinglang turned pale in shock and turned around abruptly.

But behind him... there is nothing!

how so?

not good!

Could it be that...

Qinglang's pupils swelled wildly, just as he was about to raise his saber.


A snow-white long knife suddenly shot out from the void, directly piercing Qinglang's mouth!

Qinglang froze immediately!

The hand that swung the knife could not fall.

In the void in front of him, a burst of electricity flashed, and then a figure slowly appeared.

Then...it is Lin Yang!

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