"it's me!"

Holding the Tiansheng knife, Lin Yang put on a fighting posture, ready to activate the invisibility cloak at any time and kill this person.

"That's easy!"

The man on the horse nodded, and suddenly raised the sword in his hand, the sword was out of its sheath, and swung it at Lin Yang.


The terrifying power of ascension rushed out from the scabbard and smashed towards Lin Yang fiercely.

The speed is so fast that it is simply incredible!

Before Lin Yang had time to react, he was swallowed by the power of ascension.

bang bang bang bang...

The force of ascension slammed and tore his body, and smashed the surrounding ground as well.

For a moment, the ground burst, trembling, and dust flying.

Qin Jiannv breathed tremblingly, looked at Lin Yang covered in dust in shock, her head was buzzing.

Could it be... Lin Yang was instantly killed?

is also like this!

After all, that is the attendant of the Valkyrie!

What does Lin Yang use to compete with the attendants of the Valkyrie?

Qin Jiannv felt melancholy and couldn't adapt.

But now is not the time to think about that.

Qin Jiannv retreated again and again, trying to escape from here.

She couldn't guarantee whether the Martial God attendant would kill Lin Yang by the way.

The smoke cleared.

The dust settled.

But he saw that the place where Lin Yang was standing was empty.

Sure enough, is he still dead?

Qin Jiannv sighed in her heart and was about to turn around.

Suddenly, she seemed to notice something, and quickly looked at the position where Lin Yang was standing before.

A big pit appeared there, and the ground was cracked, very hideous.


Not a bit of blood and flesh!

Unless this Valkyrie attendant's attack just now can turn a land god into ashes, there will be blood and flesh splashed on the ground no matter what!

But it was clean there.

There is only one possibility!

Lin Yang is not dead!

as expected.

Just when Qin Jiannv's thoughts were spinning rapidly...


A blade of light suddenly shot out from the side of the Valkyrie attendant, slashing at his body fiercely.


The Valkyrie attendant frowned, and immediately moved away to hide.

Chi la!

The attendant of the Valkyrie escaped smoothly, but the horse under his crotch was cut in two, and the blood and internal organs were splashed.

"Mr. Lin?"

Qin Jiannv was shocked to the extreme.

How could Lin Yang appear in that position?


The servant of the Martial God was also quite surprised, and carefully scanned Lin Yang who appeared with a knife: "What kind of exercise is this?"

"Cultivation techniques you don't understand!"

Lin Yang said calmly, and suddenly rushed forward.


The person disappeared again.


Qin Jiannv's pretty face almost froze!

Is this Lin Yang's speed?

So fast that the body can completely disappear?


The land fairyland must not have such a speed! Even if it is the realm above the gods, it is absolutely impossible!

Could it be that the realm of this person's strength is several grades higher than that of the Immortal Realm?

Qin Jiannv couldn't help trembling slightly all over.

Judging from Lin Yang's bone age, he is definitely not more than thirty years old!

A 30-year-old land fairy...is enough to amaze the entire underground dragon vein!

And above the thirty-year-old god! Even above the gods...


I must be crazy!

Qin Jiannv was almost unsteady, she quickly supported the stone next to her, breathing heavily.

At this moment, her brain is like a ball of paste, and it is already difficult to think...

If Lin Yang is really as she imagined, the existence of several realms above the gods, in comparison, she, the first genius of the piano and sword family, and the existence of evildoers in Misty City, how rubbish is it?

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