gurgle gurgle...


The strange lights flickering frequently in the mountain suddenly disappeared.

Jiuyu was startled, thinking that Lin Yang was about to leave the customs, so he quickly called out.

"My lord, have you finished your practice?"

However, Lin Yang could not get a reply.

Sir, what is this cultivation for? Why so long?

Jiuyu was perplexed.

But it was the old man who made him even more restless.

Why haven't you come back after going for a long time?

thump, thump, thump, thump...

At this time, there was a sound of galloping horses on the avenue.

Jiuyu was overjoyed.


He poked his head out hastily.

But I saw a group of men and women wearing orchid-patterned sword suits rushing to the foot of the mountain on horseback.


When Jiuyu saw this group of people, his face turned pale with fright, and he hurried to escape.

It can be next second.


A sword qi strikes, slashing heavily at Jiuyu's side.

Caught off guard, Jiuyu was immediately blown away by the sword energy, and fell heavily to the ground.

He staggered and got up quickly.

I saw the group of people up and down riding their horses and running towards the mountain.

Jiuyu was so frightened that he lost his mind and hurried up.

He glanced at the group of people out of the corner of his eye, but saw that the old man selling wine and meat was also among them.

"Stinky old man! Did you find these people?"

Jiuyu cursed while running away.

"Jiuyu, don't you know that you are already wanted by the master? The liquor sellers in the entire underground dragon vein have got your wanted warrant, and all the pills on you are from the master. As long as you use them, you will have nothing to lose." Hide away!"

The first one-eyed short-haired woman said coldly.

The woman's figure is extremely hot, she is wearing a leather jacket, the thing on her chest is ready to be seen, and her facial features are quite beautiful.

But wearing black eyepatch, very dazzling.

With the medical skills of underground dragon veins, severed hands and feet can be regenerated, and a blind eye can also be restored.

But women wear blindfolds, how unique?

When Jiuyu heard this, he immediately realized that the pills he had spent had exposed his identity, so he could only grit his teeth and continue running.

"Jiuyu, don't run away. You failed the mission and didn't go back to report to the master. You have betrayed the master. If you go back with us obediently now, there is still a whole body. If you continue to be stubborn, then what is waiting for you, It will be torture that is worse than death!"

The one-eyed woman scolded loudly.

When Jiuyu heard this, his face turned pale, and he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Commander Yu! Can you let me go? There is nothing in the Nirvana Realm that the master wants me to collect. If it were you, it would be impossible to complete this task." ! The master clearly wants me to die!"

"If you want to die, you die, how can you escape?"

The one-eyed woman snorted.

"Are you really refusing to give me any way out?"

Jiuyu collapsed a bit.

"Why should the owner give a dog a living?"

The one-eyed woman said coldly, then pulled out an exaggerated giant sword behind her back, held the sword with one hand, and swung it in the direction of Jiuyu across the air.


A terrifying sword energy several feet long flew towards Jiuyu quickly.

Jiuyu was horrified, and hurriedly mobilized the power of Ascension to resist.


Immediately after the sword energy touched its soaring power, it exploded, turning into thousands of tiny fragments of the sword energy, which ruthlessly penetrated into Jiuyu's flesh.

In an instant, Jiuyu flew out again, hit the mountain wall, then rolled and landed, unable to move, his body was dripping with blood.

The one-eyed woman and her companions galloped over on horseback, and immediately surrounded Jiuyu.

"Don't kill me...don't...don't kill me..."

Jiuyu shouted tremblingly, his eyes full of fear.

"Don't worry, we won't kill you, you are a sinner, the master has already planned to punish you!"

The one-eyed woman snorted, "Take it away!"


One immediately grabbed Jiuyu and put it on the horse's back.

Jiuyu trembled wildly, sweat dripping continuously.

He wanted to resist, but looking at the shining blades around him, how dare he act recklessly?

But once caught by the master, what greeted him would be endless torture.

what to do?

what to do?

Jiuyu was going crazy.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and immediately opened his throat and screamed.

"My lord! Help me! My lord... Please come and save me quickly! Please come to Qinglian Palace and save me quickly! My lord..."

The one-eyed woman and the others were particularly astonished by Jiuyu's sudden yelling.

The one-eyed woman directly kicked Jiuyu's abdomen hard.


The violent impact made Jiuyu's whole body curl up.

He was in so much pain that he couldn't speak, and the cold sweat on his face became worse.

"Who are you asking for help?"

The one-eyed woman asked coldly.

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