
The attendant of the Valkyrie was a little surprised, he quickly raised his sword and swung his sword energy towards the thunder that fell.


Jinglei was collided with sword energy and exploded in mid-air.

But a large number of splashed lightning flowers still fell down.

The Valkyrie attendant felt the intensity of the thunder and had to dodge left and right.

"How many can you avoid?"

Lin Yang sat up with difficulty, raised the Tiansheng knife, and faced the attendants of the Valkyrie from the air.





The lightning in the dark cloud vented wildly, and slashed at the attendants of the Valkyrie.

There are more than a dozen paths in a row.

The ground was shaken to pieces.

Thunder and lightning drifted around like snowflakes.

The Valkyrie attendant kept dodging, trying to avoid the thunder and lightning.

But the lightning is too dense, and the roads are thicker than tree trunks, it is impossible to completely avoid it.

"That's all!"

The Valkyrie attendant snorted coldly, and suddenly clasped the hilt of his sword with both hands, and stabbed violently towards the ground.

"Sword Gang divine power!"


The divine light of the Qiushui sword rose brightly, and at the same time, the sword energy was released violently, quickly wrapping the servant of the Valkyrie, turning it into a shield of sword energy.

The thunder that poured down slashed fiercely on the sword qi cover, but it couldn't be smashed at all.

This kind of defense is terrible!

Lin Yang urged down more than a dozen thunderbolts, and the sword aura remained motionless!

Lin Yang stopped.

"Why did you stop? Continue! I want to see how much power you have to ascend! Continue to strike!"

The Valkyrie attendant narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"No need to use thunder!"

Lin Yang suddenly put down the Tiansheng knife in his hand, panting slightly.


The Valkyrie attendant was startled: "Then what method did you use?"


Lin Yang sneered.


A wall of fire suddenly sprang up around the Valkyrie's attendant, directly wrapping him inside.

It turned out that Jinglei was just to confuse the servants of the Valkyrie, and the real killer move was the strange fire arranged by Lin Yang in advance!

The strange fire completely blocked the retreat of the servants of the Valkyrie.

Not only the four directions of east, west, north, south, but even the top were covered by strange fire.

At this moment, the Valkyrie attendant was completely submerged in the flames.

Lin Yang didn't dare to hesitate, and continued to activate the power of ascension.

The flames burned more and more vigorously.

"Very good!"

Seeing this, Qin Jiannv was overjoyed immediately.

Lin Yang controlled the strange fire, and compressed it towards the middle bit by bit.

This kind of strange fire released with the purest power of ascension has a terrifyingly high temperature.

Even if the servant of the Valkyrie has the peak strength of the land gods and fairyland, he will not be spared!

The flames blazed.

The earth is roasted.

The astonishing flame directly raised the temperature of the entire strange mountain by nearly 100 degrees.

And outside the strange mountain.

People from the Qin and Sword Family all looked up, each and every one of them was terrified.

At this time, Qin Huahai hurried over.

"Brother! I'm sure! The person who went in not long ago is indeed an attendant of the Valkyrie, there's nothing wrong with that!"

Qin Huahai panted and said: "Our people just sent a message from the reward union, and there is indeed a Valkyrie attendant who has accepted the reward!"


Qin Hua's wandering eyes suddenly turned cold, and she said in a deep voice, "If that's the case, it will be troublesome!"

"Brother, the servants of the Valkyrie are not easy to mess with. Not only are they powerful, but they also have the backing of the Valkyrie! How can they be offended?"

Qin Jianli next to her trembled.

The Seven Martial Gods are the seven supreme existences of the underground dragon veins, each of whom is extremely powerful and terrifying.

Although the Qinjian family can be regarded as a big family in Piaomiao City, looking at the entire underground dragon vein, it is not very outstanding.

How dare they fight against the Valkyrie? That will only bring disaster to the family!

"The attendant of the Martial God cannot be provoked. At this point, we can only pray that the boy surnamed Lin can keep the "Picture of Ten Thousand Swords" and the painting brush!"

Qin Hua wanders and sinks.

"Brother, are they all right?"

Qin Huahai asked.

Qin Huabobo glanced at the two tracers in his hand, but said nothing.

The effect of the tracking fluid is still there, proving that both Lin Yang and Qin Jiannv are still alive.

But facing the attendants of the Valkyrie, how long can they last?

Inside the strange mountain.

The different fire kept compressing, gnawing at the position of Valkyrie's attendant bit by bit.

Terrible temperatures have melted the ground into magma....

Qin Jiannv stared at it.

Lin Yang also crazily vented his ascension power.

The whistling power of ascension gushed out of his body, pouring into those strange fires like a rushing river.

The strange fire burned more vigorously.

Burn everything!


At this moment, a strange noise spread.

Then the ground shook violently.

Lin Yang was startled, as if he had guessed something, and hurriedly dispersed the strange fire.

"What are you doing?"

Qin Jiannv was stunned, but soon she understood.

I saw the strange fire that was gradually extinguished, and there was no longer the figure of the Valkyrie's attendant, but a hole appeared in the position where he stood!


Qin Jiannv was dripping with cold sweat.

The quality of the rocks in this strange mountain is extraordinary, and it is extremely difficult to cut, but the servants of the Valkyrie can easily dig out a hole for escape!


At this time, the ground trembled slightly again.

Cracks gradually appeared on the ground under Lin Yang's feet.

"Not good! Mr. Lin, flash!"

The Qin and Sword Girl shouted.

But it was too late.


The ground exploded.

The servants of the Martial God, one person and one sword, pierced through the ground instantly, rushed out of the ground, and stabbed Lin Yang.

Lin Yang's eyes tightened, and he raised his arms across his chest.


A large amount of frost condensed on his arm immediately, turning into an ice shield, resisting the attacking sharp sword.

"The power of ice and fire?"

The Valkyrie attendant was stunned, but the sword didn't stop.


The sword lightly pierced through Lin Yang's arm and pierced into his chest again.

In front of this sharp Qiushui sword, the ice shield has no defense at all!

The Martial God attendant pushed the long sword forward, pushing Lin Yang forward.

Lin Yang was pierced through his left arm and chest by the sword at the same time, and he was already unable to move. People can't help but retreat.

"The weak, it's over!"

The Valkyrie attendant smiled coldly, and immediately exerted his strength to gather sword energy to explode from the sword body.

In that case, Lin Yang would be crushed to pieces!

However, at this critical moment, Lin Yang suddenly let go of the Tiansheng knife, his right hand turned into a hand knife, and slashed fiercely at the Qiushui sword.

The Valkyrie attendant was stunned.


I saw that the incomparably sharp divine sword was chopped off by Lin Yang's hand knife.

Unarmed... breaking the blade?

When this scene appeared, both Qin Jiannv and Valkyrie's attendants were all dumbfounded.

However, Lin Yang didn't stop, he swung his left arm suddenly, and pulled out the broken blade from his chest. Ignoring the pain, he slammed down one arm of the Valkyrie attendant, clasping his five fingers tightly to prevent him from escaping.

Afterwards, that terrifying hand knife slashed at the face of Valkyrie's attendant again!


The servant of the Martial God turned pale with fright, and wanted to retreat, but Lin Yang grabbed his arm tightly...

Can't break free at all!

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