At the entrance of the underground dragon vein.

Jiuyu was walking back and forth in front of a big rock with his hands behind his back.

He had been waiting here for a whole day, but he hadn't seen Lin Yang appear yet.

"That adult must have had an accident, right?"

"What should I do? If something goes wrong with that lord, the world is so big, where can I stay?"

Jiuyu was burning with anxiety, murmured, and was about to turn around and go to Piaomiao City, looking for Lin Yang.

But just as he turned around, he saw a figure standing in front of him.


Jiuyu drank loudly and immediately drew out his weapon.

"It's me, don't make a fuss."

"My lord? You are here!"

Jiuyu saw clearly that it was Lin Yang who came, and immediately burst into tears and trembled with excitement.

He looked up and down, and then circled around Lin Yang.

"What are you looking at?"

Lin Yang asked a little funny.

"My lord, are you all right?"

"What can I do?"

"It's fine as long as it's fine. While I was waiting here, I chatted with a few passers-by, saying that you seem to have been placed on the reward list and accepted by a master... Now it seems that those The so-called masters are nothing more than that! They are no match for our lord!"

Jiuyu laughed.

"It's okay, the main reason is that I have a few life-saving treasures!"

Lin Yang smiled.

"Thanks to Xu Zheng this time, I didn't expect the high-tech products developed by his team to bring such unexpected joy to people. Without these treasures, I am afraid that a Valkyrie attendant will be enough for me to deal with!"

Not to mention the amazing invisibility cloak, the quantum optical cutting line that can easily cut the blade is really shocking.

After returning, we must allocate more funds to Xu Zheng, recruit more talents, and continue to develop these unique equipment.

However at this time.


Jiuyu suddenly sat down on the ground, looking at Lin Yang in horror.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Lin Yang asked curiously.

Jiuyu trembled all over, opened his mouth, and tremblingly said: "No, Mr. Lin, what you said just now... what did you say is enough for you?"

"A servant of the Valkyrie!"

Lin Yang said.

"Wu...a servant of the God of War?"

Jiuyu almost bit his tongue, tremblingly said: "Are you... are you sure you are the attendant of the Martial God?"

"Then there can be mistakes. People from the Qin and Sword Family are all here. I will admit my mistakes, but they will definitely not admit their mistakes."

Lin Yang smiled.

Jiuyu was stunned for a while, and then asked tremblingly: "Then... this Martial God attendant... What... what's wrong?"

"Dead, the corpse was burned by me, it is impossible to revive."

Lin Yang said.


Immediately, Jiuyu kicked his legs and fainted from fright.

"Hello? Are you okay?"

Lin Yang quickly pinched the person and rubbed the temple.

It took a while for Jiuyu to wake up.

He grabbed Lin Yang's hand and shouted eagerly: "Master Lin, we can't stay here anymore, run! Run quickly..."


"You killed the attendant of the Valkyrie, and the Valkyrie will never let you go! Run! Run!"

"How can I be reconciled to leaving like this before my work is finished? What's more, if the Valkyrie wants to destroy me, even if I leave the underground dragon vein, you can guarantee that he will not chase me to the Nirvana Realm?"

Lin Yang shook his head and said with a faint smile: "I can't hide, all I can do is face it!"

"Are you crazy? What do you use to fight the Martial God? That's one of the seven strongest underground dragons!"

Jiuyu was almost roaring.

"If you can't fight, you can hide. As long as you don't die, there is always a moment to win."

Lin Yang said calmly.

Jiuyu covered his face and wept, it seemed that he was really frightened.

"Okay, don't cry, Jiuyu, I want you to protect me, I will retreat for two days."


"Well, find a mountain to look at for me, it's good there!"

Lin Yang pointed to the Short Head Mountain not far away, and walked directly.

Jiuyu's legs were still a little weak.

But things have come to this, what can he do?

"Who did I provoke? Why are you so unlucky!"

Jiuyu cursed in pain, stomped his feet, and had no choice but to follow.


In front of a magnificent palace.

A figure wearing a golden armor with a blood-red cloak behind him walked out slowly.

On both sides of this figure, stood twelve men and women with terrifying auras.

Without exception, these men and women all wear capes, but the armor on their bodies is all bright silver, and they are all heroic and imposing.

But what is even more frightening is their breath.

Just getting close to this, Qin Hua Piaobo and others can feel a burst of depression, the closer they are, the harder it is to breathe.

When it was about to approach, everyone couldn't hold on any longer, and knelt on the ground one by one, breathing hard.

Everyone in the Qin and Sword Family was terrified, their faces were covered with cold sweat, and they didn't dare to raise their heads.

Qin Hua Piao Po supported his body and shouted loudly: "The sinner Qin Hua Piao, brought all the sinners of the Qin and Sword Family, and kowtowed to the Martial God to plead guilty. , I also ask Lord Martial God to give me a punishment!"

The sound fell, and people's heads hit the ground heavily.

The golden figure glanced at the coffin indifferently, never looking at the group of people kneeling on the ground.

I saw him raise his hand slightly.


The thick coffin burst on the spot.

A scorched black corpse wearing brand new clothes fell out of it.

The figure grasped from the air.

The charred corpse flew over and floated in front of him.

The figure observed slightly, and said expressionlessly: "Heavenly fire?"

"Yes... yes, after the servant died, he was burned by the thief with strange fire, and there is no hope of saving him..."

Qin Hua drifted with a heartbroken look and said: "My lord, I am guilty. I killed the servant, please punish me... woo woo..."

The members of the Qin and Sword Family all cried out, heartbroken.

It can be next second.


The charred body of the Valkyrie attendant suddenly exploded.

Everyone stopped crying instantly, shocked to the extreme.

"A dead dog, I don't care, I just want to know one thing."

The figure stared blankly at Qin Hua drifting.

Qin Hua Piaobo trembled all over, hurriedly kowtowed: "What do you want to know, my lord?"

"Did that person know before killing my dog ​​that... this dog was mine?"


"That's it!"

The figure said calmly: "Who is that person...?"

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